Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Secretary Condoleezza Rice Iraqi Draft Constitution

Iraqi Draft Constitution, Secretary Condoleezza Rice, Washington, DC, August 22, 2005

I congratulate the Iraqi people and their leaders on the submission of a draft Constitution to Iraq’s Transitional National Assembly. In a statesmanlike decision, the men and women of the Assembly have decided to use the next three days to continue reaching out to build the broadest national consensus for Iraq’s new Constitution. Step by step, the Iraqi people are charting their own path toward a shared future of freedom.

Through extensive discussion among Iraqis -- including town meetings across the country, televised debates, and thousands of individual submissions -- Iraq’s Constitutional Committee has assembled this draft in accordance with Iraqi law. The process by which Iraqis have reached this point is historic and in the best tradition of democracy.

From Iraq’s first free elections in January, to the creation of an inclusive transitional government in the spring, to today’s draft Constitution, free Iraqis have shown determination and resolve in the face of extremism and violence. America admires the bravery of all Iraqis who are working peacefully for a democratic, secure, and prosperous Iraq, and we remain committed to assisting them.

2005/803 Released on August 22, 2005 more at more at
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