Monday, December 05, 2011

New Newt Gingrich Ad Rebuilding the America We Love VIDEO

New Newt Gingrich Ad Rebuilding the America We Love VIDEO

Rebuilding the America We Love

Some people say that the America we love is a thing of the past. Newt doesn't believe that. He says that working together we CAN rebuild the America we love.

Join the movement to rebuild the America we love at

VIDEO and TEXT CREDIT: ngingrich

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Newt is a corrupt career politician just like 90% of his cohorts whether they be rep or dem and will do no more than continue to allow and help the federal reserve to steal our wealth and usurp our nation with it global corporate subversive banking tactics !!!! Wipe all the BS out of your eyes people and start practicing the due diligence that is all of our national responsibility !!! No matter what party we are affiliated with the root cause of a lot of our problem is the same !!!! In fact it is the same in most of the supposed free world !!! The free market can never be free when a private for profit corporation disguised as a central banking institution is manipulating the monetary system !!!!! I hope some of you that read this will take the time to go on the Internet and look into the facts about the Fed and the greedy corporatist that are and have been taking advantage of us all !!!! Please go out and talk to people of other party affiliation and share the truth !!!!!! We the people don't write the policy we elect the politicians so we need to learn to find the truth even if you have to get out the history books !! The only candidate with any common sense that is actually honest is Ron Paul !!!!!!!!!!!! Please don't overlook this gentleman he is the best candidate America has and is the only candidate that is actually for the people !!!!! End the Fed and less big government !!! Gov should start at the community level !!! Ron Paul 2012 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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