Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Mitt Romney Huckabee Norris "Attack Ad" Roundhouse Kick VIDEO

From Romney For President - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.CONTACT: Kevin Madden (857) 288-6390

Boston, MA – Today, Romney for President launched its newest web ad, "Roundhouse Kick." Governor Mike Huckabee and Chuck Norris may be campaigning together but they don't see eye to eye on fighting crime. Norris believes in giving a presidential pardon to "no one, ever." Governor Huckabee granted 1,033 pardons and commutations, including 12 convicted murderers. The Texas Ranger can subdue criminals with just his icy stare. Now only if he could convince Governor Huckabee it was wrong to grant more clemencies than the previous three governors combined.

Transcript For "Roundhouse Kick" (WEB:30):

ANNOUNCER: "Two good men, both into fitness. Both love Chuck Norris.

"But where do they stand on crime?

"Chuck Norris: 'give a presidential pardon to no one, ever.'

"Norris subdues criminals with just an icy stare.

"And Mike Huckabee? He granted 1,033 pardons and commutations, including 12 convicted murderers.

"Huckabee granted more clemencies than the previous three governors combined.

"Chuck Norris, Mike Huckabee. Now who deserves the roundhouse kick?"

Technorati Tags: or President and Mrs. Bush Wish Americans, Troops Happy New Year and Short-horned Lizard (Phrynosoma douglassii) and 'the right glasses' for observing mystery behavior in electrons

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