Sunday, December 08, 2013

Weekly Republican Address Renee Ellmers 12/07/13 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT PODCAST VIDEO

Weekly Republican Address Renee Ellmers 12/07/13 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT PODCAST VIDEO WASHINGTON, DC – Delivering the Weekly Republican Address, Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC) talks about the House’s ongoing focus on jobs and shares stories from constituents struggling to cope with the effects of the president’s health care law. Rep. Ellmers serves on the House Energy & Commerce Committee and is chair of the Republican Women’s Policy Committee.

The full audio of the address is here. Download MP3 for PODCAST

FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT - Remarks of Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC) Weekly Republican Address U.S. Capitol December 7, 2013.

Merry Christmas, everyone, and hello, my name is Renee Ellmers, and I represent North Carolina’s Second Congressional District

Like many of you, I’m frustrated with the president’s health care law, especially where jobs and working families are concerned. I say this not only as a congresswoman and chair of the Republican Women’s Policy Committee; I say it as a nurse and the mother of a son in college.

After all, it’s often women who make the health care decisions for our families. We put a lot of time and thought into these choices and how they’ll affect our budgets

So by canceling your insurance – despite a promise to let you keep your plan – the Obama administration is essentially saying it knows what’s best for you and your family. Not only that, they are making you pay more – usually much more – and in many cases, taking away the doctors you’ve been seeing for years.

If you want to talk about a ‘war on women,’ look no further than this health care law.

Just consider some of the stories I’ve heard from folks in my district.

Marian from Pittsboro told me that she and her husband received cancellation notices and that the replacement would double their premiums. When she called to ask for help, the insurance company told Marian that if she doesn’t sign up for a new plan, the law requires that they enroll her in the “suggested policy.” This increase, she says, will consume their gas and grocery money for the month. She now sees no choice but to cancel their insurance altogether.

Kent and Ulli from Cary are in their mid-50s and they report that their premiums are about to jump from $248 to $968 per month. That is nearly four times higher. Ken and Ulli have always preferred a high deductible policy because they work hard to stay in good health and when they do need care, they like to shop for the best value. But as we have seen, this administration thinks it knows better than they do.

And then there’s Liz from Sanford. She’s a small business owner with only two employees: herself and her husband. Their premiums went up 127 percent on account of the new law. Liz told me that she and her husband are regular, hardworking, healthy Americans. She said “we are not wealthy. I really don’t know what will happen in the future.”

Seeing so many hardworking people have to spend the holiday season wondering ‘what’s next?’ – it’s heartbreaking. And it’s wrong.

These families wouldn’t be in this boat if those who wrote the law had listened to hardworking taxpayers instead of relying on insurance companies and big businesses. Even now, these same entities are the ones getting special delays, breaks, and workarounds from the White House.

Families who work hard and play by the rules deserve some basic choices, fairness and relief.

That’s why the House has passed legislation to delay the individual mandate for all Americans and let you keep the plan you like. These proposals are among the dozens of House-passed jobs bills awaiting action in the Democratic-run Senate. Leaders there, however, continue to stand in the way of the American people.

For our part, Republicans will continue to listen, focus on jobs, and give this law the scrutiny it deserves. We’re also going to keep pressing the president to do the right thing. If the president won't scrap this law, isn't it time for him to delay it for all Americans before it does further harm?

On behalf of all of us here, let me wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. Thank you for listening.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Weekly Republican Address Lindsey Graham 11/28/13 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT PODCAST VIDEO

Weekly Republican Address Lindsey Graham 11/28/13 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT PODCAST VIDEO

In the Weekly Republican Address, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina says that Thanksgiving is a great time to express gratitude and appreciation for the service of America's men and women in uniform. A senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee who meets regularly with America's soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines, Senator Graham says it is because of their bravery and willingness to endure tremendous hardships that Americans are able to be at home with their families this holiday season. "Some are serving our nation overseas, thousands of miles away, and in their world, the creature comforts you and I take for granted -- things like running water and electricity -- are considered luxuries," says Senator Graham. This Thanksgiving, Senator Graham tells our troops and their families, "we truly owe you a debt of gratitude we can never repay."

The full audio of the address is here. Download MP3 for PODCAST


“Hello, I’m Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

“As we celebrate this Thanksgiving holiday, it’s important for us all to reflect on our many blessings. Family and friends immediately come to mind.

“But there are many Americans who will not be able to celebrate this holiday season at their home. Some are serving our nation overseas, thousands of miles away. And in their world, the creature comforts you and I take for granted -- things like running water and electricity -- are considered luxuries.

“As a member of the Armed Services Committee, I’ve had the great honor of meeting many of these American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. Together, they make up the greatest fighting force in the history of the world.

“I have been fortunate to witness first-hand, the remarkable work they have done and continue to do in some of the most challenging of circumstances.

“Whether in the cities of Iraq or the many remote, isolated villages of Afghanistan, I’ve seen the oppressive conditions under which our bravest Americans are forced to operate.

“Yet our soldiers continue to persevere and carry on, driven by a desire and commitment to keep our enemies at bay. For these Americans, their service to protecting our nation is more than a job. It is a calling.

“They maintain an unwavering focus and determination not to surrender an inch to the enemy. And time and time again they show a willingness to reenlist and return to the fight.

“I continue to be amazed by their teamwork and compassion – not only towards each other – but also towards the least fortunate among them.

“Whether sharing their food and water, or pooling their own money to buy a soccer ball for a child who owns next to nothing – they are living proof of the American spirit of helping others who are down and out.

“Our American soldiers serve as some of the best ambassadors the United States could ever hope for. They are tough and determined, yet equally kind and compassionate.

“On this Thanksgiving, I want to express all of our appreciation – Republican, Democrat, Independent -- for the service of our men and women in uniform and their families.

“To the military spouse, who has to be both mom and dad, God Bless. To the children of our military members, who have missed holidays and birthdays, God Bless you.

“It is because of the bravery of our troops, and their willingness to endure tremendous hardships that we are able to be at home with our families this holiday season.

“To our troops and their families, we truly owe you a debt of gratitude we can never repay.

“Thank you for listening. May God continue to bless you, and all those who serve our great nation.”