Friday, August 01, 2008

ABC News On John McCain TV Ad "Celeb" VIDEO

"Today, McCain unveiled a new ad in eleven states, flashing images of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, suggesting Obama is just another vapid celebrity."-- ABC's David Wright

ABC's "World News" July 30, 2008

ABC's David Wright: "And today, McCain comparing Obama to empty celebrities, all sizzle, no substance. John McCain has been trying to raise doubts about his opponent. Today in Colorado, he was at it again."

John McCain: "The bottom line is that Senator Obama's words, for all their eloquence and passion, don't mean all that much."

Wright: "McCain has recently said Obama would rather lose a war to win an election. He's called him 'Dr. No' on energy reforms, and run ads blaming Obama for high gas prices."

McCain Ad: "He's the biggest celebrity in the world. But is he ready to lead?"

Wright: "Today, McCain unveiled a new ad in eleven states, flashing images of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, suggesting Obama is just another vapid celebrity."

McCain Ad: "Higher taxes, more foreign oil. That's the real Obama."

Stuart Rothenberg: "Nobody's going to confuse Paris Hilton with Senator Barack Obama. But over time, the attempt to raise questions about his substance, that could very well work."

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