Friday, February 01, 2008

John McCain TV Ad "True Conservative" VIDEO

From John McCain 2008 - John McCain 2008 Launches New Television Ad: "True Conservative"

ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today released a new television ad to air across the nation in the run-up to Super Tuesday. The ad, entitled "True Conservative," focuses on John McCain's commitment to conservative principles on economic, social and national security issues as well as his readiness to lead as commander in chief on day one.

"True Conservative" will run on national cable and in select February 5th states starting today. (02/01/08)

Transcript For "True Conservative" (:30-TV)

ANNCR: As a prisoner of war, John McCain was inspired by Ronald Reagan.

JOHN MCCAIN: I enlisted as a foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution.

ANNCR: Guided by strong conservative principles, he'll cut wasteful spending and keep taxes low.

A proud social conservative who will never waver.

The leadership and experience to call for the surge strategy in Iraq that is working.

John McCain:

The true conservative

Ready to be commander-in-chief on day one.

JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.

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Mitt Romney New Campaign Ad "Winning Combination"

From Romney For President - Watch Our New Ad: "Winning Combination" Governor Romney is the only "full-spectrum conservative" that has the experience, vision and values we need when confronting the challenges our nation faces today. In this campaign, newspapers and magazines agree that Governor Romney has the "winning combination."

Technorati Tags: or or Arnold Schwarzenegger Endorses John McCain VIDEO and Dred Scott and Researchers develop darkest manmade material or Harriet Tubman