Tuesday, February 17, 2009

TXGOP Radio Response to Stimulus Bill VIDEO

Local GOP leader Rosemary Edwards records a radio response to the Democrat's passage of the nearly $800 million stimulus bill.

Category: News & Politics, keywords: texas gop republican stimulus pork congress. txgoptv

Monday, February 16, 2009

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison Stimulus Floor Speech 02 13 09 VIDEO

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison Stimulus Floor Speech 02 13 09; Sen. Hutchison Opposes Trillion Dollar Stimulus Bill

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’ senior Senator, today issued the following statement after voting against cloture for the Nelson-Collins amendment to the economic stimulus bill:

“At a time when American families and businesses are facing economic hardship, any ‘stimulus’ should target job creation while being mindful of taxpayer burden and the growing deficit. This 778 page legislation, which will cost the American people a little more than $1 billion per page, is wrongly focused on spending programs that won’t effectively create jobs. Furthermore, some of this spending extends out as far as a decade, years after we have fought through this downturn.

I believe that the best way to jumpstart our economy is through targeted tax cuts that quickly put money back in the hands of America’s small businesses and families. These tax cuts should work in concert with a limited spending program that emphasizes projects our government is going to do anyway, moving forward military construction, infrastructure and transportation improvements to spur job growth in Texas communities.”