Chapter 1 Technorati wacks Blogrolling, the rest of us are just Collateral Damage
Chapter 2 Hey Technorati My Authority is not getting updated! Blogroll
Chapter 3 String Theory and Technorati Forum Edicate
To recount our first chapter Technorati wacks Blogrolling, the rest of us are just Collateral Damage you will recall the issue of javascript blogrolls, this issue still remains outstanding, YES Technorati did extract these links before the May 4th "Update" look at any of he blogs' authority pages that have links that number in the hundreds and thousands and you will see the blogroll clusters. The truth Laid bear's Blogosphere Ecosystem still counts them, however if your host supports php you should grab that code for your blogrolls, Blogrolling supplies it's feeds in this format, i see many other issue exist as well My Authority is not getting updated but enough history, back to the future.
as suggested by alanp (Alan Patrick) the code in the text box below contains links for all the posters to the My Authority is not getting updated! thread. They are "fortified" with your keywords from Technorati so they should serve as good search engine fodder as well.
Technorati specifies that the life cycle for their authority links are 180 day so you may "repeat as necessary."
this should produce the following:
Smooth Stone, laketrees, Southern Sass on Crime, Smashed Frog, This Eclectic Life, Gentle and Compassionate, Faultline USA, Webtalks, The Augmented Reality, Divorced Dads Matter, Popular Fiction, Republican National Convention Blog NYC 2004, Love and Terrorism, Hi3B附設Blog, Anil Gupte's Video Blog, A Billion Monkeys Can’t Be Wrong, Threat Assessment and Management, The Preachers Wife, Amberwood Ambrosia, TIBET DZI BEADS, A Yoga Coffee Outlook, broadstuff, buensancho, Pilates & Reiki In Paradise Blog, Lines from a Floating Life, Getting Out of Debt, not the most elegant but it's authority 25+1, counting your link.
Blogrolling also supplies a rss feed that will produce raw html that is readable by all searchbots. This requires the use of php to parse your code to html. If your host does not allow this (Blogspot) You may select a template, color scheme and enter blogrolling's rss feed url for the roll to have the feed displayed free of charge by this can then be used on your page in a number of ways if you are comfortable with code you may use or modify templates and css sheets. In the example below i've styled the roll to match my pages.
As with the html code this example is fully crawlable as a free standing page (right click and view source within the frame), but still not readable as an iframe in page. Another swing and a miss, elegant but unsatisfying.
If you care for the standard javascript code for this blogroll here it is.
the rss feed
the php feed
While we're at it, link building and such
Know someone who might benefit from our blogroll? spread the news have them leave a comment and url below and we'll check and add'em. The usually disclaimers apply no splogs, hate or xxx sites, one difference be a technorati member.
Vote WTF, Technorati WTFs are short blurbs that explain the buzz around people, things or events. Tell them how you feel. Want to Digg, or reddit this page or just want to bookmark it,
While this is largely a political blog our Sunday topic is always science and technology so if you have any ideas, questions, additions, feedback or flames on the above leave a comment and we'll see you then. your friend sookietex
Technorati Tags: Technorati Authority and Rank and Technorati Authority number or Blogroll Link and Indexing or Public Domain Clip Art and Nanotechnology Today or Republican National Convention Blog
I would love to be added to your blogroll. Do I just add this html code to my blog?
Here's my URL:
Oh and I found a trick that works on the updating problem:
Leave me a comment and let me know if it helps...
SuperMom in NY!!
hi SuperMom you're added just add the code you like to your blog, welcome :-)
Are you still updating this blogroll. If so, I'd love to be added?
Here's my URL:
hi Faultline glad to add you, (it's already done) i've seen you through linkfest nice to meet you
i don't konw about the others on the roll but RNCNYC2004 contains about 4000 posts so you are getting a few links, may help.
i see you have a roll ... so you know :-) always looking for links thanks.
at any rate see you out there, your friend sookietex.
Oh,im glad i read this.pls do add me up too.
technorati authority really sucks!!giving me a headache!!
thanx a lot!
gentle and compassionate
thanks ghee, your very interesting blog gentle and compassionate has been added.
yes technorati can be a pain :-)
nice to meet you, your friend sookietex
Read your post in the Technorati "help" section. I'd love to be a part of this, if it's possible. This Eclectic Life
Hello Sookietex,
Thank you for adding me up!
Now,I`ll put this on my sidebar.
they updated my links when i sent them an email,and then it`s falling again within how many hours..whats goin on?
hi This Eclectic Life, your link is added thanks. i liked your post Raise Your Hand If You Hate The Technorati Monster
i ran your link as i do each time a new member joins on a new post Hey Technorati My Authority is not getting updated! UPDATE hoping technorati will find them if i run them often enough :-)
oh did i mention that i'm from san antonio... sookietex
I'll be in negatives soon.
Add me?
Smashed Frog
hi sunny, wow talk about politics or in this case technorati making strange bedfellows LOL.
your added and you'll find your welcome post for technorati and the other spiders here
Hey Technorati My Authority is not getting updated! UPDATE
thanks for helping your friend sookietex
hi payned your blog
Southern Sass on Crime has been added to the blogrolling blogroll and you will find your "welcome post" for the benefit of technorati and the other search provider's spiders here Hey Technorati My Authority is not getting updated! UPDATE
thanks for your interest and help
For almost four years, I was in the top 10,000 on Technorati and my authority was around 483. After they pulled that 180 day rule, I'm now hovering around 70,000 with an authority of 99. Needless to say, I was annoyed. I will put in the roll code on my site. May I be added to your blogroll?
Smooth Stone
hey smooth sorry it took me so long to answer but my wife give me her flu bug so noooo... energy for about 3 or 4 days.
yeah i hear you about technorati, my authoity was about 600 now about 130 as you say 'annoyed.'
you will find your link post here
Hey Technorati My Authority is not getting updated! Blogroll 01/04/08 as well as the javascript in my sidebar.
your added to all the versions, thamks for your help.
yor friend sookieyex
Thank you, Sookie, very much, I really appreciate your efforts. I'm reading that there are other SEO products on the horizon, and some are being said now that they're to beat Technorati. If that's the case, count me in. Rats got rich on people like you and me, and now when we complain to them, they don't even listen. It's really disgusting.
Blog are goods for every one where we can get more knowledge nice job keep it up !
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