Saturday, July 16, 2011

John Boehner With Economy in Trouble, It’s Time for Democrats to Get Serious About Cutting Spending VIDEO

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) today made the following remarks at a press conference with Republican leaders regarding the White House request for an increase in the debt limit:


“All year long, we have led on the big issues facing our country. The House-passed budget, written by Paul Ryan and the Budget Committee, I think set the standard for serious debate. We’ve passed or pushed for bill after bill that would create jobs, by easing the burdens of regulations, expanding exports, and increasing the supply of American energy.

“In the debt limit debate, our goals are simple: no one wants the United States to default on our obligations. We won’t see real economic growth without a serious plan to deal with our deficit and debt. Yesterday, at the White House, Secretary Geithner echoed both of those points. Our stand on the debt limit has been clear: there can be no tax hikes because tax hikes destroy jobs; we need real spending cuts and real spending cuts that will exceed the amount of increase in the debt limit; and we need real reforms to restrain the growth of spending in future years, like spending caps and a Balanced Budget Amendment.

“Listen, we’re in the 4th quarter here. Time and time again Republicans have offered serious proposals to cut spending and address these issues, and I think it’s time for the Democrats to get serious as well. We asked the president to lead. We asked him to put forward a plan – not a speech, a real plan – and he hasn't. We will.”


TEXT CREDIT: Speaker of the House John Boehner Contact: H-232 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 P (202) 225-0600 F (202) 225-5117

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