Monday, December 10, 2007

John McCain.TV Ad: Backbone of Steel VIDEO

From: John McCain 2008 John McCain for President :30 Television "Backbone of Steel"

Schilling: We are living in a complex and dangerous time that requires a leader who embodies, character, sound judgment and experience. John McCain is that man.

John McCain has a backbone of steel. He's a man of principle who sticks to his guns.
McCain has been tested like no other politician in America. As a prisoner of war, he turned down an offer for early release because he refused preferential treatment.

I've seen some tough competitors in my time. But none tougher that John McCain. He's a winner.

McCain: I'm John McCain and I approved this message.

Technorati Tags: or Freedom Calendar 12/08/07 - 12/15/07 and Kwanzaa Candle Lighting and Thermoelectric materials are 1 key to energy savings

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