| Baker: "I would never support a health care bill that adds to the deficit"
Conway, Ark. -- United States Senate Candidate Senator Gilbert Baker has issued the following statement in response to the Senate voting to pass the Obama-Reid- Lincoln health care bill: |
"Americans are waking up to find that Senate Democrats have left a lump of coal in their stocking. The desperate attempt to pass this health care bill the day before Christmas, with no Republican support, is a clear sign Democrats want to hide from the scrutiny that lies ahead. Blanche Lincoln did not have to stand with the Obama-Reid leadership for this $871 billion bill to pass; the fact that she did, only shows how out-of- touch she is with the people of Arkansas.
Arkansans can take her 'yes' vote as a sign that she supports higher taxes, taxpayer-funded abortions, massive cuts to Medicare, and higher health care costs for Arkansans. With this vote, she is now more vulnerable than ever. I would never support a bill that would take away patient choices add to the deficit. Although Democrats claim this plan is deficit neutral, a new letter from the Congressional Budget Office shows that $500 billion in cuts to Medicare actually will add $300 billion to the deficit; our country cannot afford that."
Gilbert Baker for U.S. Senate, 2010, PO Box 3471 • Little Rock, AR 72203 Contact:
Is the RNC backing Gilbert for the Senate race?
hey, Anonymous, i've seen no comments from either the national leadership or the candidates themselves regarding your question, but as soon i see it you'll see it here.
below is the field of declared or filed. Senator Baker is the leading funds raiser.
state Senator Gilbert Baker • FEC S0AR00077: $510,400 Candidate Republican
Curtis Coleman • FEC S0AR00036: $69,015 Candidate Republican
Tom Cotton Candidate Republican
Thomas F. "Tom" Cox • FEC S0AR00051: $39,969 Candidate Republican
state Senator Kim Dexter Hendren • FEC S0AR00085: $0 Candidate Republican
former state Senator Jim Holt Candidate Republican Fred Ramey • FEC S0AR00044: $13,896
Republican Stanley E. Reed - apparently not a candidate • 18 December 2009: Dropped out.
• FEC S0AR00127: Financial report not available
Candidate Republican Conrad Earl Reynolds • FEC S0AR00069: $43,265
Candidate Republican Hiluard G. "Buddy" Rogers • FEC S0AR00093: $2,890
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