Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Senate Republican Doctors Health Care Reform VIDEO

The Senate Doctors Show, Episode 8, 08/04/09

Senators John Barrasso, M.D. and Tom Coburn, M.D. answered health care reform questions from across the country.
The Senate Doctors ShowSenator John Barrasso, M.D., and Senator Tom Coburn, M.D., are seeking your questions as Congress debates health care reform. We want you to be a part of this important debate. Send us your questions and comments by e-mail, Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter.
Senators Barrasso and Coburn will respond to some of them in future episodes, which air every Tuesday and Thursday at 5 pm EST.

Senate Doctors Show - Republican.Senate.Gov

Monday, August 03, 2009

Senator Pat Roberts Condemns Moving Gitmo Detainees to Ft. Leavenworth; Rejects Obama Plans for Terrorist Trials in Kansas TEXT VIDEO PODCAST

Senator Pat Roberts

Senator Pat Roberts


WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Pat Roberts today condemned the notion of moving the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to Ft. Leavenworth, KS amid Obama Administration statements saying Ft. Leavenworth is under consideration not only to house the detainees, but also to be the site for the federal criminal trials and military commissions to prosecute terrorism suspects.
The news broke yesterday that the Administration was looking for one site for the facility and that either Ft. Leavenworth or a maximum-security prison in Standish, Michigan are the two options.

"Today I spoke with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Detainee Policy

Philip Carter," Senator Roberts said. "I expressed my extreme displeasure with the rumor that Ft. Leavenworth is under consideration. The 100 most dangerous terrorists in the world will not be moved to Ft. Leavenworth on my watch.

"Moving terrorists to the intellectual center of the Army at Ft. Leavenworth threatens the mission of the base and endangers the entire community. We have no way to secure the facility from the outside-in and have no control over what people these terrorists will attract to this community.

"I oppose any and all efforts to locate terrorists at Ft. Leavenworth. I have heard from the Ft. Leavenworth community, surrounding areas and Kansans from all corners of the state who are unequivocally opposed to housing these terrorists in Kansas.

"What more proof does this Administration need that a new detention facility will not make housing terrorists more appealing to the international community? It will just make it less safe for Americans. Not in my backyard. Not in Kansas. I will shut down the Senate before I let that happen."

Kansans can join U.S. Senator Pat Roberts in opposing the closing of the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and the transfer of terrorists to American communities such as Leavenworth, Kansas, due to the unnecessary risks it presents to all Americans, by visiting the Senator’s homepage and clicking on the "Gitmo" button on the lower left side at the following web address:

Senator Roberts, a former Marine, was Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence from 2003-2006. He visited the detention center at Guantanamo Bay in 2005. He has been an outspoken leading advocate against housing detainees in the middle of Ft. Leavenworth, KS. -30-

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - August 3, 2009, CONTACT: Sarah Ross Little or Molly Haase (202) 224-4774