Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mike Huckabee TV Ad "Understanding" VIDEO

From Mike Huckabee for President: Little Rock, AR - The Huckabee for President Campaign launched a new television ad in Michigan today, underscoring the former Arkansas governor's commitment to Republican voters in the "Wolverine State."

Fresh off of a major victory in the Iowa Caucuses and a strong showing in New Hampshire, the Huckabee campaign has its sights on the January 15 GOP Michigan Primary.

"We're looking forward to competing in Michigan," said Campaign Manager Chip Saltsman. "Americans want a president who understands their dreams and aspirations, as well as their daily challenges. They want a president from Main Street, not Wall Street. Governor Huckabee is that candidate."

The new 30-second ad, called "Understanding," highlights Huckabee's Main Street message, his vision for America, and his understanding of the struggles of average American families.

The ad also references Huckabee's pro-growth economic record as governor of Arkansas which includes fostering an increase of 121,686 Arkansans employed during his tenure. Under Governor Huckabee, Arkansas hit the lowest unemployment mark (4.1%) in state history and had the lowest average unemployment rate in the past 30 years.

"All across America, citizens are looking for a President who has a vision for ensuring America's greatest days are yet to come. As President, I will fight to protect the American Dream, promote prosperity, and preserve our core values," said Governor Mike Huckabee in the ad.

"As President, I will also bring the understanding of Main Street to the White House and bring about change for the better all across America just as I did in Arkansas," he said.

Transcript of "Understanding" -- :30 TV

"When you grow up and life's a struggle, you have a whole different understanding of what most people are going through."

"We're losing manufacturing jobs, homeowners face a credit crisis, high fuel costs are spiraling, and families are hurting. I cut taxes, built highways, reformed health care and education, and achieved record job growth. I'm Mike Huckabee and I approved this message because I believe most Americans want their next president to remind them of the guy they work with, not the guy who laid them off.

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