Friday, August 27, 2010

Joe Miller some game-play going on here with the national Republican Senatorial Committee meddling in our primary election VIDEO


"We're up against a machine, Clearly, they're putting their pressure to bear. But I think we're going to prevail in the end."

"A high percentage of those (absentee ballots) are military. We've done very well of course with the military given that I'm a vet, obviously very supportive of veterans' issues."

"some game-play going on here with the national Republican Senatorial Committee meddling in our primary election."

"Lawyering up with a team of folk from the National Republican Senatorial Committee, it makes you scratch your head and say 'What's really going on here?'"

"The Alaskan people. That's what's always been behind us. That's why we've polled the results that have amazed people across the United States."

VIDEO CREDIT: FoxBusinessNetwork

TEXT CREDIT: Miller: Murkowski May 'Pull a Franken' in Alaska

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