Sunday, January 03, 2010


“These are challenging times for America.

We’re fighting two foreign wars, and here at home we’re entering the second year of a severe recession that has caused hard times for millions of workers who have lost their jobs and in many cases their homes.

Our actions today will determine whether we remain as the economic and military superpower of the world.

In Massachusetts, you have the opportunity to elect to the United States Senate someone who is well prepared to meet these challenges.

Scott Brown has a long record of public service fighting wasteful spending and higher taxes.

As an officer in the Army National Guard, he understands the importance of a strong military and the necessity of protecting our interests around the world.

Scott Brown believes that taxes are too high and are going higher if Congress continues with its out-of-control spending.

He will fight for fiscal sanity in Washington.

He wants an economy that creates jobs, powered by the same free market principles that built our nation from the beginning.

And he will never compromise on our security.

I’m proud to endorse Scott Brown for the Senate because he represents a new generation of bold leadership for Massachusetts and for our country.

Thank you.” ###

Scott Brown for U.S. Senate Committee. 200 Reservoir Street, Needham, MA 02494 | | 781-444-0200

1 comment:

Debra J.M. Smith said...

If Scott Brown Gets In, Socialized Health Care Is OUT! Praise the Lord, this may be our answer to prayer!

Martha Coakley is a Monster!

Read this page on her:

When there, scroll down to "Controversies." And read things about her.

I know that times are hard right now, but if you're even able to just give $5.00 to Brown's campaign, you could help Brown win and be part of history. It all adds up, and he could blast even more ads on Monday. The election is Tuesday.

Just type in an amount in "other" -


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