Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Secretary Rice, EU Secretary General Javier Solana on Iran, VIDEO, PODCAST, TEXT

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Remarks With Javier Solana, Secretary General of the Council of the European Union and High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Before Their Meeting. VIDEO, file is windows media format, running time is 1:03, PODCAST, file is mp3 format for podcast, running time is 1:03

Secretary Condoleezza Rice, Washington, DC, May 10, 2006, (11:00 a.m. EST)

Secretary Rice speaks with His Excellency Javier Solana, Secretary General of the Council of the European Union and High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy.  State Department photo by Michael Gross.Secretary Rice speaks with His Excellency Javier Solana, Secretary General of the Council of the European Union and High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy.
State Department photo by Michael Gross. Washington, DC, May 10, 2006.

SECRETARY RICE: Hello, everyone.

QUESTION: Good morning. Mr. Solana, will there be new incentives to turn Iran around? (Inaudible) -- it looks like we've had a disaster.

SECRETARY GENERAL SOLANA: We have (inaudible) with a lot of intelligence and a lot of cooperation.

QUESTION: Will you be ready by Monday?

SECRETARY GENERAL SOLANA: I don't think that by Monday because today's --

QUESTION: Monday in Brussels.

SECRETARY GENERAL SOLANA: Monday, in fact, we will talk about, but it will not be finalized (inaudible).

SECRETARY RICE: Barry, let me just note, of course the other part of this is that we will have Security Council action and the issue is to make certain that Iran knows that there are two options that have been there all along, which is that they can have a civil nuclear program that is appropriate and that the international community supports or they can face isolation. And there will be Security Council action. We felt that two weeks to continue to try to work for Council unity was well worth it.

QUESTION: Thank you.

2006/480 Released on May 10, 2006

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Vice President's Remarks with Prime Minister Ivo Sanader of Croatia

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Vice President's Remarks at a Dinner with Prime Minister Ivo Sanader of Croatia, The Nautica Restaurant, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 6:55 P.M. (Local)

Vice President Dick Cheney talks with Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader before a dinner meeting, Saturday, May 6, 2006, in the Old City of Dubrovnik, Croatia. The Vice President met with the Prime Minister to express U.S. support of Croatia's ambitions to become a member of the transatlantic community through integration into NATO and the European Community. White House photo by David Bohrer.Vice President Dick Cheney talks with Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader before a dinner meeting, Saturday, May 6, 2006, in the Old City of Dubrovnik, Croatia.
The Vice President met with the Prime Minister to express U.S. support of Croatia's ambitions to become a member of the transatlantic community through integration into NATO and the European Community. White House photo by David Bohrer.

PRIME MINISTER SANADER: Ladies and gentlemen, let me welcome Vice President Cheney to Dubrovnik, Croatia. It is a great honor and a huge step forward in our bilateral relationship. We consider this visit of the Vice President of the United States of America as a friendly and supportive move to Croatia. We are looking forward to closely cooperating with the United States in the future. Croatia is preparing itself for the full membership of the EU and NATO. And we know that we can count on the U.S. support. And finally, we believe strongly in transatlantic partnership. There is no alternative to this. Europe has always had the U.S. as a partner in difficult times in the First World War, the Second World War, also in the recent history in our territory here. And we believe that this partnership should be strengthened and deepened. Thank you.

VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY: Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister. And I'm delighted to be here this evening, and to have the opportunity to spend some time with our host, Prime Minister Sanader. It's a very important developing relationship that the United States has with Croatia. I think all Americans have been tremendously impressed with how far Croatia has come since the last few years. We are strongly supportive of Croatia becoming a full member of the transatlantic community -- both in terms of working with NATO and the European Community. We also are deeply appreciative of the role that Croatia has played in Afghanistan, that is partners in the coalition and dealing with a very difficult situation in that part of the world. So I'm delighted to be here tonight. It's a beautiful setting and I look forward to our conversation.

END 6:58 P.M. (Local) For Immediate Release, Office of the Vice President, May 6, 2006

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