| WASHINGTON: Financial Services Committee Chairman Spencer Bachus announced the committee’s planned hearing schedule for March 2011.
Chairman Bachus said, “The Committee will continue our efforts to promote economic recovery and job creation. We are committed to ensuring government policies promote, rather than hinder, a stronger economy and more jobs. That means the Committee will continue focusing on the need to end the bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which have already cost taxpayers $150 billion. It means we will fulfill our Constitutional obligation to exercise rigorous oversight of the implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act and its impact on the economy, and it means we will pursue the elimination of unnecessary spending at a time of record deficits.” |
This is a tentative schedule and will depend on witness availability and other factors that may require changes. Therefore, each meeting will become final only when the official notice is distributed. Hearing witnesses will be announced at later dates.
Unless otherwise noted, all hearings will take place in 2128 Rayburn House Office Building.
Tuesday, March 1:
· Full Committee hearing on GSE Reform at 10 am
· Full Committee hearing on the FY 2012 HUD Budget at 2 pm
Wednesday, March 2:
· Full Committee hearing to receive the Monetary Policy Report to the Congress required under the Humphrey-Hawkins Act at 10 am
· Financial Institutions Subcommittee hearing on the impact of the Dodd-Frank Act on small financial institutions at 2 pm
Thursday, March 3:
· Full Committee mark up of bills to be determined at 10 am
Wednesday, March 9:
· International Monetary Policy Subcommittee hearing on the Export-Import Bank at 10 am
· Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity Subcommittee hearing on reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program at 2 pm
Thursday, March 10:
· Capital Markets Subcommittee hearing on the SEC’s budget at 10 am
Friday, March 11:
· Capital Markets Subcommittee hearing on covered bonds at 10 am
Tuesday, March 15:
· Full Committee mark up of Budget Views and Estimates at 10 am
Wednesday, March 16:
· Capital Markets Subcommittee hearing on the Risk Retention Securitization Rule at 10 am
· Financial Institutions Subcommittee hearing on oversight of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at 2 pm
Thursday, March 17:
· Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee hearing on monetary policy and rising prices at 10 am
Committee on Financial Services • 2129 Rayburn House Office Building • Washington, DC 20515 • (202) 225-7502 For Press Inquiries: (202) 226-0471
Spencer Bachus Washington Office 2246 Rayburn Building Washington, DC 20515 (p) 202-225-4921 (f) 202-225-2082