Saturday, June 09, 2012

Erik Paulsen Weekly Republican GOP Address on Repealing ObamaCare to Protect Jobs & Our Economy 06/09/12 VIDEO PODCAST TEXT

Erik Paulsen Weekly Republican GOP Address on Repealing ObamaCare to Protect Jobs & Our Economy 06/09/12 VIDEO PODCAST TEXT - DOWNLOAD MP3 for PODCAST || Download Video .mpeg4 ||

Delivering the Weekly Republican Address, Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) highlights the House’s focus on jobs as the president’s policies continue to make our economy worse. “His health care law may well be the worst offender, driving up costs and making it harder for small businesses to hire workers,” Rep. Paulsen says. “It's making things worse in our economy, and it needs to be fully repealed.” A measure passed by the House this week, and sponsored by Rep. Paulsen, repeals an ObamaCare tax on medical device manufacturers that provides yet another vivid illustration of how this health care law is hurting small businesses. The text and audio of the Weekly Republican Address are available immediately; the video will be ready to view and download after the embargo is lifted 06/09/12 at 6:00 a.m. ET.

Erik Paulsen

FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT: “Hello, I’m Congressman Erik Paulsen from the great state of Minnesota.

“Last week the U.S. Department of Labor gave Americans some very bad news. Only 69,000 jobs were added in May, and the unemployment rate is 8.2 percent – far above the level the Obama administration promised it would be by now when the president’s “stimulus” spending bill was enacted.

“It’s clear that getting our economy going again should be job number one for everyone in Washington. Too many Americans are still having a hard time finding jobs, small businesses are struggling to create them, and there’s little mystery as to why. The president’s policies are standing in the way of a stronger economy. His health care law well may be the worst offender, driving up costs and making it harder for small businesses to hire workers. It's making things worse in our economy, and it needs to be fully repealed.

“Republicans remain focused on removing government barriers to job creation so we can build a stronger economy for all Americans. In the coming weeks, through our Plan for America’s Job Creators, the House will act on measures to boost domestic energy production and stop the massive tax hike on small businesses that is scheduled for January 1st. This is on top of the more than 30 jobs bills the House has passed that are stalled in the Democratic-run Senate.

“One of those initiatives, passed just this week, repealing a massive job killing tax increase on medical device manufacturers that is in the president’s health care law. Repealing this job-crushing tax is a critical step, also worthy of the Senate’s support. And, it’s a vivid demonstration of why we need to fully repeal this health care law.

“The medical technology industry is an American success story that accounts for more than 423,000 jobs in our country, many of which are in my home state of Minnesota. It’s made up of America’s best innovators, entrepreneurs, manufacturers, engineers and doctors, who are improving and saving lives. In other words, this unique industry brings the wonders of technology to bear on the toughest challenges of life. We’re talking about small businesses, those with less than 50 employees that are already struggling. This new $29 billion tax has not even taken effect yet, but already employers are canceling plans to expand…they are moving their operations overseas…and they are cutting research and development.

“Worse yet, I’ve heard from business leaders who say that this new tax is already forcing them to lay off workers and they may even have to shut their doors completely. We cannot afford to lose these – or any – American jobs.

“Promises that this law would lower health care costs have also fallen well short. Health insurance premiums for the average American family spiked nine percent last year – triple the increase seen the year before.

“Clearly we can’t go on like this. The health care law’s one-size-fits-all approach is unsustainable and unaffordable, and soon, the Supreme Court may rule it unconstitutional. Republicans are ready to act on patient-centered reforms that protect Americans’ access to the care they need. Families should be able to make their own choices, and see their own doctor. Those decisions should not be made from Washington.

“The bottom line is this: the president’s health care law is driving up health care costs and hurting small businesses, and for the sake of our economy, it must fully be repealed.

“Thank you for listening.”

VIDEO CREDIT: HouseConference

TEXT CREDIT: John Boehner | H-232 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 P (202) 225-0600 F (202) 225-5117

AUDIO / VIDEO FILES CREDIT: The House Republican Conference - Digital Communications 202-225-5439 +sookie tex

Saturday, June 02, 2012

John Cornyn Weekly Republican GOP Address On Jobs And Tax Reform 06/02/12 VIDEO

John Cornyn Weekly Republican GOP Address On Jobs And Tax Reform 06/02/12 VIDEO

Texas Senator John Cornyn delivers the Weekly Republican Address on the need to prevent the largest tax increase in American history, saying, "The bipartisan consensus is simple: We should lower the rates and broaden the base... but we won't get real tax reform until we get real Presidential leadership." Republicans are working to help create a better environment for job creation, protect family incomes, and strengthen the economy. As Senator Cornyn says, "The time for action is now. The longer that President Obama dithers, the greater the harm to our economy."

Category: News & Politics. Tags: John Cornyn, Texas, Republican. License: Standard YouTube License.

VIDEO CREDIT: gopweeklyaddress