Saturday, March 31, 2012

John Boehner Weekly Republican GOP Address Challenging President Obama to Back House-Passed Energy Bills 03/31/12 TEXT PODCAST VIDEO

John Boehner Weekly Republican GOP Address Challenging President Obama to Back House-Passed Energy Bills 03/31/12 TEXT PODCAST VIDEO. Podcast of the address: Download MP3 for PODCAST || FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT BELOW. || Download Video [.mpeg] || Download Video [.mp4]

***EMBARGOED UNTIL 3/31/12, 6:00 A.M. EST***

Washington (Mar 31) In the Weekly Republican Address, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) challenges President Obama to press for Senate action on bipartisan, House-passed energy bills. All of these bills have passed with bipartisan support, and many are backed by the president’s own jobs council. The address caps off a week that saw passage of the GOP’s “Path to Prosperity” budget and a 90-day transportation bill extension that Democrats initially vowed to oppose, as well as the launch of the next phase of the American Energy Initiative. The audio of the Weekly Republican Address is available immediately; the video will be available for viewing and downloading after the embargo is lifted at 6:00 a.m. ET.

“One of the biggest challenges facing hardworking taxpayers right now is the pain at the pump. Rising gas prices wreak all kinds of havoc on cash-strapped families, especially in this time when many are still asking 'where are the jobs?' Going back to my days running a small business, I’ve heard plenty of politicians say they’ll do something about energy, but never follow up. This has to change.

“The Republican-led House is acting, approving a budget this week that removes government barriers to job creation… including policies that block American energy production and drive up gas prices. This budget now heads to the Democratic-controlled Senate, where it faces an uncertain fate. You see, the Senate hasn’t passed a budget in more than 1,000 days, a failure of leadership that has contributed to Washington’s ‘stimulus’ spending binge.

“The budget, I’m sorry to say, is just the tip of the iceberg. The Senate has stalled dozens of House-passed bills, several of which would implement the Republicans’ ‘all-of-the-above’ energy strategy to address rising gas prices and help create jobs. All of these energy bills passed with bipartisan support. Many are backed by the president’s own jobs council.

“About a month ago, during a meeting at the White House, I asked President Obama to consider working with us on these proposals in light of his newfound support for an ‘all-of-the-above’ energy strategy. The president, who has seen gas prices more than double on his watch, assured leaders in Congress there was room for common ground. It was a new sign of hope, but unfortunately, only a brief one.

“In the weeks since our discussion, President Obama hasn’t spoken up about these bipartisan, House-passed energy bills, and gas prices continue to rise.

“About the only thing the president has pushed the Senate to do is to prevent construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, a job-creating project that the American people strongly support. He personally lobbied Senate Democrats before the vote … and that may have made the difference. He also successfully urged Senate Democrats to take up energy tax legislation that won’t lower the price of gas, and according to the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, would actually make it more expensive. Clearly the president has some sway over Senate Democrats.

“So today I’m challenging President Obama to make good on his rhetoric and urge the Senate to allow a vote on bipartisan, House-passed energy bills. Let’s seize on our common ground and move forward on a path to a real ‘all-of-the-above’ energy strategy.

“In the meantime, the House will continue to act. This week, Republicans launched the next phase of our American Energy Initiative focused on addressing rising gas prices. This phase includes proposals, for example, to responsibly increase energy production on federal lands and freeze new refinery regulations that will hurt our economy. The pain at the pump is an urgent issue for hardworking taxpayers and it deserves the same urgency from leaders here in Washington. The House is doing its part, but we can do a whole lot more if President Obama steps up and heeds the will of the American people.

“Thanks for listening.”

VIDEO CREDIT: HouseConference

TEXT CREDIT: John Boehner | H-232 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 P (202) 225-0600 F (202) 225-5117

AUDIO / VIDEO FILES CREDIT: The House Republican Conference - Digital Communications 202-225-5439 +sookie tex

Thursday, March 29, 2012

President George H. W. Bush Endorses Mitt Romney VIDEO

Mitt Romney Press | March 29, 2012 Location Boston, MA United States

Mitt Romney today announced the support of President George H.W. Bush.

“As a naval aviator, congressman, ambassador, CIA director, vice president, and president, George H.W. Bush served our country with great devotion and high distinction over many decades. When we talk about the Greatest Generation, we are talking about those like President Bush, who, after Pearl Harbor, enlisted in our armed forces and served with unflinching courage during World War II. This is a man who knows from the ground up – and from the top down – the meaning of responsibility in exercising leadership in our democracy. I am proud to have him as my mentor. Ann and I are grateful to be able to call Barbara and George our good friends. There is no greater honor than earning President Bush’s endorsement and I am grateful for all George and Barbara have done.”

### +sookie tex

TEXT CREDIT: Romney for President

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Supreme Court Oral Argument Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) FULL PODCAST TEXT TRANSCRIPT

SCOTUS Oral Argument Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ACA Cases (obamacare) FULL MP3 for PODCAST TEXT TRANSCRIPT

The Supreme Court of the United States PHOTO

The audio recordings of all oral arguments heard by the Supreme Court of the United States are available to the public at the end of each argument week. The audio recordings are posted on Fridays after Conference.

The public may either download the audio files or listen to the recordings on the Court’s Web site. The audio recordings are listed by case name, docket number, and the date of oral argument.

The Court began audio recording oral arguments in 1955. The recordings are maintained at The National Archives and Records Administration. Prior to the 2010 Term, the recordings from one Term of Court were not available until the beginning of the next Term. The Archives will continue to serve as the official repository for the Court’s audio recordings.

Oral Argument - Audio National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius Docket Number: 11-393 Date Argued: 03/28/12

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Department of Health and Human Servs. v. Florida. Docket Number: 11-398-Monday. Date Argued: 03/26/12.

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National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius Docket Number: 11-393 Date Argued: 03/28/12.

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Florida v. Department of Health and Human Servs. Docket Number: 11-400. Date Argued: 03/28/12.

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Supreme Court of the United States 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543 Telephone:202-479-3000 TTY:202-479-3472 (Available M-F 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. eastern) +sookie tex

IMAGE CREDIT: Public Domain Clip Art

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Rand Paul Introduces Amendments to Lower Gas Prices VIDEO TEXT

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Sen. Rand Paul took to the Senate floor to address S.2204, a bill that would force tax hikes on oil companies - and in turn, likely increase gas prices for consumers. Below is a transcript and video of his speech.


I rise today to discuss gas prices. Gas prices have doubled under this President, so today this body will consider new legislation which the other side, I assume thinks will make the situation better. But the other side's solution is to raise taxes on oil companies, raise taxes by $25 billion.

Any of you who have a business know that when you raise taxes on a business, it's simply a cost to doing business. When your costs increase from making your product, what do you do? You charge your consumer more.

So I'm not sure what person is advising the other side, but I don't quite understand how raising $25 billion worth of cost on the oil industry is going to help gas prices. In fact, I think it's going to send gas prices even higher.

Now some on the other side say this is a matter of fairness. Everybody needs to pay their fair share. Well, oil companies actually pay $86 million a day in taxes. The oil companies in the last 10 years have paid over $100 billion in taxes.

The people who say we just must punish them. They're making too much money, let's punish them. The oil companies employ 9.2 million people. They're 8 percent of our GDP. Do we want to punish the people who are creating jobs, the people who are trying to make us energy-independent in our country? It makes absolutely no sense.

Now some will argue we need to make the tax code fair and the oil companies have special exemptions. Guess what? These exemptions and business deductions apply to other businesses, but they just want to take them away from one of our successful industries.

Now it seems to me if an industry is successful and creates 9.2 million jobs, instead of punishing them; you should want to encourage them. I would think you'd want to say to the oil companies, 'What obstacles are there to you making more money and hiring more people?' Instead they say, 'No, we must punish them. We must tax them more make things.'

The thing is this whole thing about fairness is so misguided and gotten out of hand. The rich in our society do pay the vast majority of our taxes. Do not let them tell you kwroer wise. Those who make over $200,000 pay 70 percent of the income tax. Those who make over $70,000 pay about 96 percent of the income tax; 47 percent of our public don't pay an income.

So those who are saying the rich are not paying their fair share are trying to use envy and class warfare to get you stirred up, but it makes absolutely no sense. We as a society need to glorify those who make a profit and those who employ people.

We need to encourage more business in this country, and the oil company employs 9.2 million people. We don't need to heap punishment on them. We need to give them encouragement to employ more people. I will have two amendments to this bill that I think will actually make it better.

While the President talks about people not paying their fair share, he's actually giving more than their fair share to his friends. I don't think the government should be used as a loan agency to give money to your contributors. This is unseemly. The conflict of interest is, I think, undeniable.

We have companies like Solyndra. This is a company that received $500 million of your money and went bankrupt. Just so happens that the owner of the company is the 20th-richest man of the United States and a big donor of the President. It just so happens that this company, Solyndra, the person who approved their loan was related, was the husband of a woman who worked for Solyndra.

Another company, a company called bright source out of Massachusetts, is owned by one of the Kennedy family. They got $1.8 billion, and guess who approved their loan? A guy that used to work for the Kennedys who is now in president Obama's administration. It doesn't pass the smell test.

What we have is crony capitalism, or crony governmentalism, where the government is picking out their friends and giving money to their friends. And so we come here today to raise taxes on big oil. Meanwhile we're giving money to millionaires and billionaires, and it doesn't seem right that your tax dollars should be sent to companies simply because they were big contributors.

Another company, Fisker Karma got $500 million supposedly to make an electric car in in the United States. Guess where they're making it? In Finland.

We sent money to Solyndra through international banks, through the Ex-Im banks. We sent money to First Solar through the Ex-Im bank. You have known what their money was for?

Given to them so they could buy their own product. The company bought a subsidiary in Canada. We gave money to the company in the United States and let them buy their own product with your money. It makes absolutely no sense.

So I have two proposals. One amendment to this bill would say, look, if you think that some companies are getting unfair deductions, let's get rid of all deductions. Let's just have a flat tax. Let's make the corporate income tax 17 percent; currently its 35 percent.

See if you want to encourage business, you want to encourage employment, you lower taxes. You don't raise taxes. Canada has an income tax for their corporations of 17 percent. Most of Europe is in the low 20's. And we're at 35 percent.

We wonder why we can't get business started in this country. We wonder why there is billions; even trillions of dollars left overseas that won't come home because we want to charge them 35 percent tax when it comes home.

Our bill would also say if you've already paid taxes overseas once, you don't have to pay again when you come home. So a 17 percent flat tax, you would see a boom in this country like you haven't seen in a generation. You would see millions of jobs being created if we would just learn the basic facts of economics.

If you punish a company, you'll have fewer jobs. If you encourage a company by giving them more tax breaks, you'll have more jobs. Taxes are a cost.

If this bill passes, not only will your gas prices continue to rise -- they have already doubled -- but you'll see your gas prices going through the roof. But then again, there are people in this administration that don't even drive a car. They don't understand the price of gas because they don't have to drive a car. Someone picks them up in a limousine.

The thing is they need to go to the pump. They need to see how much we're spending on gas. They need to see what they're doing to this country and what they're doing to the job market.

I have a second amendment to this bill that would take all of this money, all of these loans that they're giving to their buddies, the Solyndra loans, the Fisker Karma loans, the First Solar loans, all of this money that is being dispensed to people who are large contributors of the President; we would take that loan program and eliminate it.

When we eliminate that loan program, we would save nearly $30 billion. The GAO has said as much as $6 billion is at risk for loss now. If we were to eliminate that money, we could put half towards the debt and then put half towards rebuilding our infrastructure.

The President says he wants to rebuild our bridges. He came to our state and I stood on a bridge with him and said I would help. The way you help is by not passing out dollars to your friends that are being lost by the billions of dollars. You can't simply create the money. Let's find the money.

So I propose to end the department of energy loans and take that money, put half of it against the debt and put half of that into repairing and replacing our bridges. This is how government should work. You should pick priorities. There is not an unlimited amount of money.

So let's take it from an area where it is prone to corruption and where it is prone to a conflict of interest, these alternative-energy loans that seem to be going mostly to the President's friends and political campaign contributors. Let's take that money and put it to repair the bridges and to pay down the debt.

This is what responsible government should do. But what we are doing in this body, what will happen in the next 24 hours as we discuss this bill is -- and everybody in America needs to be very clear about this.

When you go to the gas pump and you pay more every day for gasoline, you need to realize where the responsibility lies. The responsibility lies with those who are running up the debt. And as we pay for the debt, we print new money. Your gas prices rising means the value of your dollar is shrinking. That's why your prices are rising. You need to realize who is to blame for your gas prices.

It is those who are running up the debt. But you also have to realize that it's even worse than that. It's not just the running up of the debt. You have to realize that these people today now want to add $25 billion to the gas prices.

That's what happens. When you raise the taxes of the oil companies, you will add $25 billion in taxes, but you will increase their cost by $25 billion and businesses that sell products simply pass that on to the consumer.

So what we'll hear about, and they should retitle their bill; we are willing to by this legislation increase gas prices. It should be called "the bill to raise your gas prices."

So what I would ask this body to do is to consider two amendments that would actually lower the debt and take money away from crony capitalism and another one that would reform the tax code to eliminate deductions and discrepancies within the tax code but to do it by lowering the tax rate, flattening the tax rate and allowing business to succeed in our country.

It gets down to who do you want to represent you in Washington; do you want a party that basically wants to punish business, those that are creating jobs? Or do you want a party that wants to encourage business?

We're in the midst of a great recession. Until we understand this fundamental fact, we're not going to recover as a nation. Thank you, Mr. President. I yield back the remainder of my time.


TEXT CREDIT: Rand Paul | United States Senator: Washington, DC 208 Russell Senate Office Building. Washington DC, 20510. Phone: 202-224-4343

VIDEO CREDIT: SenatorRandPaul Category: News & Politics. Tags: 032712, Sen Rand Paul, Introduces Amendments, Lower Gas Prices. License: Standard YouTube License.

Eric Cantor Statement On House Vote To Send The JOBS Act To The President

Eric Cantor logo

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) made the following statement on sending the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act as amended by the Senate to the President.

“Today, the House voted to send the bipartisan JOBS Act to the President’s desk for his signature and deliver real results for our nation’s small business owners, entrepreneurs and innovators. Both parties in Congress, the President and entrepreneurs like Steve Case came together on this bill that will increase capital formation and pave the way for more small-scale businesses to go public and create jobs.

The bipartisan JOBS Act represents an increasingly rare legislative victory in Washington where both sides seized the opportunity to work together, improved the bill and passed it with strong bipartisan support. We should build on this momentum going forward, and use the opportunity provided by the Small Business Tax Cut in April, so we can continue to help small businesses and job creators in this country to grow and hire.”

TEXT and IMAGE CREDIT: Office of the Majority Leader H-329, The Capitol House of Representatives P: 202.225.4000 Press Release March 27, 2012 Contact: Laena Fallon 202-225-4027

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mitt Romney Announces Support of Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy

Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy

Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy
Mitt Romney today announced the support of California Congressman Kevin McCarthy. Congressman McCarthy will serve as a California Statewide Chair.

“Kevin has been a leading voice in the effort to cut spending, reduce burdensome regulations, and make government more accountable to the taxpayers,” said Mitt Romney. “I share this vision for our country and look forward to working with Kevin on these issues so that we can fix our economy and get the country back on track.”

Announcing his support, Majority Whip McCarthy said, “After a long and grueling primary, it is clear that Mitt Romney is the best candidate to face President Obama and fix the mess of his one and only term.

Republicans need to unite and work together if we plan to take back the White House and put in place policies that will get our nation back on a path to prosperity by reducing taxes, shrinking government, and empowering the private sector. I am proud to support Mitt Romney and urge my fellow Republicans to do the same.”

Background on Majority Whip McCarthy:

Congressman McCarthy represents California’s 22nd district. Congressman McCarthy has served since 2007 and was elected by his fellow Republicans to serve as the House Majority Whip. Prior to his election to Congress, McCarthy started his own small business before the age of 21 and also served as district director for Congressman Bill Thomas. Kevin is a native of Bakersfield and a fourth-generation Kern County resident where he lives with his wife and two children.

### +sookie tex

TEXT CREDIT: Romney for President

IMAGE CREDIT: This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States Federal Government under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code.

Generally speaking, works created by U.S. Government employees are not eligible for copyright protection in the United States. See Circular 1 "COPYRIGHT BASICS" PDF from the U.S. Copyright Office.

Mitt Romney Announces Support of Utah Senator Mike Lee FULL TEXT

Utah Senator Mike LeeMitt Romney today announced the support of Utah Senator Mike Lee.

“Mike has been fighting on the frontlines to repeal Obamacare and restore fiscal sanity in Washington,” said Mitt Romney. “I will need the support and hard work of leaders like him if we are going to be successful in shrinking the federal government and restoring America’s promise of freedom and prosperity. I am honored to have Mike’s support and look forward to his advice in the coming months.”

Announcing his support, Senator Lee said, “If Republicans want to repeal President Obama’s unconstitutional health care plan, restore limited government and individual liberty, they must unite behind Mitt Romney.

He is the one candidate who will be able to win in November and implement policies that conservatives like me have been fighting for in the Senate. Conservatives can’t afford to allow President Obama to have another four years in office. That is why I support Mitt Romney and urge my fellow constitutional conservatives to support him as the nominee of our party.”

Background on Senator Mike Lee:

Senator Lee was elected in 2010. Senator Lee sits on the Judiciary Committee, Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Foreign Relations Committee and the Joint Economic Committee. Senator Lee is one of the Senate’s strongest defenders of the Constitution and advocates for smaller government and individual liberty.


TEXT CREDIT: Romney for President

IMAGE CREDIT: This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States Federal Government under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code.

Generally speaking, works created by U.S. Government employees are not eligible for copyright protection in the United States. See Circular 1 "COPYRIGHT BASICS" PDF from the U.S. Copyright Office. +sookie tex

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mitch McConnell Weekly Republican Address 03/24/12 TEXT VIDEO

To mark the second anniversary of Obamacare, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) delivers the Weekly Republican Address, calling for repeal and replacement of the Democrats' health care law. On the eve of next week's historic Supreme Court arguments on the constitutionality of the law, McConnell says it's time to replace Obamacare with common-sense reforms Americans want, reforms that lower costs and which put health care back in the hands of individuals and their doctors, rather than Washington bureaucrats.

Mitch McConnell Weekly Republican Address


Hello. I'm Mitch McConnell, U.S. Senator from Kentucky and the Republican Leader of the United States Senate.

A little more than two years ago, at a moment when Americans were just learning some of the details of President Obama's proposed health care law, the former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, made a comment that's really come to embody the Washington mentality for many Americans.

Commenting on the questions that many Americans had been voicing about the President's health care bill, former Speaker Pelosi said that Congress would have to pass it in order to find out what was in it.

Well, two years have gone by and this is what we know: the President was certainly right to join a call for health care reform. But the giant bill that he and others rammed through Congress has made things worse.

That's why, as we mark the two-year anniversary of the signing of Obamacare this week, Republicans in Congress are more committed than ever to repealing this unconstitutional law and replacing it with the kind of common-sense reforms Americans really want, reforms that actually lower costs, and which put health care back in the hands of individuals and their doctors, rather than unaccountable bureaucrats here in Washington.

As it happens, this year's anniversary happens to fall on the eve of historic Supreme Court arguments on Obamacare. Beginning on Monday, the nation's highest court will hold three days of arguments to decide, among other things, whether the law's mandate that Americans must buy government-approved health insurance is consistent with the U.S. Constitution. As one of many public officials who filed a brief before the court opposing this bill, I believe it isn't. But even if the court disagrees with me, the consequences of this bill are reason enough to make repeal a top priority.

As we look back at how we got to where we are today, most people would probably agree that America's health care system has been in critical need of reform for years. Among other problems were the rising costs of health care for families, job creators and taxpayers, the exposure of too many families to potentially catastrophic health care costs, and the lack of coverage for millions of Americans.

Yet rather than solving the most pressing problems in the old system, the Democrats' partisan health care law has made many of those problems far worse. Costs and premiums are rising, Medicare has been raided, states now struggle to keep pace with even costlier federal mandates than before, and the economy is being sapped as new mandates hold back employers from creating new jobs.

What's more, Americans continue to oppose Obamacare in large numbers. A recent USA Today/Gallup poll showed that 72 percent of Americans, including most Democrats, believe the government mandate to buy health insurance violates the Constitution. This, along with a growing list of unintended consequences and broken promises, are causing many of its original supporters to take another look.

Far from curing a rise in health care costs, Obamacare is now expected to increase health care spending by more than a quarter of a trillion dollars, and federal health care spending and subsidies by nearly $400 billion. Health care premiums for American families are expected to skyrocket by $2100 per year.

And the White House has now admitted what they refused to acknowledge when they forced it into law: a key component of their deficit reduction claims, the CLASS Act, which is designed to deal with long-term care, can't possibly be implemented in a financially sustainable way.

Now they tell us.

As for the law's broader impact on the economy, here too the reality has proven far less appealing than the President's rhetoric. According to the director of the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, Obamacare means 800,000 fewer jobs over the next decade. One recent private sector analysis concluded that the President's health care law is 'arguably the biggest impediment to hiring, particularly hiring of less skilled workers'.

States have their own challenges. Many couldn't afford federal health care mandates before Obamacare mandated dramatic increases in Medicaid rolls - and the costs to pay for it. Needless to say, even if states are able to meet the costs of covering as many as 25 million more Medicaid patients, the quality of care for those who rely on Medicaid would almost certainly suffer.

In my own state of Kentucky, an estimated 387,000 more people will be forced into Medicaid - at a time when the state is already struggling to provide benefits to the recipients who are currently enrolled. Kentucky's governor - a Democrat - is on record saying he has no idea, no idea how Kentucky will meet its responsibilities if this law forces several hundred thousand more people into the state's Medicaid program. The math just doesn't add up.

And then there are America's seniors, millions of whom have learned since the passage of this bill that the health care they have and like won't necessarily be there in its current form for them anymore.

President Obama was right to attempt a reform; he joined a long list of members of both parties who want to see our health care system improved. But Obamacare clearly isn't the answer. And two years after its passage, Americans have now come to their own conclusion. They don't like it, they think it's unconstitutional, and they want it repealed.

The time has come to clear the way and start over, to replace this unconstitutional law with common-sense, step-by-step reforms that lower costs and Americans support.

VIDEO, IMAGE and TEXT CREDIT: gopweeklyaddress

Friday, March 23, 2012

Rick Scott Announces Angela B. Corey New State Attorney and Task Force in Response to Trayvon Martin Incident

Angela B. Corey

Angela B. Corey
Rick Scott Announces Angela B. Corey New State Attorney and Task Force in Response to Trayvon Martin Incident FULL TEXT and Supporting Documents in PDF FORMAT

Governor Rick Scott Announces New State Attorney and Task Force in Response to Trayvon Martin Incident

Tallahassee, Fla. – Governor Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi today worked together to appoint Angela B. Corey (of the 4th Judicial Circuit) as the newly Assigned State Attorney in the investigation into the death of Trayvon Martin. The Governor and Attorney General reached out to State Attorney Norman Wolfinger today. After the conversation, Wolfinger decided to step down from this investigation and turn it over to another state attorney.

The Governor has also announced the formation of a task force which will convene following the conclusion of the investigation by State Attorney Corey. The Governor and General Bondi have full faith in the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the U.S. Department of Justice and State Attorney Corey that a full and thorough investigation will be conducted.

See below a statement from Governor Scott regarding the formation of the task force, and attached the Executive Order appointing Angela B. Corey as the Assigned State Attorney and a letter from State Attorney Norman Wolfinger requesting the assignment of another state attorney to the investigation.

Statement from Florida Governor Rick Scott Regarding the Creation of a Task Force on Citizen Safety and Protection

“As law enforcement investigates the death of Trayvon Martin, Floridians and others around the country have rightly recognized this as a terrible tragedy. Like all Floridians, I believe we must take steps to ensure tragedies like this are avoided. After listening to many concerned citizens in recent days, I will call for a Task Force on Citizen Safety and Protection to investigate how to make sure a tragedy such as this does not occur in the future, while at the same time, protecting the fundamental rights of all of our citizens – especially the right to feel protected and safe in our state.

“To this end, I have asked Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll to lead the Task Force, conduct public hearings, take testimony and recommend actions – legislative and otherwise – to both protect our citizens and safeguard our rights. Reverend R. B. Holmes, Jr., the pastor of the Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Tallahassee has agreed to be the vice-chair of the Task Force. I have also reached out to Attorney General Pam Bondi, Speaker Dean Cannon, President Mike Haridopolos and incoming presiding officers Don Gaetz and Will Weatherford who all agree that a Task Force needs to be assembled. They will be recommending individuals for me to appoint to the Task Force, which will thoroughly review Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law and any other laws, rules, regulations or programs that relate to public safety and citizen protection.

“It is my intention to have the Task Force on Citizen Safety and Protection convene immediately after the investigation into the death of Trayvon Martin by the newly Assigned State Attorney Angela B. Corey (of the 4th Judicial Circuit) formally ends. At that time they can define their mission and scope as well as set a timetable for a report, with recommendations to be delivered to my office and to the Florida Legislature. The Task Force will hold public hearings, take testimony, solicit ideas and review all matters related to the rights of all Floridians to feel safe and secure in our state. As we exercise our right to be free and secure both in public and in the privacy of our own homes it is important that we have an open and honest discussion on these issues so that we might help avoid such tragedies in the future.”

Supporting Documents in PDF FORMAT: IMAGE CREDIT: From This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a State of Florida "public record made or received in connection with the official business of any public body, officer, or employee of the state, or persons acting on their behalf," and does not fall into any of the various categories of works for which the legislature has specifically permitted copyright to be claimed.

See Microdecisions, Inc. v. Skinner. In brief, the "Florida public records law ... overrides a governmental agency's ability to claim a copyright in its work unless the legislature has expressly authorized a public records exemption." Subject to disclaimer.

TEXT CREDIT: Office of Governor Rick Scott State of Florida The Capitol 400 S. Monroe St. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001 (850) 717-9337 Email the Governor>em>

Thursday, March 22, 2012

H.R.5 FULL TEXT Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act of 2011

Bill Summary & Status 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) H.R.5 FULL TEXT in PDF FORMAT

H.R.5: Latest Title: Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act of 2011. Sponsor: Rep Gingrey, Phil [GA-11] (introduced 1/24/2011) Cosponsors (134). Related Bills: H.RES.591, S.12, S.218, S.1099.

Latest Major Action: 3/21/2012 House floor actions. Status: Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H.R. 5 as unfinished business. House Reports: 112-39 Part 1, 112-39 Part 2, 112-39 Part 3.

Note: March 12 pre-publication copy of Rules Committee Print 112-18, showing the text of H.R. 5, as reported by the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Energy and Commerce; and the text of H.R. 452 as ordered reported by the Committee on Ways and Means and the Committee on Energy and Commerce, with necessary technical and conforming changes.

ROLL CALL VOTE 126 H.R.5 Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act of 2011

FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR ROLL CALL 126 (Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)

H R 5 RECORDED VOTE 22-Mar-2012 12:36 PM

QUESTION: On Passage

BILL TITLE: To improve patient access to health care services and provide improved medical care by reducing the excessive burden the liability system places on the health care delivery system.



---- AYES 223 ---

Barton (TX)
Bass (NH)
Brady (TX)
Burton (IN)
Coffman (CO)
Davis (KY)
Duncan (SC)
Franks (AZ)
Gingrey (GA)
Graves (GA)
Graves (MO)
Griffin (AR)
Hastings (WA)
Herrera Beutler
Huizenga (MI)
Johnson (OH)
Johnson, Sam
King (NY)
Lewis (CA)
Lungren, Daniel E.
McCarthy (CA)
McMorris Rodgers
Miller (FL)
Miller (MI)
Miller, Gary
Murphy (PA)
Price (GA)
Roe (TN)
Rogers (AL)
Rogers (KY)
Rogers (MI)
Ross (FL)
Ryan (WI)
Scott (SC)
Scott, Austin
Scott, David
Smith (NE)
Smith (NJ)
Smith (TX)
Thompson (PA)
Turner (NY)
Turner (OH)
Walsh (IL)
Wilson (SC)
Young (AK)
Young (FL)
Young (IN)

---- NOES 181 ---

Bass (CA)
Bishop (GA)
Bishop (NY)
Brady (PA)
Braley (IA)
Carson (IN)
Clarke (MI)
Clarke (NY)
Connolly (VA)
Davis (CA)
Donnelly (IN)
Duncan (TN)
Frank (MA)
Green, Al
Green, Gene
Griffith (VA)
Hastings (FL)
Jackson Lee (TX)
Johnson (GA)
Johnson (IL)
Johnson, E. B.
Larsen (WA)
Larson (CT)
Lewis (GA)
Lofgren, Zoe
McCarthy (NY)
Miller (NC)
Miller, George
Murphy (CT)
Pastor (AZ)
Pingree (ME)
Poe (TX)
Price (NC)
Ross (AR)
Rothman (NJ)
Ryan (OH)
Sánchez, Linda T.
Sanchez, Loretta
Scott (VA)
Smith (WA)
Thompson (CA)
Van Hollen
Walz (MN)
Wasserman Schultz
Wilson (FL)


Broun (GA)
King (IA)

---- NOT VOTING 23 ---

Bishop (UT)
Bono Mack
Brown (FL)
Castor (FL)
Davis (IL)
Jackson (IL)
Kinzinger (IL)
Lee (CA)
Thompson (MS)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Paul Ryan House Budget Committee Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Resolution The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal FULL TEXT

Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Resolution The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal FULL TEXTPaul Ryan House Budget Committee Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Resolution The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal FULL TEXT

For years, both political parties have made empty promises to the American people. Unfortunately, the President refuses to take responsibility for avoiding the debt-fueled crisis before us. Instead, his policies have put us on the path to debt and decline.

The President and his party’s leaders refuse to take action in the face of the most predictable economic crisis in our nation’s history.

The President’s budget calls for more spending and more debt, while Senate Democrats – for over 1,000 days – have refused to pass a budget. This unserious approach to budgeting has serious consequences for American families, seniors, and the next generation.

We reject the broken politics of the past. The American people deserve real solutions and honest leadership. That’s what we’re delivering with our budget, The Path to Prosperity. House Republicans are advancing a plan of action for American renewal.

Our budget:

Cuts government spending to protect hardworking taxpayers;

Tackles the drivers of our debt, so our troops don’t pay the price for Washington’s failure to take action;

Restores economic freedom and ensures a level playing field for all by putting an end to special-interest favoritism and corporate welfare

Reverses the President’s policies that drive up gas prices, and instead promotes an all-of the-above strategy for unlocking American energy production to help lower costs, create jobs, and reduce dependence on foreign oil.

Strengthens health and retirement security by taking power away from government bureaucrats and empowering patients instead with control over their own care;

Reforms our broken tax code to spur job creation and economic opportunity by lowering rates, closing loopholes, and putting hardworking taxpayers ahead of special interests.

At its core, this plan of action is about putting an end to empty promises from a bankrupt government and restoring the fundamental American promise: ensuring our children have more opportunity and inherit a stronger America than our parents gave us.

Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Resolution The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal FULL TEXT in PDF FORMAT

TEXT CREDIT: Committee on the Budget: U.S. House of Representatives 207 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515

Paul Ryan details choice of two futures: a path to debt and decline versus a stronger, prosperous path of less debt FULL TEXT VIDEO

Paul Ryan details choice of two futures: a path to debt and decline versus a stronger, prosperous path of less debt VIDEO

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan details what the choice of two futures means: a path to debt and decline versus a stronger, more prosperous path of less debt, lower taxes, and greater opportunity for generations to come. Learn more about The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint For American Renewal.


Americans have a choice to make.

A choice that's going to determine our country's future.

Will it be a future that looks like the America we know? One of greater opportunity, greater prosperity...

Or...more of what we're seeing today...debt, doubt and decline.

Americans, not Washington, should decide.

In 2010, voters asked for an alternative to the direction government was taking the country.

Last year House Republicans responded by passing a budget to control government spending.

And we're back with a budget that offers real solutions again.

Make no mistake, years of empty promises from both political parties got us in this mess today....

But when it comes to the federal budget, the Democrat-led Senate hasn't..even..proposed one in 3 years.

They continue to spend, but there's zero accountability.

The President has proposed a budget, but it calls for more spending and more debt.

Despite imposing roughly 2 trillion dollars in tax increases on hardworking taxpayers,

the debt still skyrockets under his plan, and it will put us on par with countries like Greece.

That will mean...sudden cuts to benefits, sudden tax increases, and really a fundamental change to the American way of life as we know it.

This doesn't have to be our future.

Instead, we've shared with Americans a specific plan of action that cuts spending, pays off the debt and gets our economy back on the path to prosperity.

Real, specific reform is needed to strengthen the health and retirement security of seniors and the economic security of all Americans.

We've shown how, under the President's health care law, Medicare goes bankrupt.

And we've exposed how his law takes control away from current seniors, and gives that power to a board of fifteen unelected bureaucrats.

Our plan includes no changes for those in or near retirement and, instead of government bureaucrats, puts patients in control of their health care decisions.

We've proposed tax reform that's common sense -- a plan that lowers tax rates and closes special interest loopholes so our tax code is fairer, simpler, and more competitive. That's how we'll create a healthier environment for businesses to hire and expand.

The common thread here is that our plan takes power away from Washington... and gives it back to the individual.

Because it's the American people, not bureaucrats in Washington, who make this nation what it is.

Now, it's up to the people to demand from their government a better budget, a better plan, and a choice between two futures.

The question is: which future will we choose?

Category: News & Politics

Tags: paul ryan, paul ryan budget, path to prosperity, debt, spending, obama, obamacare, medicare, taxes

License: Standard YouTube License

VIDEO and TEXT CREDIT: Uploaded by HouseBudgetCommittee on Mar 19, 2012

Republican Leadership Press Conference 03/20/12 VIDEO

Today, House Republicans on the Budget Committee will outline our Fiscal Year 2013 budget proposal. This budget will tackle our economic crisis responsibly and effectively, addressing our growing deficits while ensuring our nation's seniors are taken care of. In addition to the budget, the House will vote to repeal IPAB this week which is the board of fifteen unelected bureaucrats who would come between doctors and patients as they make health care decisions. This will be the 26th vote the House will take to repeal all or part of the government takeover of heath care.

VIDEO CREDIT: HouseConference


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mitt Romney Fox News Sunday FULL TEXT VIDEO 03/18/12

Mitt Romney calls for Obama to be more engaged in Afghan war


BAIER: And hello, again, from Fox News in Washington.

It's another a busy campaign weekend, Missouri continues the process of selecting delegates, Puerto Rico votes today. Then, on Tuesday, all eyes will be on Illinois.

Joining us is now from Moline to talk about where the race stands now is Mitt Romney.

Governor, welcome back to "Fox News Sunday."


BAIER: Let's start with Afghanistan. Tensions in the U.S. and Afghanistan appear to be very high at this point. Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai has accused the U.S. of stonewalling the investigation into the killing of 16 Afghan civilians. In fact, they even suggested there might be more than one shooter.

He angrily said Friday, quote, "This has been going on for too long. This is all by means the end of the rope here." Thursday, he demanded all NATO troops get out of the villages and stay on the major bases there.

President Obama, as you know, has publicly said to stay the course until our withdrawal at the end of 2014.

Would President Romney do anything different? And if so, how?

ROMNEY: Well, first of all, I would exercise leadership. And by that I mean I would speak with President Karzai. I would speak with President Karzai regularly, day-to-day. We have troops in harm's way. We have almost 1,800 men and women who have been killed in Afghanistan. We have real interest in making sure that this ends well and that our mission is successful there of having a Afghanistan that is able to maintain its sovereignty against the Taliban, against ultimately al Qaeda as well.

Look, what's happening right now is an example of failed leadership. The president put out a specific time table for withdrawal for our troops, a time table for the end of combat operations. That is leading Mr. Karzai to take action that is self preservation in nature.

The president needs to be more engaged and interacting with -- not only our commanders there but also with leadership in Afghanistan.

BAIER: But would you exercise the withdrawal?

ROMNEY: Well, the timing of withdrawal is going to be dependent about what you hear from the conditions on the ground. That you understand by speaking with commanders, as well as, of course, the people of Afghanistan and their ability to maintain their sovereignty and to have the capacity -- to have a military that can stand up to the challenges they face.

The timetable, the guidelines that continue to be in effect, unless, of course, there are changes and conditions to suggest a faster withdrawal.

But recognize that, ultimately, the independence and security of Afghanistan is going to have to be secured and maintained by the Afghans themselves. We're not going to stay there forever.

BAIER: Your Republican opponents have a different tone they have been sounding. Speaker Newt Gingrich said we're risking lives on a mission that may frankly not be doable. Rick Santorum said we either have to make a full commitment which he said this president has not done or we have to decide to get out sooner. And Ron Paul, of course, has maintained his long held position of withdrawing troops from Afghanistan immediately.

So, are you taking a stand here while much of your party is souring on Afghanistan?

ROMNEY: Well, before I take a stand at a particular course of action, I want to get the input from the people who are there. General Allen is going to be coming to Washington and testifying this week about what the conditions are. I think it's very plain to see that the conditions are not going very well.

And the -- and I lay part of the blame on that on the lack of leadership on the part of our president, both in terms of his interaction with Karzai and with leaders there, as well as his relative detachment from our military commanders there and the fact that he published a specific date for a withdrawal, published a date for withdrawal of our combat operations there, did not oversee elections in Afghanistan that would have convinced the people there that they had elected someone that they could have confidence in, did not put enough troops into the surge, as what's requested by the military. He certainly takes part of the blame for the failure there, and we're going to get our troops out soon as we possibly can.

But this does have the indications of a similarly failed withdrawal or fail would completion effort on the part of this president, just like we saw in Iraq. He likewise failed in the way we left Iraq. And this is a president simply does not have experience in tough situations -- not negotiating experience, not leadership experience -- and it's showing once again the result that one might have expected from lack of leadership.

BAIER: Let's talk about Iran. What you are seeing and hearing, where do you put the chances that Israel will strike Iran in coming months?

ROMNEY: Well, I can't begin to speak for what Israel will do. I think they recognize that Iran's nuclear weaponry presents an existential threat to them. Ahmadinejad has said that he would consider Israel a one bomb nation. So, Israel's timetable may be different than our timetable.

The clear, I think, lesson from this are that, one, the president should have put in place crippling sanctions from day one instead of waiting three and a half years. Two, he should have spoken out when the dissidents took to the streets in Tehran. Instead, he was silent. And three, he should be less worried about Israel taking military action to stop Iran from having a nuclear weapon and more worried about Iran actually having nuclear weapon and have fissile material.

And he should make it very clear that the United States of America will not allow Iran to have nuclear weapons, and that we will take action, including military action if necessary, to prevent that from occurring.

BAIER: The president said two weeks ago that you and Speaker Gingrich and Senator Santorum are speaking casually about war with Iran, saying, quote, "If some of these folks think that it's time to launch a war, they should say so. They should explain to the American people exactly why they would do that and what the consequences would be. Everything else is just talk."

Your reaction?

ROMNEY: Well, it's quite clear that the president wants to avoid in any way a discussion about a military option. But, of course, we have to recognize that if all else fails -- and he's failed on so many dimensions, it's possible that all else will fail. But I hope not.

I hope that crippling sanctions will now that they're finally beginning to be employed there will have an impact. I hope that if we aggressively support dissident voices in Iran, that will have an impact. And I hope that showing a military commitment on our part, and a recognition that we have a military option, that that will change the minds of the Iranians towards their nuclear program. But there is nothing casual about Iran having a nuclear weapon. There's nothing casual about Iran having fissile material they can give to Hamas or Hezbollah. And Hezbollah is now in many parts of South America. Look, they are in our hemisphere. Fissile material in our hemisphere with Hezbollah able to potentially bring it into this country? There's nothing casual about that.

The president needs to recognize this is a very serious threat to America and to the world. And that, of course, we have to have military options. Israel has obviously developed those options. I hope our president is listening to our military and developing those options as well.

BAIER: Governor, obviously, volatility in the Middle East affects oil prices. Do you believe President Obama is to blame for high gas prices? FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT

TEXT and VIDEO CREDIT: Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace

Content and Programming Copyright 2012 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2012 Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Cory Gardner Weekly Republican Address on Energy & Gas Prices 03/16/12 TEXT PODCAST VIDEO

Cory Gardner Weekly Republican Address on Energy & Gas Prices 03/16/12 TEXT PODCAST VIDEO Podcast of the address: Download MP3 for PODCAST || FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT BELOW. ||

***EMBARGOED UNTIL 3/17/12, 6:00 A.M. EST***

Washington (Mar 16) In the Weekly Republican Address, Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO), a member of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, says that Americans are fed up with President Obama’s failure to tackle rising gas prices, but there’s still time for him to do the right thing and urge the Democratic-run Senate to act on bipartisan, House-passed energy bills. This weekly address continues a coordinated Republican offensive to stress the need for an ‘all-of-the-above’ energy strategy and hold the president accountable for policies that have contributed to higher gas prices. The text and audio of the Weekly Republican Address is available immediately; the video will be available for viewing and downloading after the embargo is lifted tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. ET.

Cory Gardner

Cory Gardner
“Driving around the district these days, the first, and often times only, thing my constituents want to talk about is the pain at the pump. In our state, gas prices have gone up 40 cents a gallon in just one month. This hurts everyone … families, commuters, job seekers, and especially small business owners. It isn’t just American dollars at risk with high gas prices – it’s American jobs, too.

“People in my district and around the country are fed up with the way the president is handling this issue, and rightfully so. The most forceful thing the president has done about high gas prices is try to explain that he’s against them. Americans are right to expect more from their leaders.

“To be fair, there have been signs of hope. Last month, the president told leaders in Congress he would be willing to work with Republicans on an ‘all-of-the-above’ energy strategy.

That was encouraging. Republicans have long supported an ‘all-of-the-above’ strategy to develop our own resources – both traditional and renewable – so we can lower costs and improve America’s energy security.

“From day one, however, the Obama administration has consistently slowed or shut down domestic energy production. There’s actually less acreage offshore open for energy production now than there was when the president took office. Instead of increasing American energy independence , the president’s first major energy initiative was a national energy tax that, according to him, would cause rates to ‘skyrocket.’ He also plowed ‘stimulus’ dollars into crony capital company Solyndra that has since gone bankrupt taking half a billion of taxpayer dollars with it. After spending money we don’t have on what won’t work – and overregulating what would – is it any wonder gas prices have more than doubled on the president’s watch? Make no mistake, high gas prices are a symptom of his failed ‘stimulus’ policies.

“That’s why it was good to hear that the president indicated he’d be willing to work with Republicans on energy. In the meantime, the House has continued to pass ‘all-of-the-above’ energy initiatives as part of Republicans’ Plan for America’s Job Creators. Right now, there are at least seven bipartisan, House-passed energy bills sitting in the Democratic Senate, waiting on a vote.

“Unfortunately, the president has yet to follow through and urge the Senate to act. He’s just carried on with more of the same.

“He’s called for raising energy taxes, which the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service says would actually lead to higher prices.

“He’s asked the Attorney General to ‘reconstitute’ an oil speculation task force that has never reported its work to the public.

“He quietly pushed members of Congress to prevent construction of the Keystone pipeline - despite overwhelming support for the project and the jobs that it would create - and his lobbying may have made the difference in the vote.

“And just this week, his administration pressed the Saudis to produce more oil, even as it works to close off more production here at home.

“No, government alone cannot work wonders, but America’s entrepreneurs and job creators, given freedom and opportunity, can. It’s up to us in Washington to remove costly, artificial barriers that stand in their way. The longer we let politicians like President Obama continue to block responsible American energy production, the longer our nation will continue to suffer with high gas prices and limited energy security.

“There’s still time for the president to do the right thing and urge the Democratic-controlled Senate to act on bipartisan, House-passed energy bills. Let’s seize this moment, expand freedom instead of government, and secure our energy future once and for all.

“Thank you and God bless the United States of America.”

VIDEO CREDIT: HouseConference

IMAGE CREDIT: Cory Gardner Washington, DC. 213 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515, Phone: (202) 225-4676, Fax: (202) 225-5870, Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00AM-6:00PM Eastern time.

TEXT CREDIT: John Boehner | H-232 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 P (202) 225-0600 F (202) 225-5117

AUDIO / VIDEO FILES CREDIT: The House Republican Conference - Digital Communications 202-225-5439 +sookie tex

Thursday, March 15, 2012

CBO projection estimates that ObamaCare will cost $1.76 trillion over 10 years

House Republican Policy Committee Logo

Washington, D.C.– House Republican Policy Committee Chairman Tom Price, M.D. (R-GA) issued the following statement regarding the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) updated cost estimate of the president’s health care law. The new CBO projection estimates that the law will cost $1.76 trillion over 10 years – well above the $940 billion Democrats originally claimed.

“The longer the president’s health care law remains on the books, the greater the threat it poses to our nation’s health care and our fiscal wellbeing,” said Chairman Price. “The CBO’s revised cost estimate indicates that this massive government intrusion into America’s health care system will be far more costly than was originally claimed. The law’s true cost to American taxpayers is part of a series of promises President Obama and Democrats in Congress made that will be broken. Both fiscally and for the sake of our health care system, Americans cannot afford the president’s health care law.

“At the start of this Congress, Republicans in the House of Representatives were quick to fulfill our pledge to repeal the law, and we have continued to make progress in going after its many destructive components. As the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments on the constitutionality of the law, the House will work to repeal the health care law’s Independent Payment Advisory Board – a group of 15 unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats empowered to effectively deny care to seniors. This law is an affront to the principles of health care in this nation. It undermines accessibility, affordability, choices, portability, quality, and responsiveness of care. The fight to fully repeal it and replace it with positive, patient-centered solutions must remain a top priority.”

NOTE: Chairman Price has introduced legislation – H.R. 3000, theEmpowering Patients First Act– that would repeal and replace ObamaCare with patient-centered solutions. For more information on H.R. 3000, click here.


TEXT and IMAGE CREDIT: House Republican Policy Committee 403 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Office (202) 225-4501 Fax (202) 225-4656

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Black Swan author Nassim Taleb endorses Ron Paul VIDEO

"The Black Swan" author Nassim Taleb Cheers Ron Paul's Economic Platform on CNBC.

From an interview on CNBC 3/13/2012

Category: News & Politics.. Tags: Nassim Taleb, Ron Paul, The Black Swan, Black Swan, endorsement. License: Standard YouTube License

VIDEO CREDIT: Uploaded by ronpaul on Mar 13, 2012.

Rick Santorum Alabama, Mississippi Primary Victory Speech 03/13/12 FULL VIDEO

Rick Santorum Alabama, Mississippi Primary Victory Speech FULL VIDEO 'We Did it Again'.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum addressed a crowd of supporters Tuesday night in Lafayette, Louisiana, after he was the projected winner in Alabama's primary. "We're campaigning everywhere there are delegates because we are going to win this nomination before the convention," he told the crowd, saying he was headed to Puerto Rico for two days of campaigning there.

Category: News & Politics

Tags: rick santorum, lafayette, louisiana, alabama, primary, delegates, president obama, pbs newshour, mitt romney, gop, republicans mitt romney, puerto rico.

License: Standard YouTube License.

TEXT CREDIT: Uploaded by PBSNewsHour on Mar 13, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Winning Our Future Newt Gingrich super-PAC It's Time to Choose Newt. Ad VIDEO

Winning Our Future Newt Gingrich super-PAC It's Time to Choose Newt. Ad VIDEO. Winning Our Future | It's Time to Choose Newt. Ad (0:30)

Category: News & Politics

Tags: Newt, Gingrich, Newt Gingrich, Mitt, Romney, Mitt Romney, Gas, Energy, Jobs, Paycheck, Washington, Time to Choose, Winning Our Future, Super, PAC, Politics.

License: Standard YouTube License

VIDEO and TEXT CREDIT: Uploaded by WinningOurFuture on Feb 27, 2012.

RESOURCE: Winning Our Future

Restore Our Future Mitt Romney super-PAC Right Experience Ad VIDEO TEXT

"Right Experience" (TN, OK, MS, AL) - Restore Our Future

TEXT TRANSCRIPT: Who has the right experience? Mitt Romney helped created thousands of jobs. Rick Santorum is called "The Ultimate Washington Insider". Romney rescued the Olympics. Santorum was in Washington voting to raise the debt limit 5 times. Romney vetoed 800 times and turned a deficit into a surplus without raising taxes. Santorum was voting for Billions in waste, including "The Bridge To Nowhere". Romney and Santorum - Big Differences.

Category: News & Politics

Tags: Oklahoma, Tennessee, Mississippi, Our, Mississippi River, commercial, Future, restore our future, mitt, romney, rick santorum, barack obama, republican, primary, conservative, Election.

License: Standard YouTube License

VIDEO and TEXT CREDIT: Uploaded by RestoreOurFuture on Feb 15, 2012

RESOURCE : Restore Our Future

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Jack Dalrymple Weekly Republican Address On Creating Jobs In North Dakota VIDEO 03/10/12

313 page views as of 03/10/12 4:25 P will not cut it.

When the weekly address is given by a house member, speaker Boehner has the release ready on his site by Friday with links to mp3, video file, text and the youtube version. At that the import of our message is not given the RELEASE it warrants. If a senate member or as is the case today a governor gives the address there is no uniform place of release no mp3 for podcast or FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT. Great that sends a very clear message, this fills me with great confidence.

I know these are small things but friends we get the government we deserve.

Jack Dalrymple Weekly Republican Address On Creating Jobs In North Dakota VIDEO 03/10/12

In the Weekly Republican Address, North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple explains why the economy is doing so well in his state, in stark contrast to the national economic picture.

North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple

"We have the lowest unemployment rate of all 50 states at 3.2% and our prudent fiscal management has allowed us to lower taxes each of the last three legislative sessions. We've lowered substantially our real estate taxes, our individual income taxes, and even corporate income taxes. Our growing budget surpluses allow us to make large investments in infrastructure and job growth. Just think of the wise investments our country could be making right now if the Federal budget was managed as carefully.

"As a nation, what progress has been made to balance our annual budget deficit? Have any real spending reductions been proposed by the Democratic majority in the Senate? Has President Obama made any real attempts to reduce spending? All we see are budgeting games. The American people are growing tired of the constant pleas for tax increases from this Administration, long before any real proposals appear for spending reductions.

"But keeping government's house in order is only part of the equation. The other part is focusing on creating good paying jobs. North Dakota has been ranked #1 in the nation in job creation for each of the last three years by a Gallup poll study. We have created a friendly business climate in North Dakota, where taxes and insurance rates are low, the regulatory environment is very reasonable, and we have the most responsive state government anywhere. Companies want to expand in North Dakota because of the ease of doing business and because of our well educated, well trained workforce. Why do Fortune 500 companies like Caterpillar,, and John Deere choose to expand in North Dakota when they could go anywhere in the world? They do it because they know that North Dakotans are friendly toward business and will work hard to help their employers be successful."

Gov. Dalrymple then explains why things are so different with our national economy. "There are two main reasons. First, the Federal government is unnecessarily adding to the cost of living and the cost of doing business in America. Just one example is our cost of energy. The price of gasoline is rising rapidly because we continue to depend on foreign oil. It is now within our reach to become energy independent in North America if we simply develop the resources we already have available in places like the Gulf of Mexico, non-sensitive public lands across America, and in our friendly bordering countries.

"The second reason we are on the wrong track is that the Federal government is killing energy development with overly burdensome regulations. The best example of this is the Keystone XL pipeline which the Obama Administration will not allow to be built. The State of North Dakota is currently experiencing an oil boom in the Bakken formation. We have doubled our oil production in the last four years and are about to become the second largest oil producing state behind only Texas. But we cannot effectively market our crude oil domestically without a large North-South pipeline. North Dakota oil producers were scheduled to feed the Keystone pipeline with 100,000 barrels of crude oil per day. Now we will not be able to supply the choice American markets because President Obama says he needs more time to study Keystone. The fact is he has had over three years to study this issue. Congress should step in and pass Senator Hoeven's measure which would authorize the Keystone project. It's the common sense thing to do."

The governor concludes, "America needs to return to a government based on common sense. Three Presidential candidates have visited North Dakota, and I have told them all the same thing: Build America back on the same blueprint that North Dakota has adopted and our country will surely be rewarded with the same great economy our state is enjoying."

Category: News & Politics.

Tags: Jack Dalrymple, North Dakota, Republican Address, Response, Obama, White House, Senate, Congress, Keystone XL Pipeline, Energy Independence, Security, Jobs Creation, Low Taxes, Budget, Surplus, Oil, Bakken, Gas Prices, Fargo, Natural.

License: Standard YouTube License.

VIDEO IMAGE and TEXT CREDIT: Published on Mar 10, 2012 by gopweeklyaddress

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Rand Paul FY2013 budget, "A Platform to Revitalize America," FULL TEXT

Rand Paul United States Senator

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sen. Rand Paul today unveiled his FY2013 budget, "A Platform to Revitalize America," a plan that would balance the budget in five years, significantly reduce spending, and restore fiscal order to Washington. The only budget proposal that balances within the Balanced Budget Amendment window, a measure supported by all 47 Republican Senators, the Platform to Revitalize America is a bold and necessary approach to tackling our ever-increasing debt and wasteful spending. At a press conference in the U.S. Capitol this afternoon, Sen. Paul was joined by co-sponsors Sens. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah), where he laid out the details of his plan, which would bring spending below historical average in the very first year. Following the press conference, Sen. Paul issued the following statement.

"Americans deserve not only to have the debt reduced, but to have every taxpayer dollar spent more wisely. While Washington continues to spend recklessly and ignore the ever-growing deficit, I am offering a plan that will address this country's looming debt crisis in a truly timely manner - balancing the budget in just five years," Sen. Paul said. "The time has come for a change that will restore fiscal order in this country, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that this happens."

"The biggest problem facing the nation right now is the out-of-control spending and borrowing. The Budget Control Act doesn't address the underlying problems, and it's been well over 1,000 days since Senate Democrats passed a budget. I stand behind anyone who is willing to confront this issue through a serious proposal that will put us on the path toward a balanced budget," Sen. Lee said.

"This balanced budget makes the commonsense decision that we've got to stop spending more than we're bringing in," said Senator DeMint. "Already, what was once considered unthinkable has occurred: the creditworthiness and economic outlook of the United States of America has been downgraded. This is more than a national embarrassment, it's an indication that the world is losing confidence in America's ability to pay our bills and of our government to change course. This budget shows we can stop the debt crisis, improve our economy, expand freedom, and secure the future for our children and grandchildren."

Below you will find top-line points regarding the Platform to Revitalize America. Click HERE to view the budget overview in its entirety.

Balances the budget in five years by addressing spending cuts and reforms across the board
The Platform to Revitalize America is the ONLY budget proposal that balances within the Balanced Budget Amendment window (which all 47 Republican Senators support)

SPENDING: This budget proposal significantly reduces spending relative to both the President's budget and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) baseline. It also brings spending below the historical average of 19.6 percent of GDP in the first year, eventually reaching sustainable levels below historic revenues. Based on current CBO baseline, the budget would spend $8 trillion less over the next 10 years.

Brings federal spending below historical average in very first year
Reduces spending by nearly $11 trillion relative to the President's budget
Achieves a $111 billion surplus in FY2017
Remains in surplus after initial balance, pays off $2 trillion of national debt in 10-year window
Includes entitlement reform for Medicare and Social Security

§ Block-grants Medicaid, SCHIP, foods stamps, and child nutrition

§ Preserves Social Security and fixes trust fund over 75 years

§ Preserves Medicare by giving all seniors the same health care plan as Members of Congress

o Reduces most discretionary spending to FY2008 levels

o Defense: Eliminates FY2013 sequester cuts

o Freezes foreign aid spending at $5 billion per year

o Defunds duplicative or wasteful agencies and programs

o Sells off excess federal properties and land

o Eliminates the Davis-Bacon prevailing wages provisions

o Liquidates government ownership of "bailout" companies

Eliminates unnecessary bureaucracy

§ Department of Commerce

§ Department of Education (preserves Pell grants)

§ Department of Housing and Urban Development

§ Department of Energy (transfers nuclear research and weapons to Department of Defense)

o Privatizes Transportation Security Agency

Repeals Obamacare and Dodd-Frank
Opens Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil and gas exploration
Permits the Keystone XL Pipeline project

REVENUE: This budget provides a number of incentives to increase investment. By allowing Americans and businesses to keep more of their money, we will quicken the pace of deleveraging, allowing the economy to find its equilibrium, facilitating growth and employment.

Tax Reform
17 percent flat tax for individuals and corporations
Pro-growth and globally competitive

ENTITLEMENT REFORM: The Social Security reform proposal includes two main provisions: a gradual increase in the retirement age and progressive indexing. The budget also includes reform of Medicare through the Congressional Health Care for Seniors Act. This reform will provide seniors with better health care at a lower cost to the senior and to the taxpayers. Seniors will receive the same health insurance as their Members of Congress, at lower out-of-pocket cost.

Social Security
Increase the retirement age over time, protecting beneficiaries
Progressive Indexing, slows the growth of benefits for high-income and increases benefits for low-income individuals
Gives all seniors the same health care plan as Members of Congress

REGULATIONS: This budget supports adoption of the REINS Act, which seeks to require all major regulations - that is, regulations with an economic impact of over $100 million - to be approved by an up-or-down Congressional vote before they can take effect. In requiring this, REINS allows Congress to re-assert its lawmaking authority over regulatory agencies to ensure that the agency has produced a rule that reflects what Congress intended.

Apply regulatory analysis requirements to independent agencies
Adopt the REINS (Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny) Act
Sunset on regulations
Regulatory process reform
Incorporation of formal rulemaking for major rules

TEXT and IMAGE CREDIT: Rand Paul | United States Senator Washington, DC. 208 Russell Senate Office Building. Washington DC, 20510. Phone: 202-224-4343