Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rand Paul Jack Conway Kentucky Senate Debate 10/25/10 VIDEO

Dr. Rand Paul and FamilyRand Paul Jack Conway Kentucky Senate Debate 10/25/10 VIDEO FULL STREAMING VIDEO.

BOWLING GREEN, Ky.- At a news conference today in Lexington, Dr. Rand Paul announced that he would attend the final scheduled debate between he and his opponent Jack Conway, despite the shameful political attack ad released by Conway earlier in the week attacking Paul’s religious beliefs.
Below are Dr. Paul’s remarks:

I continue to be astounded that Jack Conway thinks it is appropriate to attack my pro-life Christian faith and by inference my family. To date, he has refused to apologize for his abhorrent behavior and that is a shame.

For the past week, Republicans and Democrats across the nation have condemned my opponent’s ad as “despicable,” “odious,” and “dangerous.”

Throughout the last year and a half, dozens of people have brought personally damaging information to us about my opponent and his family. My instructions to my staff, “We won’t go there.”

Do I want a pat on the back for this? No. But would I like to raise the debate to a higher plane? Yes.

For that reason, while I do not respect Mr. Conway’s inappropriate attacks, I do respect the voters of this state and therefore will participate in Monday’s final debate.

Kentuckians deserve another opportunity to understand the very real differences between Jack and myself.

With ten days to go, I wish the campaign were about who has the best vision for Kentucky and America. We face a serious debt crisis in this country and I want to be part of finding the solution. I don’t think the debate is advanced by personal invective and slander.

As the campaign comes to a close, I will continue to talk about the main issues of the day: an unsustainable debt, the federal takeover of healthcare, the President’s desire to raise taxes in a recession, and the President’s policies that are destroying coal related jobs.

I ask my opponent to do likewise, to aspire to statesmanship, to seek a higher plane for the betterment of our citizenry and cast aside the politics of personal destruction that diminish us all.


IMAGE and TEXT CREDIT: RandPaul2010

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