Saturday, April 04, 2009

Congressman Paul Ryan Weekly Republican Address 04/04/09 VIDEO TEXT

Fuu Text Transcript:

Hello I’m Paul Ryan of Wisconsin the lead Republican on the House Budget Committee. America is in the midst of an economic crisis. Families and small businesses are hurting and too many Americans have lost their jobs. There is no doubt that President Obama inherited -- fiscal crisis. But the question is busy fixing it or is he making it worse. The president’s budget which passed the House and Senate this week we’ll make the crisis much much worse. Rather than getting spending under control it -- spending out of control. Rather than keeping taxes low to create jobs it chases ever higher spending with ever higher taxes and results in ever higher debt. An unprecedented. Unsustainable. Increase in -- It doubles our national debt in five years in triples our debt in ten years. Put simply. The Democrats’ budget spends too much tax is too much and borrows too much from our kids in their kids.

They’re budget puts all the sacrifice on future generations it makes no tough choices it’s only tough on our children and grandchildren. But it’s not enough for us to just criticize we must also proposed a better way forward and Republicans path. The budget house Republicans offered gives Americans a real choice it curb spending creates jobs in controls with debt. The Republican budget has lower deficits than the democratic plan every year in my -- nineteen has half the deficit proposed by the president. Under our plan the public debt would be three point six trillion dollars lower than president Obama’s plan.

Our budget gives priority to national defense and veterans health care. We freeze all other discretionary spending for five years we enact a spending cap backed up by tough budget enforcement. American families are making sacrifices and tightening their belts Washington should do the same. Our budget also takes steps toward health care reform and retirement security. Our goal is to make quality affordable health care accessible to all Americans.

By strengthening the relationship between patients and their doctors not with a big government takeover. We will preserve and improve the existing Medicare program as well. We have offered a concrete plan a path to prosperity. To tackle our nation’s problems with innovative in principled solutions. America’s not the greatest nation on earth by chance. We earned this greatness by rewarding individual achievement. By advancing and protecting natural rights and by embracing freedom. Our budget reflects those principles and we offer the American people a better way forward thank you for listening.

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