Monday, November 08, 2010

Michele Bachmann seeking the position of House Republican Conference Chair

Michele BachmannBachmann Seeks Conference Chair Support from Colleagues. Washington, Nov 8 -

Last week Congresswoman Michele Bachmann announced she is seeking the position of House Republican Conference Chair. Below is the “Dear Colleague” letter she sent to fellow Republican representatives.
November 3, 2010

Dear Republican Colleague,

Yesterday Americans exercised their right at the ballot box and with their voice entrusted the future of the House of Representatives to the Republican Party. With our majority designation we must now pursue a limited government by lowering taxes, ending the bailouts, and decreasing the debt. We are at a pivotal point in our nation’s history and the American people want to know their elected officials are working towards results. Faced with Democratic control of the Senate and the White House, proclaiming our party’s message effectively will be imperative. If the American people know they have a voice in Washington then our message must resonate from coast to coast.

I write you today to ask for your support as I announce my candidacy for Republican Conference Chair. In this important position, I pledge to you to listen to your concerns and to the needs of your district so together we can deliver a unified message with an organized strategy.

My goal will be to build on the excellent work Chairman Mike Pence has accomplished. As we witnessed yesterday, during his chairmanship Mike equipped our Conference with the tools necessary to effectively communicate our message.

Last night’s victory was an historic election which was fueled by the heartfelt concerns of the American people over whether our great experiment in liberty will survive. Our majority votes were garnered from disillusioned Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, and remarkably, from people with no particular political affiliation at all.

During this election cycle and across the nation the American people have asked, “Will the new Republican majority reflect our values as they assume their position of leadership?" This is a critical question our Conference needs to answer.

Over the past four years, I have fought continually (and at some cost) for the principals of constitutional conservatism. I have successfully communicated this message in Washington and to the people we serve across America. In part, I have been highly targeted because I have been willing to challenge the Obama/Pelosi liberal establishment.

To our Conference I bring strong principled conservative values, a proven level of experience, effectiveness with our friends in the local and national media, and an energetic national constituency that reflects the results of Tuesday night. It is important that our Conference demonstrate to the people who sent us here that their concerns will be tirelessly advanced at the table of leadership.

With your support I assure you Conference will listen to the concerns of the American people, the same people that gave us this historic majority.

Your friend in the cause of liberty,


P.S. I often think the greatest test comes when our party is in the majority. We must prove that we are up to the task and will see our agenda through.

TEXT and IMAGE CREDIT: Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Proudly Serving the 6th District of Minnesota. # Washington Office 107 Cannon HOB Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2331 Fax: (202) 225-6475.

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