Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Romney Obama Presidential Debate 10/03/12 LIVE STREAMING VIDEO

President Obama and Mitt Romney meet for the first of three presidential debates starting at 9pm ET from the University of Denver. The 90-minute debate will be moderated by Jim Lehrer. Live coverage begins at 7pm ET. Official Twitter hashtag for the presidential debates is #debates

En espaƱol. Romney Debate presidencial de Obama 10/03/12 EN VIVO VIDEO STREAMING

Participants: President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney. Moderator: Jim Lehrer (Host of NewsHour on PBS), Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates. Topic: Domestic policy. Location: University of Denver in Denver, Colorado. Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time. The debate will focus on domestic policy and be divided into six time segments of approximately 15 minutes each on topics to be selected by the moderator and announced several weeks before the debate.

Link below opens live ABC / Yahoo debate LIVE STREAMING VIDEO feed.

ABC Presidential Debate 10/03/12 LIVE STREAMING VIDEO. coverage begins at 8:30 p.m. ET. (5:30 p.m. PT) with the debate scheduled from 9 to 10:30 p.m. EDT. Romney Obama Presidential Debate 10/03/12 LIVE STREAMING VIDEO. ABC News, Yahoo! News

Link below opens live FOX debate LIVE STREAMING VIDEO feed.

FOX Presidential Debate 10/03/12 LIVE STREAMING VIDEO.

FOX NEWS coverage begins at approximately 8:30 p.m. ET. (5:30 p.m. PT) with the debate scheduled from 9 to 10:30 p.m. EDT. Mobile phone viewing, live streaming video can also be seen via Fox News iPhone and iPad app and Droid app

Link below opens live C-SPAN debate LIVE STREAMING VIDEO feed.

C-SPAN Presidential Debate 10/03/12 LIVE STREAMING VIDEO

7pm (ET) LIVE: Presidential Debate Preview 9pm (ET)
LIVE: 2012 Presidential Candidates Debate, Split Screen 10:30pm (ET) LIVE: Presidential Debate Review

Link below opens live CNN debate LIVE STREAMING VIDEO feed.

CNN Presidential Debate 10/03/12 LIVE STREAMING VIDEO

The Presidential Debate 10/03/12 CNN LIVE FEED above should go LIVE shortly before 9:00 pm ET FULL LIVE STREAMING VIDEO FEED.

The moderator will open each segment with a question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a discussion of the topic.

Streamed live on Oct 3, 2012 by ABCNews. Watch live coverage of the first presidential debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney. Category: News & Politics. License: Standard YouTube License

PBS NewsHour Executive Editor Jim Lehrer will host the first presidential debate Wednesday October 3, 2012 at 9 p.m. ET from the University of Denver in Denver, Colorado.

To watch Obama and Romney debate online, tune in on Wednesday, Oct. 2 from 9 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. (EST) via theYouTube Elections page.

Presidential Debate 2012 Live Stream from ABC News and Yahoo News: The Candidates Debate

Primer Debate Presidencial 2012 Streamed live on Oct 3, 2012 by Univision Noticias Primer Debate Presidential entre Presidente Barack Obama y Gobernador Mitt Romney.

MORE DEBATES: +sookie tex

Republican Debate NBC News Tampa Florida 01/23/12

Saturday, September 08, 2012

John Barrasso Weekly Republican GOP Address On Obama's Economic Failures 09/08/12 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT VIDEO

John Barrasso Weekly Republican GOP Address On Obama's Economic Failures 09/08/12 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT VIDEO Podcast of the address: Download MP3 for PODCAST || Download Video .mpeg4 ||

Published on Sep 8, 2012 by gopweeklyaddress

In the Weekly Republican Address, U.S. Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyoming) says, "The undeniable truth is, President Obama is on track to have the worst jobs record of any President since World War II. When the President was hyping his so-called stimulus program, his economic team claimed unemployment would not go above 8 percent... Instead, it's been higher than 8 percent for 43 straight months." Sen. Barrasso continues, "The President's policies have failed to produce the results, accountability, and solutions the American people deserve. The Obama Administration is simply not moving our country forward." Sen. Barrasso also says congressional Republicans are committed to creating jobs and getting our economy going in the right direction.

Category: News and Politics. License: Standard YouTube License.

The Weekly Republican Address is available in both audio and video format and is embargoed until 6:00 a.m. ET, Saturday, September 8, 2012. The audio of the address is available here, the video will be available here and you may download the address here. A FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT of the address follows:

“Hi. I’m Dr. John Barrasso, United States Senator for Wyoming.

At the Democratic convention this week, President Obama tried to make the case for why he needs more time to do the job he was elected to do four years ago.

“As usual, the President gave a lofty speech. But his vision for America’s future comes down to bigger government, higher taxes, and more spending.

“The conventions are over now. The soaring speeches have ended.

“It's time for rhetoric to meet reality.

“The reality is that America is not better off than it was four years ago.

“Today, 23 million Americans are unemployed or underemployed. Many are our friends, neighbors, and family members.

“The undeniable truth is, President Obama is on track to have the worst jobs record of any President since World War II.

“When the President was hyping his so-called stimulus program, his economic team claimed unemployment would not go above 8 percent, and that it would be below 6 percent by now. Instead, it’s been higher than 8 percent for 43 straight months.

“It’s bad enough the stimulus money was wasted. Even worse, he borrowed the money, much of it from China.

“Household incomes have dropped by more than $4,000, while the cost of everyday living has gone up.

“Gasoline prices have gone up another 30 cents a gallon in just over a month. Americans recently paid the highest prices ever on a Labor Day weekend.

“One out of every seven people in America is now on food stamps.

“In terms of global competitiveness, the United States has dropped for four straight years. When President Obama took office, we were number one in the world. Now we’re number seven.

“American businesses are at a competitive disadvantage because our tax rates are the highest in the developed world.

“Americans know what works: low taxes, reasonable regulations, and living within our means.

“President Kennedy understood that. He said: ‘Persistently large deficits would endanger our economic growth and our military and defense commitments abroad.’

“He said that 50 years ago, in 1962. Washington's budget deficit that year was $7 billion.

“From $7 billion then, to a $1.2 trillion deficit this year.

“For every year since he took office, President Obama has spent at least a trillion dollars more than Washington took in, all of it borrowed.

“Under his watch, government spends too much, borrows too much, and grows bigger every day.

“President Obama’s record of failure has come at a great cost to our country and our future.

“The President's policies have failed to produce the results, accountability, and solutions the American people deserve. The Obama Administration is simply not moving our country forward.

“It’s been said that, faced with his record, the President has changed his hope and change message of four years ago to one of divide and conquer today.

“More presidential rhetoric, and a plea for more time, won’t heal our economy.

“A healthy economy comes from a growing private sector.

“Yet the President does not seem to appreciate or value the private sector. Remember, he said if you have a business, you didn’t build it, someone else did.

“In Wyoming, and in communities all across the country, there are bakers and florists, and dry cleaners and farmers who did build their businesses, and whose families have been working in them for generations.

“Those business owners know what President Obama does not.

“They understand, as Ronald Reagan put it, that you can't be for big government, big taxes, and big bureaucracy, and still be for the little guy.

“As a nation, we are being bled by overspending, choked by overregulation, and paralyzed by a lack of affordable energy.

“Just look at the President’s health care law.

“The American people knew what they wanted from health care reform. They wanted the care they need, from the doctor they choose, at a lower cost.

“Instead, they got a $700 billion cut to Medicare; a government mandate that everyone must buy insurance; funding for IRS agents to investigate you; but too little money for doctors to treat you.

“The American people want energy security. Yet the President continues to block the Keystone pipeline and the oil and jobs that come with it.

“The American people want financial security for their children. But Washington has piled a mountain of debt on the backs of future generations, and the President just keeps adding more. On his watch, the national debt just passed $16 trillion.

“President Obama says he deserves a grade of ‘incomplete’ on his handling of the economy.

“But people only ask for an incomplete when they know they’re failing.

“He’s now asking you to give him more time.

“The question is—can we afford to give him that time?

“Republicans have the solutions to help create jobs and get our economy going in the right direction again.

“Instead of giving President Obama four more years to continue the policies that are not working, it’s time for a change.

“Thank you for joining me today.”
