Saturday, June 16, 2012

Scott Walker Weekly Republican GOP Address 06/16/12 FULL VIDEO TEXT TRANSCRIPT

In the Weekly Republican Address, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker calls for getting America's "fiscal house on track and...our economy back in order" saying that "more big government is not the answer as the President contends. Instead, we need to confront the powerful special interests in Washington and put the hard working taxpayers back in charge of our government." Furthermore, Governor Walker says, "we need to think more about the next generation than we do about the next election.

Scott Walker

A full text transcript of the address follows:

“Hi. I'm Scott Walker from Wisconsin.

“Last fall, my wife Tonette and I had a chance to visit Independence Hall. It was quite an experience. You see, as a kid, I loved history and thought of our Founders as being well, bigger than life...almost like super looking at the desks and the chairs where they sat was really pretty amazing.

“Standing there it dawned on me that those who had assembled in these chambers were ordinary citizens who did something quite extraordinary. They didn't just risk their political careers or their business ventures; they risked their lives for the freedoms we hold dear today.

“It reminded me that what has made America great, what has made us exceptional for more than two centuries, what has made the United States arguably the greatest country in the history of the world; is that in moments of crisis—be they economic or fiscal, be they military or spiritual—there have been men and women of courage who thought more about the future of their children and grandchildren than they thought about their own political destiny. We need leaders like that today.

“Sadly, the President and many of his allies seem to measure success by how many people are dependent on government programs. Those policies have failed. In contrast, I and many other Republicans define success in just the opposite way—by how many people we can free from government dependence by growing the private sector.

“Now that doesn't mean we want to throw folks off of unemployment. Instead, we want people no longer dependent on government because they have a job. When more of our fellow citizens have work in the private sector there will be more freedom and more prosperity in our country. That’s a good thing…a very good thing.

“In Wisconsin, we faced one of the biggest budget deficits ever when I first took office last year. During the three years prior to my tenure, my state lost more than 100,000 jobs and the unemployment rate was above 9 percent.

“Today, Wisconsin has a budget surplus. For the first time in history, we’re able to put money into our state’s rainy day fund for two years in a row. Since taking office, Wisconsin has gained more than 41,000 private sector jobs and the unemployment rate; well it's below 7 percent for the first time since 2008. My state used to be ranked in the bottom ten of the best and worst states to do business in. Now, we’re in the top 20…and climbing.

“In Wisconsin, we made the tough decisions to tackle our economic and fiscal crises. Now it is time to do the same for America.

“We can do it. We can do it—because we've done it before.

“Thirty years ago, the national unemployment rate was 10.8 percent, but once President Ronald Reagan's reforms went into effect, we saw one of the greatest economic booms in U.S. history.

“We need that kind of bold leadership again today to get our fiscal house on track and to get our economy back in order. But more big government is not the answer as the President contends.

“Instead, we need to confront the powerful special interests in Washington and put the hard working taxpayers back in charge of our government. We need to think more about the next generation than we do about the next election.

“That kind of courage may be rare in politics but I see it every day in the moms and dads I meet at factories and farms and small businesses all across my state. These moms and dads work hard for a living for more than just a pay check. They work hard for the same reason my wife, Tonette, and I do: we want our kids to have a better life.

“Isn’t that what this is all about? I don’t know about you, but I want my two sons, Matt and Alex, to inherit an America at least, at least as great as the America I grew up in.

“The good news is that we can still do something about it. We’ll have to make some tough choices—but there is no doubt that it is worth it. Let this be the moment in history where we can tell our children and our grandchildren that we helped restore our country’s greatness again. I believe we can because I believe in America.”

Friday, June 15, 2012

Mitt Romney For President Releases Television Ad, "Doing Fine?" FULL VIDEO TEXT

Mitt Romney For President Releases Television Ad, "Doing Fine?" FULL VIDEO TEXT TRANSCRIPT

Location: Boston, MA, United States

Today, Romney for President released a new television advertisement titled “Doing Fine?” Last week, with millions out of work, homes falling into foreclosure, and the middle class getting squeezed more and more every day, President Obama inexplicably said “the private sector is doing fine.” If President Obama can’t see that our economy is broken, how can he fix it?

To View “Doing Fine?” AD FACTS: Script For “Doing Fine?”

VIDEO TEXT: “June 8, 2012”

VIDEO TEXT: “23.2 Million Americans Are In Need Of Work”

23.2 Million Americans Are Unemployed, Underemployed, Or Have Stopped Looking For Work. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, 6/4/12)

VIDEO TEXT: “40 Straight Months Over 8% Unemployment”

Under President Obama, Unemployment Has Remained Above 8% For 40 Straight Months. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, 6/4/12)

VIDEO TEXT: “Middle-Class Struggles Deepen Under Obama”

Since President Obama Took Office, Median Household Income Has Declined By $4,300. “Yet real median household income in March was down $4,300 since Obama took office in January 2009 and down $2,900 since the June 2009 start of the economic recovery, according to an analysis of census data by Sentier Research, an economic- consulting firm in Annapolis, Maryland.” (Mike Dorning, “Obama Fails To Stem Middle-Class Slide He Blamed On Bush,” Bloomberg, 4/30/12)

Median Family Net Worth Has Hit A Two-Decade Low. “The Great Recession shrank Americans' wealth so much that in 2010 median family net worth was no more than it had been in 1992 after adjusting for inflation, the Federal Reserve reported Monday. Median net worth declined from $126,400 in 2007 to $77,300 in 2010, a Fed survey of family finances found. The median marks the point where half had more and half had less.” (Martin Crutsinger, “Fed Report: Middle Class Net Worth Tumbles,” The Associated Press, 6/12/12)

VIDEO TEXT: “Millions Of Homeowners Underwater On Mortgages”

Millions Of Homeowners Are Underwater On Their Mortgages. “Despite rising home prices, more than 30% of borrowers, or close to 16 million homeowners, were underwater on their mortgage during the first quarter, according to Zillow. The percentage of borrowers who owed more on their home than it was worth increased to 31.4% during the quarter, up slightly from 31.1% three months earlier, according to Zillow.” (Les Christie, “More Than 30% Of Mortgage Borrowers Still Underwater,” CNN Money, 5/24/12)

VIDEO TEXT: “The President’s Response?”

VIDEO TEXT: “June 8, 2012”

VIDEO TEXT: “11:01 am”

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: “The private sector is doing fine.”

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: “The private sector is doing fine.” (President Barack Obama, Press Conference, Washington, DC, 6/8/12)

VIDEO TEXT: “The Private Sector Is Doing Fine?”

VIDEO TEXT: “June 8, 2012”

VIDEO TEXT: “11:01 am”

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: “The private sector is doing fine.”

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: “The private sector is doing fine.” (President Barack Obama, Press Conference, Washington, DC, 6/8/12)

VIDEO TEXT: “How Can President Obama Fix Our Economy…”

VIDEO TEXT: “If He Doesn’t Understand It’s Broken?”

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: “The private sector is doing fine.”

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: “The private sector is doing fine.” (President Barack Obama, Press Conference, Washington, DC, 6/8/12)

MITT ROMNEY: “I’m Mitt Romney and I approve this message.”

TEXT CREDIT: Romney for President

VIDEO CREDIT: mittromney