Monday, April 04, 2011

Paul Ryan Preview of FY2012 Budget - no more empty promises from a broke govt VIDEO

Paul Ryan Preview of FY2012 Budget - no more empty promises from a broke govt -

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan previews the House Republicans' FY2012 budget to be launched this week. While Chairman Ryan's budget is determined to deliver a stronger, more prosperous America for the next generation, too many in Washington remain focused on their next election.

VIDEO and TEXT CREDIT: HouseBudgetCommittee

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Reince Priebus Meet the Press 04/03/11 TEXT VIDEO

Reince Priebus the chairman of the Republican National Committee tells Meet the Press moderator David Gregory of his work to rebuild trust and credibility in the organization and offers his take on some potential GOP presidential contenders.