Sunday, October 13, 2013

Dr. Ben Carson at Values Voter Summit 2013 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT and VIDEO

Dr. Ben Carson at Values Voter Summit 2013 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT and VIDEO

My dream was to become a doctor. As a youngster growing up in Detroit and Boston, it seemed like a lofty goal, but something that I felt was obtainable. And when I finally did achieve that dream as an intern and a junior resident at Johns Hopkins, one of the things that really struck me as I went into those wards, and I would see all of these people – the CEO of this company, the president of this organization, the crown prince of this country, the queen of this nation – frequently dying of some horrible disease, and every single one of them would have gladly given every penny and every title for a clean bill of health.

And you begin to realize how critically important your health is. It is the most valuable thing that you have. Everything else pales into insignificance compared to your health. And that’s the reason that your health should be controlled by you and not by the government.

Full Text Transcript in PDF Format: 2013 Values Voter Summit Dr. Ben Carson

Ted Cruz (R-Texas) at Values Voter Summit 2013 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT and VIDEO

Ted Cruz (R-Texas) at Values Voter Summit 2013 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT and VIDEO

I am here this morning with a word of encouragement and exhortation. I want to say two things: Number one, these are extraordinary times. These are not typical times. The challenges facing this country are unlike any we have ever seen. You look at our Constitution, you look at our Bill of Rights, this is an administration that seems bound and determined to violate every single of our Bill of Rights.

Full Text Transcript in PDF Format: 2013 Values Voter Summit Senator Ted Cruz