President Bush Attends National Prayer Breakfast, FULL STREAMING VIDEO, Hilton Washington Hotel, Washington, D.C. 8:45 A.M. EST. PODCAST OF ARTICLE
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Now will you please join me in singing The Eyes of Texas. (Laughter.)
We come from many different faiths, yet we share this profound conviction: We believe that God listens to the voice of His children, and pours His grace upon those who seek Him in prayer. I appreciate, Mr. Congressman, you and Jo Ann Davis, for leading this prayer breakfast. And thanks for paying tribute to my wife. (Applause.)
I appreciate Dr. Collins. I want to thank Reverend Mucci, and his wife, Kathy. I appreciate Nicole Mullen. But most of all, thank you all.
We are a nation of prayer. America prays. (Applause.) Each day millions of our citizens bow their heads in silence and solitude, or they offer up prayers in fellowship with others. They pray for themselves; they pray for their families; they pray for their neighbors and their communities. In many congregations and homes across this great land, people also set a time -- set aside time to pray for our nation and those entrusted with authority, including our elected leaders.
In my travels, I often see hand-printed signs and personal messages from citizens that carry words of prayer. Sometimes it's a single little girl holding up a placard that reads: Mr. President, be encouraged, you are prayed for. Sometimes it's a banner held by a group of young people that says, "We are praying for you, Mr. President." I often hear similar words when I meet people on a rope line. Isn't that interesting -- you're working a rope line and people come up and say, Mr. President, I am praying for you and your family.
![]() | The greatest gift a citizen of this country can give those of us entrusted with political office is to pray for us. And I thank those in our nation who lift all of us up in prayer. (Applause.) |
Many in our country know the power of prayer. Prayer changes hearts. Prayer changes lives. And prayer makes us a more compassionate and giving people. When we pray we surrender our will to the Almighty, and open ourselves up to His priorities and His touch. His call to love our neighbors as we would like to be loved ourselves is something that we hear when we pray. And we answer that call by reaching out to feed the hungry and clothe the poor and aid the widow and the orphan. By helping our brothers and sisters in need, we find our own faith strengthened, and we receive the grace to lead lives of dignity and purpose.
We see this grace in the life of a young American named Shannon Hickey. Shannon was one of Laura's guests at the State of the Union. When Shannon was growing up, her favorite priest was Father Mychal Judge, a chaplain with the New York City Fire Department. Father Mychal helped Shannon and her family through Shannon's struggle with liver disease. On September the 11th, 2001, Father Mychal lost his life in the World Trade Center. In memory of her friend, Shannon founded Mychal's Message, a non-profit organization dedicated to sharing Father Mychal's loving spirit. Over the last five years, Mychal's Message has collected and distributed more than 100,000 needed items to the poor and the homeless. With each gift to the needy, Shannon encloses a card with Father Mychal's personal prayer. It reads: "Lord, take me where you want me to go, let me meet who you want me to meet, tell me what you want me to say, and keep me out of your way."
Father Mychal's humble prayer reminds us of an eternal truth: In the quiet of prayer, we leave behind our own cares and we take up the cares of the Almighty. And in answering His call to service we find that, in the words of Isaiah, "We will gain new strength. We will run and not get tired. We will walk and not become weary."
And so I thank you for joining us on this day of prayer. I thank you for the tradition you continue here today. And I ask for God's blessings on the United States of America. (Applause.)
END 8:53 A.M. EST. For Immediate Release, Office of the Press Secretary, February 1, 2007
Technorati Tags: President Bush and White House radio or National Prayer Breakfast and Laura bush or Dr. Collins and Reverend Mucci or Shannon Hickey and Father Mychal Judge or Almighty God and PODCAST
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