Monday, June 07, 2010

Pete Hoekstra Statement on Jim Clapper Nomination VIDEO

Washington, Jun 5 - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, today issued the following statement upon the nomination of Jim Clapper to be the next Director of National Intelligence:

"When the president nominated Leon Panetta to head the CIA, I was the first to back Leon when his nomination seemed to be in trouble. I wish I could say the same for Jim Clapper, but I must join with other congressional intelligence leaders in voicing my opposition to his nomination.‪

"Relations between the White House and Congress on national security matters have fallen to new lows, as evidenced by the recent letter from Senators Feinstein and Bond on the administration's continued stonewalling on providing information – a letter in which I fully concur. Working with Congress on national security matters isn't an option, it's required by law.

‪"Mr. Clapper has blocked my communications with elements of the intelligence community, and he has been evasive and slow to respond to questions and letters from members of the committee.‪ It is unacceptable and makes America less safe. It puts us as a nation at greater risk.

"At a time when our homeland has faced an ongoing series of terror attacks in the last six months, we need a strong DNI who can lead the intelligence community and who will work with Congress.

“Secondly, Mr. Clapper does not have the clout or independence to be the voice that provides an alternative to the Obama administration’s prosecute after-the-fact approach to terror. We need a DNI who will ensure that the intelligence community is heard as prominently as the Justice Department, Homeland Security, the Pentagon and even the president's national security staff, which is trying to micro-manage America's intelligence agencies from the White House.‪

"An administration that has continuously proven to be slow to respond and politically tone deaf, has once again proven that it has a tin ear with this nomination. Instead of signaling a new beginning and fresh approach, the president has placed yet another brick in the wall he has built between his administration and Congress on national security.

“The President clearly has the responsibility to appoint the key members of his administration. I am disappointed by this appointment, but if approved I will do my best to work with Mr. Clapper.”

Contact: Dave Yonkman 202.225.4401

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