Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Bush Press Conference Jan. 26, 2005

President Holds Press Conference FULL STREAMING VIDEO
The James S. Brady Briefing Room
10:00 A.M. EST

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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. With the second term underway and a new Congress at work, we're moving forward on great goals for our country. In my inaugural address I renewed this nation's commitment to expanding liberty at home and promoting liberty abroad.
Because our own freedom is enhanced by the expansion of freedom in other nations, I set out the long-term goal of ending tyranny in our world. This will require the commitment of generations, but we're seeing much progress in our time. In late 2004, the people of Afghanistan defied the threats of terrorists and went to the polls to choose their leaders. The Palestinian people have elected a President who has renounced violence. This week, Ukraine inaugurated a new President, President Yushchenko. And just four days from now, the people of Iraq will vote in free national elections.
Terrorists in that country have declared war against democracy, itself, and thereby, declared war against the Iraqi people, themselves. Yet the elections will go forward. Millions of Iraqi voters will show their bravery, their love of country, and their desire to live in freedom.
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Across the world, freedom has deadly enemies; yet, across the world, freedom has great and growing momentum. There has been enormous sacrifices made by some of our citizens in the spread of freedom. Families suffer as the result of the loss of a loved one. We continue to offer our condolences and prayers for those who do suffer. We'll honor the memories of their loved ones by completing our missions.

Next week, I will report to Congress on the state of the union and describe in more detail a legislative agenda to serve the goals I have outlined. I'll ask the House and Senate to act soon on the issue of Social Security, so that we don't pass a bankrupt system on to our children and our grandchildren. I'm open to good ideas from members of Congress. I'll work with both parties to get results. Any solution must confront the problem fully and directly by making the system permanently solvent and providing the option of personal accounts.

For this new term, I've assembled an exceptional Cabinet, and several members are taking office this week. In addition to speedy action on all my nominees, I especially urge the Senate to confirm Condoleezza Rice today, and to promptly act and confirm Judge Al Gonzales.

We have a full agenda. I'm looking forward to the work ahead. And now I'm looking forward to answering some of your questions. Terry. Bush Press Conference Jan. 26, 2005 FULL TEXT

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