Friday, July 22, 2011

Rand Paul Votes In Favor Of Cut, Cap and Balance Act of 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today Sen. Rand Paul and his Senate colleagues were given the opportunity to vote on the Cut, Cap and Balance Act, following its passage in the House of Representatives. While this proposal for dealing with the debt crisis failed to pass, Sen. Paul, an original co-sponsor of the Cut, Cap and Balance Act, issued the following statement:

"Today 46 Republican Senators joined 234 congressmen of both parties in voting for the only plan that raises the debt ceiling and solves our debt problem - the Cut, Cap and Balance Act."

"This vital bill has the support of nearly 70 percent of Americans and would finally ensure a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution. What it does not yet have is the support of Senate Democrats, who are apparently willing to risk a debt crisis to avoid balancing the budget and end their spending addiction."

"This fight is not over. We have ten more days during which the American people must make their voices heard to Senate Democrats to allow passage of the Cut, Cap and Balance Act.

"This Act would help restore trust in the American people that their Congress can balance a budget and return our nation on the path to prosperity." ###

Rand Paul Votes In Favor Of Cut, Cap and Balance Act of 2011

TEXT CREDIT: Rand Paul | United States Senator Washington, DC 208 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC, 20510 Phone: 202-224-4343

IMAGE CREDIT: SenatorRandPaul

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