Tuesday, July 13, 2004

gonzo japanese journos stalk nyc's upper west side

seen while waiting for the republican national convention: they camp out or repeatedly return to the rumored haunts of their selected prey. who are they and who are they looking for? they are freelance japanese journalists in search of michael moore. recently a knot of 8 from japan staked the upper west side in search of michael moore. their search's main stop was a cafe where michael moore has been known to spend time. to protect mr moore's [and other celebs known to dine at the same spot] privacy we won't divulge the specific name, but i will tell what details i can. when the 8 arrived they did not want a table. the manager told me that the 8 are part of a larger group of freelancers which he described more as fanatics and a japanese cult phenomenon rather than journalists. this group had a unisex look about them so their genders were not discernible, but i would hazard a guess as to 6 men and 2 women. they stalk their prey and ambush them with questions until they agree to an interview. they asked the hostess if mr. moore was there? no. is he expected today? no. he does come here, yes? yes. ah ha! hope. with that they did agree to be seated. from my vantage they appeared to only be having coffee for the better part of an hour. disappointed that they wouldn't capture mr. moore here [at least on this day], they settled up and moved on to other locales.

in related news: a Q & A of michael moore by various international journalists can be found at australian broadcasting corporation online Michael Moore brands Howard 'disgraceful'

also check out michael moore's voting record at: thesmokinggun.com

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