Technorati Tags: pediatrician or obesity and pediatrics or Medical and Latina or children and body weight or preschool and Psychology or overweight
Mothers often have inaccurate perceptions of their children's body weight, study shows
Latina mothers of preschool-aged children frequently have inaccurate perceptions of their children's body mass index and believe they are healthy when they are overweight, according to a new study from the University of California, San Francisco.
"A significant number of women believed that their children were normal weight when they were, in fact, overweight," said lead study author Elena Fuentes-Afflick, MD, MPH, UCSF associate professor of pediatrics and a pediatrician at San Francisco General Hospital. "However, if the mother described her child as overweight, she was usually correct, but it is concerning that many mothers did not perceive their overweight children as being overweight."
The study findings were presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting today (April 29) in San Francisco. Fuentes-Afflick said the study has implications for the effort to stem the tide of pediatric obesity, which has reached epidemic proportions in the United States.
"It's not just Latino parents. As a pediatrician, when you start to talk to parents about their child's weight or body mass, you have to ask: How much and what are children eating? How much TV are they watching? It's especially challenging to talk about these issues with respect to young children because parents are largely responsible for their children's dietary habits.
"If there is a mismatch between what the pediatrician and the mother think is a healthy weight, how do we, as pediatricians, clearly and effectively communicate information about the child's weight to the mother and other family members?" Fuentes-Afflick said.
The study analyzed data from patient interviews conducted for the Latino Health Project, a prospective study of Latina women who were recruited during pregnancy and interviewed annually. The study included 194 women and children who were interviewed in 2000-03, three years after recruitment.
The number of overweight children was higher among women who perceived their children had good or excellent health status, among women who had no concerns about their children's health status, and among women who reported their children eat well.
Overweight children were defined as those with weights at or above 85th percentile on developmental growth charts, adjusted for their age and height.
"As a society, we have a number of negative labels that we use to describe overweight people, and parents don't want their child to fall into that category. It often takes several visits to the pediatrician, communicating the same message before parents understand that overweight is an important issue for children," Fuentes-Afflick said.
The number of overweight children was significantly less likely among women who perceived their children had fair or poor health status and whose weight was perceived as too low, according to study findings. ###
The study is co-authored by Nancy A. Hessol, MSPH, assistant professor, division of infectious diseases, UCSF Department of Medicine.
The study was supported by grants from the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
UCSF is a leading university that consistently defines health care worldwide by conducting biomedical
Contact: Phyllis Brown 415-476-2557 University of California - San Francisco
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Sunday, April 30, 2006
Mothers often have inaccurate perceptions of their children's body weight
Micro-pump is cool idea for future computer chips
Technorati Tags: Nano or Nanotechnology and nanoparticles or Nanotech and Nanopore or nanochemistry and nanoscale or nanowires and nanogenerators or micro-pump and electrohydrodynamics or microelectromechanical system and nanostructures or Nanoscience
Micro-pump is cool idea for future computer chips
![]() | Brian D. Iverson, a mechanical engineering doctoral student at Purdue, holds up a disk containing several 'micro-pump' cooling devices small enough to fit on a computer chip. The tiny pumps circulate coolant through channels etched into the chip. (Purdue News Service photo/David Umberger). A publication-quality photo is available, High Resolution Image |
Innovative cooling systems will be needed for future computer chips that will generate more heat than current technology, and this extra heating could damage electronic devices or hinder performance, said Suresh Garimella, a professor of mechanical engineering.
The new device has been integrated onto a silicon chip that is about 1 centimeter square, or roughly one-sixth of a square inch. The technology is an example of a microelectromechanical system, or MEMS, a tiny mechanical device fabricated using methods generally associated with microelectronics.
"Because it's a MEMS pump, we were able to integrate the entire cooling system right onto a chip," Garimella said. "The most innovative part of the technology is the micro-pump."
An article about the cooling device will appear in the May issue of Electronics Cooling magazine. The article was written by doctoral student Brian D. Iverson, Garimella and former doctoral student Vishal Singhal, who recently graduated and co-founded Thorrn Micro Technologies Inc., in Redwood City, Calif.
Chips in today's computers are cooled primarily with an assembly containing conventional fans and "heat sinks," or metal plates containing fins to dissipate heat. But because chips a decade from now will likely contain upwards of 100 times more transistors and other devices, they will generate far more heat than chips currently in use, Garimella said.
"Our goal is to develop advanced cooling systems that are self-contained on chips and are capable of handling the more extreme heating in future chips," said Garimella, director of Purdue's Cooling Technologies Research Center. The center, supported by the National Science Foundation, industry and Purdue, was formed to help corporations develop miniature cooling technologies for a wide range of applications, from electronics and computers to telecommunications and advanced aircraft.
The prototype chip contains numerous water-filled micro-channels, grooves about 100 microns wide, or about the width of a human hair. The channels are covered with a series of hundreds of electrodes, electronic devices that receive varying voltage pulses in such a way that a traveling electric field is created in each channel. The traveling field creates ions, or electrically charged atoms and molecules, which are dragged along by the moving field.
"Say every sixth electrode receives the same voltage, these varying voltages from one electrode to the next produce a traveling electrical field that pulls the ions forward, causing the water to flow and inducing a cooling action," Garimella said. "Essentially, you are pumping fluid forward."
This pumping action is created by a phenomenon called electrohydrodynamics, which uses the interactions of ions and electric fields to cause fluid to flow.
"Engineers have been using electrohydrodynamics to move fluids with electric fields for a long time, but it's unusual to be able to do this on the micro-scale as we have demonstrated," Garimella said.
The researchers also have added a feature to boost the force of the pumping action. A thin sheet of piezoelectric material, which expands and contracts in response to an electric current, was glued on top of the cover of the liquid-filled channels.
"This material acts as a diaphragm that deforms up and down when you give it a voltage, causing it to push additional flow through the channels," Garimella said. "We have developed mathematical models that show this piezo action enhances the electrohydrodynamic performance."
The diaphragm has enhanced the pumping action by 13 percent in the current prototype, but the modeling indicates a possible enhancement of 100 percent or greater, he said.
"Although electrohydrodynamics has generally not been considered practical for pumping applications due to the assumption that it requires a large amount of energy and does not produce enough motive force for thrust, the method has been shown to be far more efficient for micro-cooling applications," Garimella said. "We have shown that the power input required is in the microwatts, but you can get milliwatts of cooling. In other words, the cooling effect is more than a thousand times greater than the energy needed to drive the system. That's because all we need to do is create enough of a flow to induce cooling."
However, several major challenges remain.
"One big challenge is further developing mathematical models that are comprehensive and accurate because this is a very complicated, dynamic system," Garimella said. "You've got fluid flow on a micro-scale, you've got electrohydrodynamic effects, electrical fields and a moving diaphragm."
Other challenges include sealing the tiny channels to prevent water leakage and designing the system so that it could be manufactured under the same conditions as semiconductor chips.
The work has been funded by the Indiana 21st Century Research and Technology Fund. Garimella is a member of the Birck Nanotechnology Center at Purdue's Discovery Park.
Writer: Emil Venere, (765) 494-4709,
Source: Suresh Garimella, (765) 494-5621,
Purdue News Service: (765) 494-2096;
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Saturday, April 29, 2006
President Meets with Darfur Advocates (VIDEO)
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President Meets with Darfur Advocates, FULL STREAMING VIDEO, The Roosevelt Room 1:50 P.M. EDT, In Focus: Africa
THE PRESIDENT: I just had an extraordinary conversation with fellow citizens from different faiths, all of who have come to urge our government to continue to focus on saving lives in Sudan. They agree with thousands of our citizens -- hundreds of thousands of our citizens -- that genocide in Sudan is unacceptable.
And there will be rallies across our country to send a message to the Sudanese government that the genocide must stop. Those rallies will also be an indication that thousands and hundreds of thousands of our citizens urge the world to unite with the United States in concerted action.
We have got AU troops on the ground; those troops need to be augmented and increased through strong United Nations action. And the United States strongly supports a U.N. resolution to do that. I believe it's important for the United States to be involved, and the best way to be involved with the AU troops is through NATO. I've worked with the Secretary General of NATO and our allies in NATO to provide a firm response to the actions that are taking place on the ground. I want the Sudanese government to understand the United States of America is serious about solving this problem.
I'm proud of our nation's generosity when it comes to aid, and the American people ought to be proud of the taxpayer dollars that have gone to provide much needed aid for those who suffer. But this government must understand that we expect the aid to get to the people and we expect there to be a solution to this problem.
There will be rallies all across the country. And for those of you who are going out to march for justice, you represent the best of our country. We believe every life is precious, every human being is important. And the signal you send to the world is a strong signal, and I welcome your participation. And I want to thank the organizers for being here.
I want to thank this good man right here -- he sits here next to his President, and it wasn't all that long ago that he was a slave inside Sudan. He sits here to represent the thousands of lives who have been affected by a government that must honor human rights.
And, Simon, I'm proud to have you here as a fellow American; proud to have you here as a friend.
Thank you all for coming.
END 1:54 P.M. EDT, For Immediate Release, Office of the Press Secretary, April 28, 2006
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Freedom Calendar 04/29/06 - 05/06/06
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April 29, 1877, Death of Republican Gov. William Brownlow, who led fight for Tennessee’s ratification of 14th Amendment guaranteeing due process and equal protection of the laws.
April 30, 1862, African-American Republicans in New Orleans establish L’Union, first African-American newspaper in South.
May 1, 1981, President Ronald Reagan proclaims first Jewish Heritage Week.
May 2, 1963, Republicans condemn Democrat sheriff of Birmingham, AL for arresting over 2,000 African-American schoolchildren marching for their civil rights.
May 3, 1876, Birth of Isaac Leevy, South Carolina African-American Republican who established Lincoln Emancipation Clubs in 1940s to enable African-Americans to vote.
May 4, 1811, Birth of Republican Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
May 5, 1983, Hispanic Republican Patricia Diaz Dennis appointed by President Ronald Reagan as first Hispanic woman on National Labor Relations Board; later served as FCC Commissioner under Reagan and as Regent of Texas State University under Gov. George W. Bush.
May 6, 1960, President Dwight Eisenhower signs Republicans’ Civil Rights Act of 1960, overcoming 125-hour, around-the-clock filibuster by 18 Senate Democrats.
“This country will not be a permanently good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a reasonably good place for all of us to live in.”
Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States
SOURCE: Republican Freedom Calendar
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Presidential Podcast 04/29/06
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Presidential Podcast 04/29/06 Subscribe to Our Odeo Podcast Channel and receive the Presidential Radio Address each week. Featuring real audio and full text transcript
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bush radio address 04/29/06 full audio, text transcript
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![]() | bush radio address 04/29/06 full audio, text transcript PODCAST President's Radio Address ![]() |

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Last weekend, the people of Iraq formed a national unity government. This is an important milestone on the road to democracy in Iraq, and it marks the beginning of a new chapter in America's involvement. Last Sunday, I talked to the President, Prime Minister-designate, and Speaker of the new government. And this week, I sent Secretary of State Rice and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld to Baghdad to meet face-to-face with the new Iraqi leadership. We've all been impressed by the Iraqi leaders' commitment to maintain the unity of their country and effectively represent the Iraqi people.
The new Iraqi government will face many challenges. Iraqi leaders agree that the new government must continue to build up the Iraqi Security Forces to defeat the terrorists and must establish control over militias. They also agree that the new government must rebuild critical infrastructure, strengthen the Iraqi economy, and ensure that all Iraqis benefit as their nation grows in security and prosperity.
During their meetings in Baghdad, Secretaries Rice and Rumsfeld made clear that Iraq will have the continued support of America and our coalition partners, as we begin the new chapter in our relationship. We will help the new Iraqi government assume growing responsibility for the nation's security. And as Iraqis continue to make progress toward a democracy that can govern itself, defend itself, and sustain itself, more of our troops can come home with the honor they have earned.
The terrorists clearly recognize the threat that the new unity government poses to their dark plans for Iraq and the broader Middle East. This week the terrorist Zarqawi, leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, released a video in which he denounced the new government and promised further acts of terrorist violence. Zarqawi lashed out at what he called "this rotten play of democracy" and declared that Iraq's new government will become "a poisoned dagger" in the heart of his plans for the Muslim world.
On Wednesday, Iraq's leaders united to strongly condemn Zarqawi's statements. One Iraqi official declared that the terrorists and insurgents, quote, "are feeling this might be the last chance they have to survive. They're fighting everyone in Iraq -- every Iraqi. I think that shows how weak they are." End quote. A newly appointed first Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi parliament said that Zarqawi fears the new government will unify Shiites and Sunnis and Kurds. He said, quote, "I believe that Zarqawi was caught off guard by the new government taking shape because it will be a very strong one representing all Iraqis." End quote.
The new leaders of Iraq are showing great courage in the face of terrorist threats. In recent weeks, terrorists have assassinated three siblings of top Iraqi politicians -- but the new leaders of Iraq remain determined to lead their nation toward a future of democracy and peace. These brave leaders deserve our continued support -- and I have told them they can count on America to stand with them.
The enemy is resorting to desperate acts of violence because they know the establishment of democracy in Iraq will be a double defeat for them. First, it will deny the terrorists their immediate aim of turning Iraq into what Afghanistan was under the Taliban -- a safe haven where they can plot and plan more attacks against free nations. Second, in the long term, a democratic Iraq will be a major blow to the terrorists' hateful ideology because it will send a powerful message across the region that the future of the Middle East belongs to freedom.
There will be more tough fighting ahead in Iraq and more days of sacrifice and struggle. Yet the enemies of freedom have suffered a real blow in recent days, and we have taken great strides on the march to victory. Iraq's leaders now have laid the foundations for a democratic government of, by, and for the Iraqi people. By helping the Iraqi people build their democracy, America will deal the terrorists a crippling blow and establish a beacon of liberty in the Middle East -- and that will make our Nation and the world more secure.
Thank you for listening.
END For Immediate Release, Office of the Press Secretary, April 29, 2006
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Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nación 04/29/06
Etiquetas De Technorati: Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nación, y Presidente Bush, o Secretaria del estado, y costes de la energía, o guerra en terror, y reforma de la inmigración, o Iniciativa Americana De la Competitividad, y Secretaria de la defensa, y Iniciativa Avanzada De la Energía,
![]() | forre el audio de la dirección de radio 04/29/06 por completo, transcripción del texto PODCAST Discurso Radial del Presidente ![]() En Foco: Renovación en Iraq |

Buenos Días. Este fin de semana pasado el pueblo de Irak formó un gobierno nacional de unidad. Este es un hito importante en el camino hacia la democracia en Irak - y señala el comienzo de un nuevo capítulo en la participación de Estados Unidos. El domingo pasado hablé con el presidente, primer-ministro designado y el presidente del parlamento del nuevo gobierno. Y esta semana, envié a la Secretaria de Estado Rice y al Secretario de Defensa Rumsfeld a Bagdad para reunirse cara-a-cara con el nuevo liderazgo iraquí. Todos hemos estado bien impresionados por la dedicación de los líderes iraquíes a mantener la unidad de su país y a representar eficazmente al pueblo iraquí.
El nuevo gobierno iraquí seguirá enfrentando muchos desafíos. Los líderes de Irak están de acuerdo en que el nuevo gobierno necesita continuar fortaleciendo las fuerzas de seguridad iraquíes para que derroten a los terroristas y que debe establecer un control sobre las milicias. También concuerdan en que el nuevo gobierno debe reconstruir la infraestructura fundamental... fortalecer la economía iraquí... y asegurar que todos los iraquíes se beneficien a medida que su nación crezca en seguridad y prosperidad.
Durante sus reuniones en Bagdad, los Secretarios Rice y Rumsfeld dejaron muy en claro que Irak tendrá el apoyo continuo de Estados Unidos y de nuestros socios de coalición, a medida que comencemos el nuevo capítulo en nuestra relación. Ayudaremos al nuevo gobierno iraquí a asumir la creciente responsabilidad por la seguridad del país. Y a medida que lo iraquíes sigan logrando progreso hacia una democracia que se pueda gobernar por sí sola, defenderse y sostenerse, un mayor número de nuestras tropas podrán regresar a casa con el honor que se habrán ganado.
Los terroristas claramente reconocen la amenaza que el nuevo gobierno de unidad representa a sus planes nefastos para Irak y el Medio Oriente más amplio. Esta semana el terrorista Zarqawi, líder de al-Qaida en Irak, divulgó un video en el que denuncia al nuevo gobierno y promete más actos de violencia terrorista. Zarqawi atacó a lo que él llama "este podrido juego de la democracia" y declaró que el nuevo gobierno de Irak se convertirá en una "daga envenenada" en el corazón de sus planes para el mundo Musulmán.
El miércoles, los líderes de Irak se juntaron para condenar totalmente las declaraciones de Zarqawi. Un oficial iraquí declaró que los terroristas e insurgentes, y cito, "están sintiendo que ésta quizás sea la última oportunidad que tengan para sobrevivir. Están luchando contra todos en Iraq - contra todo iraquí. Creo que eso muestra lo débil que son." Fin de citación. Un recién nombrado sub-presidente del parlamento iraquí dijo que Zarqawi teme que el nuevo gobierno unificará a los Shiitas, Sunís y kurdos. Dijo y cito, "Creo que a Zarqawi lo sorprendió el hecho de que el nuevo gobierno se estaba formando, porque será un gobierno muy fuerte que represente a todos los iraquíes". Fin de citación.
Los nuevos líderes de Irak están mostrando gran valentía ante las amenazas terroristas. En semanas recientes, los terroristas han asesinado a tres hermanos de políticos iraquíes importantes - pero los nuevos líderes de Irak siguen determinados a conducir a su nación hacia un futuro de democracia y de paz. Estos líderes valientes merecen nuestro apoyo constante - y les he dicho que pueden contar con que Estados Unidos estará a su lado.
El enemigo está recurriendo a actos desesperados de violencia puesto que saben que el establecimiento de la democracia en Irak será una derrota doble para ellos. Primero, les negará a los terroristas su objetivo inmediato de convertir a Irak en lo que fue Afganistán bajo el Talibán - un refugio donde puedan tramar y planear más ataques contra naciones libres. Segundo, a largo plazo, un Irak democrático será un golpe duro a la ideología odiosa de los terroristas - ya que enviará un fuerte mensaje a toda la región de que el futuro del Medio Oriente le pertenece a la libertad.
Habrá más lucha dura por delante en Irak, y más días de sacrificio y conflicto. Sin embargo, los enemigos de la libertad han recibido un verdadero golpe en días recientes - y hemos logrado grandes pasos en la marcha hacia la victoria. Los líderes de Irak ahora han sentado las bases para un gobierno democrático de, por y para el pueblo iraquí. Al ayudar al pueblo iraquí a construir su democracia, Estados Unidos dará un golpe devastador a los terroristas y establecerá un faro de libertad en el Medio Oriente - y eso hará que nuestra nación y el mundo entero estén más seguros.
Gracias por escuchar.
# # # Para su publicación inmediata, Oficina del Secretario de Prensa, 29 de abril de 2006
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Technorati Tags: President Bush and White House or economy and Canada, or Softwood Lumber and Trade, or NAFTA, and Prime Minister Harper, or Ambassador Susan Schwab, and Ambassador Michael Wilson,
President Pleased with U.S. and Canada Agreement Resolving Softwood Lumber Trade Dispute FULL BACKGROUND INFORMATION US, Canada Reach Agreement on Lumber Dispute
I am pleased that the United States and Canada concluded a framework agreement today to resolve the long-standing dispute on softwood lumber trade. This agreement shows how NAFTA partners can overcome differences and work together. The United States' close ties with our good friend and northern neighbor made this agreement possible. I applaud Prime Minister Harper's leadership in resolving this issue, and I am grateful to the lead negotiators on both sides, Ambassador Susan Schwab for the United States and Ambassador Michael Wilson of Canada.
# # # For Immediate Release, Office of the Press Secretary, April 27, 2006, STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT
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