Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Republican debate Dearborn, Michigan 10/09/07 VIDEO

UPDATE: 10/22/07 Republican Debate Orlando Florida 10/21/07 VIDEO - drew a strong response from the Florida Republican Party faithful. FULL VIDEO.

(editor's note: MSNBC and CNBC are not making online streaming files available The debate was streamed Live at 4:00 pm on CNBC and was repeated on TV on MSNBC at 9:00 pm. As soon as recorded files, images, mp3 and video are available they will be posted here. Find 12:56 min of VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS (embedded player), FULL STREAMING VIDEO in 5 parts (full debate) and full text transcript below).(update 10/11/07 msnbc has finally posted video find it below as well)

The Republican presidential candidates met in Dearborn, Mich., for their first debate in a month, their sixth major debate overall. The Wall Street Journal/CNBC/MSNBC debate, focused on the economy, started at 4 p.m. ET. The debate is a first for late entry into the 2008 race, Fred Thompson. FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT

Republican debate Dearborn, Michigan 10/09/07 VIDEO FULL DEBATE: (editors note if you are an ie7 user you may have to place the pages that opens from these links in your trusted zone for the target to open properly Full-page mode doesn't work in IE7? If you have enabled the "Allow active content to run in files on My Computer" Internet setting, full-page ActiveX controls (tif files, flash players) probably won't work in IE7. You'll just get a blank white rectangle, possibly with some Script Errors about "Invalid character" or "Object expected". This is caused by a defect in IE7's security features. If you need to use IE at a site that uses full-page TIFF or flash files, here are some possible workarounds:
  • Disable (uncheck) the "Internet Options" -> "Advanced" -> "Security" -> "Allow active content to run in files on My Computer" setting.
  • Place the site containing the TIFF file into your Trusted Sites security zone. (You'll probably have to uncheck the "Require server verification" checkbox.) Do this AT YOUR OWN RISK! This may weaken your security. If you're not using your Trusted Sites zone for anything else, consider increasing its security level to Medium-high.
  • Modify the Windows registry as follows. Do this AT YOUR OWN RISK! The exact security implications are not clear to us, but it will weaken your security. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl, there should be a number of keys whose names start with "FEATURE_". Add a new key named "FEATURE_BLOCK_LMZ_SCRIPT", if it does not already exist. Inside that key, create a new DWORD value named "iexplore.exe". Make sure its value is set to 0. Restart IE.)
  • We recommend you Upgrade to a compliant web browser like FIREFOX® with GOOGLE TOOLBAR
Michigan Republican debate
Michigan Republican debate
Republican presidential debate. VIDEO: Watch coverage of CNBC's Republican presidential debate (follow image or text link left), focusing on economic issues, and hosted by CNBC's Maria Bartiromo and MSNBC's Chris Matthews from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. ET 10/09/07.

October 9, 2007 - Dearborn, Michigan, CNBC, The Wall Street Journal,
and the University of Michigan-Dearborn will host a Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan at the Ford Community and Performing Arts Center.

Republican Debate LINE all the Latest News Updated 24/7/365 (Right click to open stories in new window)
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Monday, October 08, 2007

President Bush Iftaar Dinner VIDEO PODCAST

President George W. Bush welcomes guests to the Iftaar Dinner with Ambassadors and Muslim leaders in the State Dining Room of the White House, Thursday, Oct. 4, 2007. White House photo by Chris Greenberg.President Bush Attends Iftaar Dinner at the White House, FULL STREAMING VIDEO, State Dining Room Ramadan 2007 and Menu for Iftaar Dinner, 7:16 P.M. EDT PODCAST OF THIS ARTICLE
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for coming. Please be seated. Ramadan Mubarak. Laura and I are pleased to have you here for our seventh Iftaar dinner. Tonight we celebrate traditions of Islamic faith, which brings hope and comfort to more than a billion people. For Muslims around the world, the holy month of Ramadan is a special time of prayer and fasting. It is a time for charity and service to those less fortunate. It's a time to celebrate Islam's learned and vibrant culture, which has enriched civilization for centuries.

Ramadan is also a good time for Americans of all faiths to reflect on the values we hold in common -- including love of family, gratitude to the Almighty, devotion to community, and a commitment to religious liberty. The freedom of worship is central to the American character. It's the first protection in the Bill of Rights. It holds together the fabric of American society -- supporting every individual's right to practice his or her beliefs without fear.

Today, our world is at war with violent extremists who seek to tear the fabric of our society -- and stop the advance of freedom in Muslim societies around the world. They attack holy sites, destroy mosques and minarets, and kill innocent men, women and children -- including Muslims who do not share their radical views. They believe that by spreading chaos and violence they can frustrate the desire of Muslims to live in freedom and peace. We say to them, you don't represent Muslims, you do not represent Islam -- and you will not succeed.

America is standing with mainstream citizens across the broader Middle East. We stand with nearly 12 million Iraqis who voted for a democratic future for their children. We're standing with Afghan people, as they defend their young democracy against the Taliban and al Qaeda. We're standing with the Lebanese people, who raised the banner of a Cedar Revolution to reclaim their freedom and independence. We're standing with all who seek the blessings of liberty -- and the peace that freedom brings.

Americans have a history of standing with Muslims facing suffering and hardship -- and it's a proud history. Our country defended Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo after the breakup of Yugoslavia. We supported Kuwait after it was invaded by Saddam Hussein. Americans came to the aid of victims of devastating earthquakes in Pakistan, India, and Iran. Americans responded with urgency and compassion to the wreckage of the tsunami in Indonesia and Sri Lanka and Thailand. We're rallying the world to confront the genocide in Sudan, and deliver humanitarian aid for those in dire need. And we support the establishment of a Palestinian democracy to live side by side with Israel in peace.

As you break your Ramadan fast at this Iftaar dinner, let us renew our faith in the universality of freedom. Let us celebrate the millions of Muslims that we are proud to call American citizens. And let us honor the many Muslim nations that America is proud to call friends.

Laura and I are grateful you're here. Thank you for coming. We wish you a blessed Ramadan. And now I ask the Imam to say the blessing.

END 7:20 P.M. EDT For Immediate Release, Office of the Press Secretary, October 4, 2007

Technorati Tags: and or and or Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and Halloween Graveyard (Safety Tips) and Look at nanotubes inside living animals VIDEO