Saturday, October 12, 2013

Weekly Republican Address Buck McKeon 10/12/13 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT VIDEO

Weekly Republican Address Buck McKeon 10/12/13 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT VIDEO. In this week's address, Chairman Buck McKeon describes how both parties came together this week to make sure that the families of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country were given the benefits they deserve. This bipartisanship should continue, both as we look towards ways at reopening our entire government, and as we tackle our nation's enormous debt. After all, sitting down and resolving our differences is exactly what Americans expect their leaders to do.


"Hello, I’m Buck McKeon, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.

"For all the focus on disagreements in Washington, we’ve actually found some common ground this week.

"On Thursday, President Obama signed legislation that guarantees death benefits for the families of fallen troops will continue to be paid out during the government shutdown.

"We’ve also come together to ensure that members of our military and the civilians who support them will be paid no matter what.

"We shouldn’t stop there.

"The House has passed more than a dozen bills providing funding for things we can all agree on.

"Veterans, cancer research, National Guard, national parks, Head Start, food safety, flight safety, border security, nuclear weapon security, and more.

"President Obama and Senate Democrats should back these bills immediately.

"Then the president should work with us on plans to reopen the entire government and make sure we do not default on our debts.

"After all, sitting down and resolving our differences is exactly what Americans expect their leaders to do – especially at times like this.

"To that end, a group of House Republicans, including myself, went to the White House on Thursday to talk with the president and see where we can find common ground. Those conversations are continuing.

"Now, I’m sure all this back-and-forth has sounded like the typical Washington drama. But politics isn’t about politicians. It isn’t about Washington. It’s about you and your family.

"It’s about building an economy that generates good-paying jobs and real prosperity.

"It’s about making sure there’s fairness for everyone under the president’s health care law – so that hardworking people like you get the same relief big businesses have received.

"It’s about stemming the tide of debt and deficits that threatens to wash out an entire generation’s opportunities.

"And it's about ensuring our troops in harm's way, and their families, are taken care of, the same way they take care of us at home.

"Preserving the American Dream. That’s what this is about.

"And the longer we go on settling for maybe-next-time, for this notion that putting things off until after the next election is okay, the harder this will get.

"It’s a challenge, but we can do this. Let’s get back to work, together.

"Thank you for listening."

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Congressman Rob Bishop Votes to Provide Security and Support to Families of Fallen Heroes

WASHINGTON— Today, Congressman Rob Bishop (UT-01) voted in support the Honoring the Families of Fallen Soldiers Act and the Flight Safety Act. The Senate must vote in support of both bills before they go to the President for signature.

Congressman Rob Bishop

“The House continues to work toward addressing the unintended consequences that have come as a result of President Obama and Senator Harry Reid’s refusal to work with us on a budget agreement. There is certainly common ground that can be found in all of this but it takes the willingness of both parties in both chambers of Congress to come together. Today, both democrats and republicans came together to pass legislation that will fund the Federal Aviation Administration, which helps ensure safe air travel across the country.

We also passed legislation supporting the families of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. The Administration should choose to restore payments to these families immediately. In the event that they don’t, this legislation will ensure that families get the benefits necessary to address their needs during this difficult time. These families should not have had to worry in the first place and shame on President Obama for not stepping up to the plate to reassure them that they would receive the help and support they deserve. It appears the Administration allowed this matter to linger as part of their efforts to be as vindictive about the shutdown as possible. The Senate should pass both bills immediately,” said Bishop.

Washington, Oct 9 | Washington Office 123 Cannon Building Washington, DC 20515 ph: 202-225-0453 fax: 202-225-5857