Saturday, April 28, 2012

Paul Ryan Weekly Republican GOP Address Marks Three-Year Anniversary of Senate Dems’ Last Budget 04/28/12 TEXT PODCAST VIDEO

Paul Ryan Weekly Republican GOP Address Marks Three-Year Anniversary of Senate Dems’ Last Budget 04/28/12 TEXT PODCAST VIDEO. Podcast of the address: Download MP3 for PODCAST || Download Video .mpeg4 ||

Washington (Apr 28) - Delivering the Weekly Republican Address, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) discusses Republicans’ Path to Prosperity budget, which cuts government spending to protect hardworking taxpayers, strengthens health and retirement security, and lifts the crushing burden of debt. Sunday marks three years to the day since the Democratic-run Senate last passed a budget, a failure of governing that has contributed to the ‘stimulus’ spending binge that is hurting our economy.


“Hello, my name is Paul Ryan and I represent the first district of Wisconsin.

“As I go around Southern Wisconsin and visit with Americans across the country about the debt and the economy, people often ask: is it too late to save America from a diminished future?

“It’s a difficult question, it’s one that makes me worry about my children’s future, and I know you’re worried too.

“But the honest answer is this: It’s not too late to save the American Dream.

“You see, we are closer than you think to solutions that will help create jobs and put us back on a path to prosperity.

“Regrettably, this president has failed to lead us, to unite us, and to help us address our defining challenges.

“Last week, leaders in the United States Senate, which is controlled by the president’s own party, announced they would not advance a budget for the third year in a row. Tomorrow, in fact, will mark three years to the day since the Senate last fulfilled this basic governing responsibility.

“This unserious approach to budgeting has dire consequences for American families. The President and his party leaders are now insisting that Washington take trillions of dollars from hardworking Americans in an effort to lock in ever-higher government spending.

“If we’ve learned anything over the last three years, it’s that this approach won’t work.

“The good news is, there’s a better way forward: a budget, recently passed by the House of Representatives, that would lift the debt and free the nation from the constraints of ever-expanding government.

“If enacted, this budget would promote economic growth and opportunity starting today, with bold reforms to the tax code and a credible, principled plan to prevent a debt crisis from ever happening.

“It would support safe, responsible energy exploration here at home to address high gas prices and it would repeal the president’s health care law, which is making it harder for businesses to hire new workers.

“Repealing the President’s health care law would also protect America’s seniors. The law raids over $500 billion from Medicare and empowers a board of 15 unelected bureaucrats to cut Medicare in ways that would deny seniors access to the care they need.

“Our budget saves and strengthens Medicare by proposing to put 50 million seniors, not 15 unaccountable bureaucrats, in charge of their personal health care decisions.

“This budget would also ensure the federal government can make good on its commitment to younger Americans – a stark contrast to the dismal economy and empty promises offered by the President’s policies.

“Our budget expands opportunity for the next generation, saves them from a debt-burdened future, and ensures that the important education programs they rely on are made stronger and more sustainable.

“The President is hunkered down in campaign mode, and seems intent on dividing Americans for political gain instead of offering credible solutions to our most pressing fiscal and economic challenges. And his party leaders in the Senate? They’re about to go another year without a budget.

“By contrast, the Republican-led House has passed a pro-growth budget and nearly 30 jobs bills that are waiting for action in the Senate. This week, we passed four more bills relating to stopping cyberterrorism – which hurts our economy and costs jobs. And we’re working to advance the Keystone XL pipeline, which would bring 20,000 jobs to the United States.

“We will get back on a path to prosperity – it is not too late to get this right. But only with the right leadership in place can we renew the American promise of leaving our children a stronger nation than the one our parents left us.

“Thank you.”

VIDEO CREDIT: HouseConference

TEXT CREDIT: John Boehner | H-232 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 P (202) 225-0600 F (202) 225-5117

AUDIO / VIDEO FILES CREDIT: The House Republican Conference - Digital Communications 202-225-5439 +sookie tex

Friday, April 27, 2012

House Votes to Stop Student Loan Rates from Doubling, Cut ObamaCare Slush Fund

House Votes to Stop Student Loan Rates from Doubling, Cut ObamaCare Slush Fund


House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released the following statement after the House approved the Interest Rate Reduction Act (H.R. 4628), legislation by Rep. Judy Biggert (R-IL) that would extend current student loan interest rates by cutting spending from an ObamaCare slush fund:

“Students and families are struggling in President Obama’s economy. Nearly half of college graduates are unemployed or underemployed, and laws like ObamaCare have only made it harder for small businesses to hire them. That’s why House Republicans voted to extend current student loan rates and to pay for it by eliminating an ObamaCare slush fund President Obama himself proposed cutting from his budget. It’s time for the president and Democrats in Congress to stop exploiting the challenges facing young Americans for political gain, and start working with Republicans to create a better environment for private-sector job growth.”

John Boehner, John Kline, Jeb Hensarling

Speaker John Boehner, joined by Education & Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN), left, and Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) announces the House will vote to extend the current interest rates on federal student loans, paid for by eliminating a slush fund in the president’s health care law -- the law that is one of the reasons American small businesses today are not hiring more recent college graduates. April 25, 2012. (Official Photo by Bryant Avondoglio)

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TEXT CREDIT: Speaker of the House John Boehner H-232 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 P (202) 225-0600 F (202) 225-5117

IMAGE CREDIT: This official Speaker of the House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the Speaker of the House or any Member of Congress.