Thursday, November 12, 2009

Congressman Peter Roskam If Healthcare Bill Is So Fabulous, Why Criminalize Those Who Want To Opt-Out? VIDEO

Congressman Peter Roskam: Pelosi's Version of Law & Order, Government Mandate or Jail

November 11, 2009 -"We've heard from the majority all afternoon, and not one of them have told us why you need to criminalize people to coax them into a plan that's fabulous? It makes no sense." -

Roskam Condemns Passage of Pelosi Healthcare Overhaul.

Congressman Peter Roskam (R-IL) issued the following statement following the U.S. House of Representative’s narrow passage of H.R. 3692, Speaker Pelosi’s healthcare bill, 220-215:

“Tonight’s vote is incredibly disappointing, though just the latest example that Democrats simply aren’t listening to Americans. The Pelosi healthcare overhaul will not only cost $1.3 trillion, adding to our debt and bankrupting future generations, but the resulting policy will mean increased health costs for families, deep cuts for seniors in Medicare, new taxes and more jobs lost.

With super majorities in both houses and the presidency, the Democrats could have made easy work of health reform legislation. Instead, Speaker Pelosi lost 39 Democrat votes, struggling to send this misguided legislation limping out of the House, and demonstrating just how bad this bill is. Democrats missed an incredible opportunity to work with Republicans toward implementing bipartisan reforms that would lower cost and increase access without seriously increasing taxes and our national debt.” ###

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