Monday, December 16, 2013

The Path to Prosperity: The House Republicans’ FY2014 Budget FULL TEXT

The Path to Prosperity: The House Republicans’ FY2014 Budget FULL TEXT The United States faces many challenges. This year, unemployment will hover around 8 percent, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

1 Economic growth will remain tepid. The national debt recently eclipsed the size of our economy. Millions of families are stuck in foreclosure. Student loans are piling up. Gas prices are at historic highs. And soon, families will struggle with a new health-care bureaucracy, while medical costs further erode their paychecks.

House Republicans’ FY2014 Budget

It’s no surprise, then, that most Americans think we’re on the wrong track. 2 By living beyond our means, we’re stealing from the next generation. By promising a higher standard of living today, the federal government is guaranteeing a lower standard of living tomorrow. So it’s troubling to consider where this track will lead. Unless we act, by 2023, we will add another $8.2 trillion to our national debt. That debt will weigh down our country like an anchor.

Unless we change course, we will have a debt crisis. Pressed for cash, the government will take the easy way out: It will crank up the printing presses. The final stage of this intergenerational theft will be the debasement of our currency. Government will cheat us of our just rewards. Our finances will collapse. The economy will stall. The safety net will unravel. And the most vulnerable will suffer.

But it’s not too late. This budget provides an exit ramp from the current mess—and an entry ramp to a better future. Unlike the President’s last budget, which never balanced, this budget achieves balance within ten years. In the next decade, it spends $4.6 trillion less than will be provided under the current path. The fact is, we owe the American people a balanced budget. The less we owe to foreign creditors, the more of our future we will control.

And we balance the budget for an important reason: An unbalanced budget is a sign of overreach. When government does too much, it doesn’t do anything well. So our budget makes room for community—for the vast middle ground between government and the person. It recognizes that people do not find happiness in grim isolation or by government fiat. They find it through friendship—through free, vibrant exchange with the people around them. They find it through achievement. They find it in their families and neighborhoods, their places of worship and youth groups. They find it in a healthy mix of self-fulfillment and belonging.

While we belong to one country, we also belong to thousands of communities—each of them rich in tradition. And these communities don’t obstruct our personal growth. They encourage it. So the duty of government is not to displace these communities, but to support them. It isn’t to blunt their differences or to flatten their character—to mash them all together into a dull conformity. It’s to secure our individual rights and to protect that diversity.

We are a self-governing people. Yet, if we can’t manage our own affairs, we can hardly govern a nation. It’s in the assembly hall and the boardroom—in the town meeting and the state legislature—that we learn how to govern. And that’s where we forge our common bonds. Yes, government is one of those bonds. But it can’t unite 300 million people—not on its own. It needs our communities to tie us together.

Today, our communities—our families, in particular—face many dangers: rising health-care costs, a stagnant economy, a massive debt, an uncertain world. These dangers require a lean, dynamic government—one that can protect its people and keep its word. They also require government to respect its limits—to understand it plays a role in our lives, but not the leading one.

This budget seeks to revive our communities with an emphasis on six areas. It expands opportunity by growing our economy. It strengthens the safety net by retooling federal aid. It secures seniors’ retirement by reforming entitlements. It restores fair play to the marketplace by ending cronyism. It keeps our country safe by rebuilding our military. And it ends Washington’s culture of reckless spending.

None of these priorities can be met if a debt crisis hits. This budget gets government spending under control. Balancing the budget is a sensible goal—a commitment that both parties should share. And because our debt has grown with greater speed, the Committee on the Budget has tackled it with greater urgency. But our aim isn’t merely a balanced ledger. It’s the well-being of our people. We need government to focus on the people’s priorities—not its own. And so our budget returns the federal government to its proper limits and focus.

We can overcome these challenges—and we must. It’s our duty to leave the next generation a better country than the one we inherited. We know what the problem is: We have to fix our entitlements and to grow the economy. We understand that not everyone shares our view. And we respect that difference of opinion. Last year, the American people chose divided government. So this year, we have to make it work. We offer this budget in recognition of that need—and in a spirit of good will.

FULL TEXT in PDF FORMAT The House Republicans’ FY2014 Budget:

Paul Ryan Chairman of the House Budget Committee Member of Congress, First District of Wisconsin March 12, 2013

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Weekly Republican Address Pat Toomey 12/14/13 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT PODCAST VIDEO

Weekly Republican Address Pat Toomey 12/14/13 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT PODCAST VIDEO. In the Weekly Republican Address, Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania talks about how the President's deeply flawed health care law is causing millions of Americans to lose the insurance plans they liked and pay higher premiums and deductibles under new Obamacare plans. He tells of a constituent with multiple sclerosis who was recently kicked off of her insurance plan because of Obamacare. The woman now has a choice of two plans -- one that will allow her to keep her doctor and the other that will pay for her medication. "Neither plan will do both," says Toomey. "These are the kinds of painful and unfair choices millions of people now face" thanks to Obamacare.

The full audio of the address is here. Download MP3 for PODCAST


“I’m Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey.

“These days, lots of Americans think Members of Congress are out of touch, and you know, at times there’s some truth to that.

“But there’s at least one instance in which many Members of Congress are feeling the very same pain that the rest of America is feeling. And that’s with this new health care law.

“Now, I don’t think anyone should be forced onto Obamacare. But as a Senator, Obamacare forced me and my family onto an exchange for health coverage.

“Just last week, my wife, Kris, tried to sign up on the health exchange website that’s available to us.

“Now, my wife is a very sharp woman, she’s a former computer software consultant.

“She’s also an amazing person and a great mom, but that’s another story.

“When Kris went onto the website, she typed in all our personal information and that of all our three children.

“And then, when she tried to browse the various plans, the website denied her. She tried again, and it still didn’t work. When she called someone and asked for help, she was told the system just wasn’t working right now and it was best to try again later.

“Well, I’ll tell you, I really wish this were a case of a Member of Congress just out of touch. Unfortunately, it’s not.

“The fiasco my wife just faced with the health care website is being experienced by Americans across the country when they try to sign up for health insurance.

“If this were just a matter of a slow-moving computer glitch, well then maybe that would be excusable. But it’s much more than that.

“It’s been reported that that perhaps as many as one-third of those who have been able to complete the online enrollment process might not actually have insurance coverage at all. Apparently, the enrollment information isn’t always being transmitted to the insurers in a large number of cases.

“Can you imagine going to your doctor or to a hospital in January only to find out you’re not actually insured?

“Well, the President says his team is working out the kinks in the website. Now, I hope that’s true.

“It sure seems like there’s a long way to go. But let’s assume that the website problems eventually get fixed. Sadly, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

“Before Obamacare became law, the President often told everyone that, and I quote, ‘if you like the health insurance you have, you can keep it, period.’ End quote.

“Well, millions of Americans are now finding out that was never true. The fact is, Obamacare was designed to cancel many plans that people had and people liked – the President now admits as much.

“But this is creating excruciating choices. I recently heard from a woman from Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She has multiple sclerosis – has for years – and Obamacare kicked her off an insurance plan that worked for her for many years.

“Yes, she can get a plan in the new health care exchange. In fact, it turns out there are two options available to her. One of the options would let her keep her doctor. The other would pay for her medication. And neither plan will do both.

“These are the kinds of painful and unfair choices millions of people now face.

“Now, if you have not yet been directly harmed by Obamacare, consider yourself fortunate.

“But take the time to listen to your friends, family, and neighbors. They’ll tell you stories of lost coverage, higher costs, enrollment errors, not to mention lost jobs and fewer hours working. It’s a disaster for our country, and it’s only going to get worse.

“But this is the holiday season, and we should offer some hope and good cheer. The truth is, there are good reasons for hope, if we can just change direction.

“There are common-sense, bipartisan solutions to our health care problems that don’t require Obamacare’s wholesale government take-over of the system.

“Now, in a nutshell, we can make insurance more accessible, more affordable, and more responsive to individuals and families. And put patients and their doctors in charge of health care decisions, instead of politicians and government bureaucrats.

“We can help those with preexisting conditions purchase affordable insurance.

“I’d like to give individuals the same tax benefits enjoyed by employers buying insurance for their employees.

“We can make it easier to carry health insurance from job to job or to purchase it across state lines.

“We can help small businesses pool together to get quality coverage for their workers at lower prices.

“We can rein in frivolous medical malpractice lawsuits that drive up medical costs for everyone.

“The problem with Obamacare isn’t just a glitch. It’s fundamental and it’s taking away our freedom. At the heart of the program is the idea that the government should decide your health coverage – what you require and how much you should pay. Never mind what you want, what you need, and what you can afford.

“But working together, we can put an end to the dropped coverage and higher costs that the Obamacare law is forcing on so many.

“I think Americans should be free to choose the insurance coverage that’s right for them. That choice should not be in the hands of the Obama Administration or at the mercy of malfunctioning government websites.

“Thanks for listening. And Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy holiday season to everyone.”