Saturday, January 30, 2010

Chad MacINNES Government Regulates Your Life VIDEO

Right now there are about 75,000 pages in the Federal Register filled with regulations governing almost every aspect of our society and our economy. These regulations govern how much water our toilet tanks are allowed to hold. They force us to purchase “green” light bulbs that contain poisonous mercury. They force us to have digital TV and make analog TV illegal. Soon they’ll censor our access to the Internet, and dictate what temperature we are allowed to keep our thermostats at. They’ll dictate what kind of car we are allowed to buy, and how much money we will be allowed to make.

75,000 pages of regulations that govern almost every aspect of our lives, and almost every decision we make, whether we realize it or not. And, the number of those regulations is being increased exponentially by this Congress that is passing bills no one even reads before voting on.

Each one of these massive bills that this Congress has passed -and the ones they have yet to pass- from the Stimulus to Cap-and-Trade and Government Run Healthcare, have very little to with what they say the bill is actually for, and everything to do with controlling the economy. Why? Because they see themselves as elites who know better than we do what is best for us and for our families. They are career politicians who make a living creating problems for millions of people and then pretending to fix the problems they created.

They are statists who believe that only more government intervention can solve our problems; that centralizing power in the Federal government will somehow make all of us more free.

These people are not in the business of helping America, they are in the business of, in the President’s own words, fundamentally transforming America through redistributive change.

What that ultimately means is no matter where you are or what you do, if these statists have their way, we will all eventually work for the government. The thousands of pages in each of these bills are about slipping things in under the radar and under cover of darkness as fast as possible, before we can find out what is really in there. Why else would they want to rush this stuff through so fast that Members don’t even have the time to read it? And if they’re not reading it, you know they are not writing it.

The actions of this Congress are not about helping people, but controlling people. The government already controls the banks. Now they want the whole economy. Remember this: if they control the banks and they control the economy, then they control your money and they control your choices, and if they do control your money and your choices, then they control you and you are no longer free.

TEXT CREDIT: Chad MacINNES for Congress

VIDEO CREDIT: cmacinnes4congress

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