Monday, August 08, 2011

John Boehner released the following statement in response to the President’s remarks today Deficit Reduction and Jobs :

Aug 8, 2011 Washington - Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) released the following statement in response to the President’s remarks today:

John Boehner

“I agree with the President that we did not need a ratings agency to tell us America is facing a debt crisis. Uncontrolled spending over decades – by both parties – has created an environment of economic uncertainty that is destroying jobs. And just as both parties contributed to our unsustainable debt, both parties must work now to cut spending. Republicans have demonstrated this problem can be solved without job-destroying tax hikes. We passed a budget that would spend $6.2 trillion less than the President’s proposal; we passed a Cut, Cap, and Balance plan that would save trillions of dollars; and, with the Budget Control Act, we passed a meaningful down payment on deficit reduction – all without tax increases. But difficult work remains, and over the next few months members of the Joint Select Committee will need to make tough choices to rein in the mandatory and entitlement spending that is driving our long-term debt. It is welcome news that the President will contribute to this process by laying out specific reforms he supports.

“As we are reminded today, this challenge is ultimately about jobs and our economy. Providing economic certainty and creating an environment in which businesses can invest and jobs can flourish must remain our number-one focus. That’s why raising taxes is simply the wrong approach. I look forward to working with leaders of both parties to reduce spending, boost confidence, and give American small businesses the stability they need to create jobs.”


TEXT CREDIT: Speaker of the House John Boehner Contact: H-232 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 P (202) 225-0600 F (202) 225-5117


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