| Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) sat down today with Bill Cunningham of 700 WLW in Cincinnati to discuss how the new majority is working to create a better environment for economic growth by cutting spending and removing government barriers to job creation. To help eliminate some of the uncertainty facing job creators, Boehner emphasized that “you’re going to see this Congress cut, cut, cut” spending. Here are some excerpts: |
Boehner Highlights New Majority's Effort to Save Taxpayers Trillions, Says “You're Going to See This Congress Cut, Cut, Cut”:
“In that first month, we cut our own budgets by five percent – saved $35 million dollars. … We voted to repeal ObamaCare – $2.6 trillion dollars worth of spending over the next ten years. Since then we’ve had weekly YouCut votes on the floor of the House, including saving $615 million dollars by eliminating taxpayer funding of Presidential elections. You’re going to see this Congress cut, cut, cut – and review every dime of spending that goes through here.”
[LISTEN]Boehner Says Deficit Spending “is Causing Job Creators in America to Hold Back”:
“And I think we have to understand that all of this spending – all of this deficit spending – is causing job creators in America to hold back. I think business people around the county, investors in our country, are looking to see if Congress is going to right the ship and begin to scale back spending so that we can only have as much government as we can afford.”
[LISTEN]Boehner: “We Have to Reduce the Uncertainty” That’s Making Employers “Scared to Death to Invest”:
“We’ve got to cut spending and we have to reduce the uncertainty that’s affecting employers all over the country. All the uncertainty around the new health care law. All the uncertainty around Dodd-Frank, the new financial services regulations, that’s going to dry up credit for not only small businesses, but millions and millions of Americans because of all of the rules and regulations that are in there. How about the uncertainty that’s being created by the EPA when it comes to all of their new clean air standards and their desire to want to regulate how much CO2 is in the air. This creates uncertainty, and when there’s uncertainty, investors and business people sit on their hands and wait for the picture to clear. Two trillion dollars worth of corporate profits sitting in banks today because employers are scared to death to invest it.”
[LISTEN]Boehner on Cutting Spending: “We’re Going to Meet Our Commitments”:
“We committed in the Pledge to America we’d cut $100 billion and if you look at what is left of this fiscal year, it will be $100 billion on an annual basis based on what the President proposed to spend last September. We’re going to meet our goal, and meet our commitments. As a matter of fact, I would argue that we’re going to far exceed what we promised the American people in terms of our willingness to cut spending.”
[LISTEN]Boehner on Fixing Congress to Help Address “The Big Challenges That Face Our Country”:
“If we’re serious about taking on the big challenges that face our country, it’s really important that we have a Congress that works. This place is broken, and the American people know it’s broken. And I have embarked on a plan of opening up the House, forcing work back into the committees, rebuilding the committee structure, having real oversight. And I think that if I’m correct this will bring the two parties, actually, a bit closer. We’ll melt some of the partisan divide that we’ve seen build up in this institution over the 20 years that I’ve been here. And I think that you’ll see more legislation done on a bipartisan basis. I think that the rancor will come down.”
Speaker of the House John Boehner Posted by Speaker Boehner Press Office on February 08, 2011, H-232 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 P (202) 225-0600 F (202) 225-5117