Friday, March 12, 2010

Kevin Cramer Healthcare Statement

Kevin CramerMarch marks Congress’ 9th month debating government-run healthcare.

The President now demands Democrats in the House come to a resolution by March 18th - with a vote expected on the 18th or shortly after.

On November 7, 2009, Congressman Earl Pomeroy stated, “The bill is far from perfect – but so is our present system” and confidently assured voters that “More improvements will be made when the Senate completes its version of health reform and the two bills are blended into one.”
Congressman Pomeroy held a press conference in late January stating that he would not vote for the Senate version of the bill.

His office has since made attempts to minimize or outright deny these statements that were reported by the Associated Press.

I would like to know where Congressman Pomeroy stands on this issue today?

Where is he going to end up on this issue?

Will he stand with the majority of North Dakotans who oppose government-run healthcare?

Will he stand with the even larger number of North Dakotans that oppose using the budget reconciliation process to push the issue through?

Remember, Senator Conrad has said the budget reconciliation process cannot begin until the Senate bill passes the House - which puts Congressman Pomeroy front and center in this debate.

North Dakotans deserve to know if Earl Pomeroy is a man of his word. We must know if he can be counted on to do what he says and knows represents the will of his constituents or if he will cave to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

Time is running out on Congressman Pomeroy. He must stand up and be counted.

When I go to Congress, I will never forget who I work for. No Speaker of the House or Party Boss is going to tell me how I must vote. The people demand a higher standard and I am prepared to deliver on that demand. ####

TEXT and PHOTO CREDIT: Kevin Cramer for Congress

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