“While the rules that you are proposing will have little, if any, positive impact for consumers, they will likely reduce the potential for innovation and investment in broadband networks. Your proposal would establish the Commission as the central arbiter of which new network practices are and are not reasonable, making the Commission the gatekeeper for any future broadband innovations. This will dramatically slow the pace of that innovation and jeopardize billions of dollars of future investment into broadband networks.”
Senators who signed the letter:
Ensign, Isakson, Brownback, Crapo, DeMint, Risch, McCain, Wicker, Hutchison, McConnell, Roberts, Kyl, Cornyn, Enzi, Bunning, Hatch, Johanns, Coburn, Chambliss, Barrasso, Alexander, Vitter, Thune, Bond, Graham, Bennett, Burr, Grassley, Inhofe ###
letter signed by 28 Senators. in PDF FORMAT
TEXT CREDIT: John Ensign, United States Senator of Nevada Press Secretary Jennifer Cooper 119 Russell Senate Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Tel: (202) 224-6244