Uploaded on November 11, 2009 by FedaforCongress All rights reserved | Scottsville, Virginia (December 30th, 2009) – The Virginia Gun Owners Coalition is the latest grassroots organization to recognize Feda Morton’s staunch defense of principle.
“The individual right to bear arms is a fundamental Constitutional right,” stated Feda Morton. “I am very pleased to have the support of the Virginia Gun Owners Coalition and will continue my firm support for gun rights in Washington.” |
After soliciting the questionnaire of one of Virginia’s largest and most faithful pro-2nd Amendment organizations, the VGOC heartily gave the highly coveted “A rating” on the 2010 Virginia Gun Rights Survey.
“Feda gets special recognition for being the ONLY candidate in next year’s 2010 primary to contact VGOC asking for our survey,” stated Mike McHugh, president of the VGOC.
The Virginia Gun Owners Coalition is one of the largest Virginia-based 2nd Amendment organizations in the Commonwealth.
No other candidates have filled out or requested the VGOC survey.
Feda For Congress P.O. Box 122 Scottsville, VA 24590 866-486-FEDA (3332)
shawn.pattison@gmail.comTEXT CREDIT:
Feda For CongressPHOTO CREDIT: Uploaded on November 11, 2009 by
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