Thursday, February 24, 2011

Energy & Commerce Leaders Press Energy Dept. on Yucca Mountain, Status of Billions of Taxpayer Dollars Collected for Disbanded Project

House Energy and Commerce Committee LogoWASHINGTON, DC – House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Environment and the Economy Subcommittee Chairman John Shimkus (R-IL) today sent a letter to Energy Secretary Steven Chu seeking answers on the Yucca Mountain nuclear repository.
Upton and Shimkus are concerned that despite the scientific community’s seal of approval as well as billions of taxpayer dollars collected for the project, the administration inexplicably pulled the plug on the Yucca repository without offering a viable alternative.

In the letter to Energy Secretary Chu, Upton and Shimkus expressed concern over the billions of dollars that have been collected from the American public’s monthly electric bills. The two lawmakers wrote, “In the case of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act (the Act) we have extra obligations: a fiduciary duty to consumers who, under the Act, have paid billions of dollars into the Waste Fund only—so far—to receive nothing in return; and a moral obligation to stop the flow of taxpayer dollars from the U.S. Treasury to pay damages to plant operators whose contracts with the Department of Energy (the Department) to transfer possession of nuclear waste material are breached.”

Upton and Shimkus further wrote, “It would be difficult to draft legislation to make the Act more plain, specific, and mandatory than it already is. However, all three of these problems must be solved: the establishment of a permanent facility for accepting high level waste; the consumers paying out billions of dollars and receiving nothing in return; and the Treasury paying out billions of dollars in damages with no real end in sight due to the Department’s failure to meet its obligations.”

The full text of the letter to Energy Secretary Steven Chu. in PDF FORMAT

TEXT and IMAGE CREDIT: House Energy and Commerce Committee January 11, 2011 By Alexa Marrero, (202) 225-3641 or Sean Bonyun, (202) 225-3761 2125 Rayburn House Office Building | Washington, DC 20515 | (202) 225-2927

Paul Ryan: Americans Deserve Better Than Empty Promises From A Broke Government

Paul RyanHouse Budget Committee Chairman calls for honest leadership and fiscal responsibility.

Washington – House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (WI-01) issued the following statement in response to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s proposal to lock in elevated levels of spending:

“I remain hopeful that the President and his party will work with House Republicans to cut government spending and help grow the economy.
Over the past two years, spending on domestic government agencies increased by nearly 25%. This reckless spending spree failed to create jobs, plunged our nation deeper into debt, and stifled growth by fueling uncertainty.

“Last week, House Republicans sent a bill to the Senate that funds the government for the rest of the fiscal year while fulfilling our pledge to bring spending back to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels. Regrettably, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid insists on locking in elevated spending levels, rejecting warnings from economists and demands from the American people to get Washington’s fiscal house in order. If Senate Democrats block legislation that would fund the government for the rest of the year at more reasonable spending levels, House Republicans intend to pass a short-term bill to keep the government running, but one that actually cuts spending. Republicans remain committed to restraining the explosive growth of government, which is critical to spur economic growth and job creation.

“Responsible leadership requires honestly addressing our nation’s most pressing fiscal and economic challenges. Americans deserve better than continued empty promises from a government heading for bankruptcy. We must advance spending cuts and real reforms to ensure real security and a path to prosperity.”


TEXT CREDIT: Committee On The Budget U.S. House of Representatives 207 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: 202.226.7270