Friday, September 16, 2011

Michele Bachmann's new web video “No to Obamacare and Perrycare” VIDEO FULL TEXT

Michele Bachmann's new web video “No to Obamacare and Perrycare” VIDEO

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Bachmann: “I oppose any governor or president who mandates a family’s healthcare choices”

Michele Bachmann's new web video

Los Angeles, Calif. – Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann released a new web video today titled “No to Obamacare and Perrycare” in which she takes a stand against the abuse of executive power and crony capitalism. The video highlights her specific opposition to individual mandates in Obamacare and Governor Rick Perry’s executive order for a mandate requiring 12-year-old girls to take the HPV vaccine.

“Whether it’s Obamacare or Perrycare, I oppose any governor or president who mandates a family’s healthcare choices,” Bachmann states in the video. “Especially if the decision-making process occurs behind closed doors, bypassing legislative action, and favors campaign contributors over families.”

The following is full text of the video:

“Hi, I’m Michele Bachmann. There are many important issues in this presidential campaign – including the role of government, abuse of executive power and crony capitalism. As a mother of three daughters, I believe that parents are the ones who should decide whether or not their young daughters should receive injections for sexually transmitted diseases. These are decisions that are best left to parents, the children and their doctors and should take into consideration the child’s health and the family’s values.

“Whether its Obamacare or Perrycare I oppose any governor or president who mandates a family’s healthcare choices and violates the rights of parents on these issues – especially if the decision-making process occurs behind closed doors, bypassing legislative action, and favors campaign contributors over families. That’s not right. As President, I’ll do what’s right for families.”

TEXT CREDIT: Bachmann for President P.O. Box 96891 | Washington, D.C. 20090-6891 855-624-7737 | 855-MB4-PRES

IMAGE CREDIT: teambachmann

President Obama’s socialized medicine plan was dealt a serious blow today by a new Beacon Hill Institute study

ObamaCare Undermined by Study that RomneyCare Killed 18,000 Jobs, Cost $8 billion.

Rick Perry CNN Tea Party Debate

If RomneyCare kills 18,000 jobs, imagine ObamaCare’s impact on U.S. jobs and economy

AUSTIN – President Obama’s socialized medicine plan was dealt a serious blow today by a new Beacon Hill Institute study showing that Governor Mitt Romney’s “RomneyCare” plan has cost 18,000 jobs and $8 billion.

“If RomneyCare killed 18,000 jobs in Massachusetts, imagine what ObamaCare will do to a U.S. economy already hurting from too much liberalism,” said Perry spokesman Ray Sullivan. “These government-mandated health schemes kill too many jobs and cost too much. RomneyCare’s job-killing results are another reason ObamaCare must be stopped.”

Yesterday, Governor Romney defended RomneyCare at a town hall meeting in Sun Lakes, Arizona, saying, “I like what we did.” (1)

A new study released today by the Beacon Hill Institute at Massachusetts’s Suffolk University proves Romney’s universal healthcare mandate has killed 18,000 jobs, robbed the state of millions in lost investment and slowed the growth of personal income for Massachusetts workers and families. (2)

“Governor Romney’s record is 18,000 jobs lost from RomneyCare and 47th in the nation for job creation,” Sullivan continued. “America already has a president who is killing jobs with government-run medicine. We can’t afford another.”

According to the study, Romney’s socialized medicine mandate:

Has cost the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 18,000 jobs,
Slowed the growth of personal income for workers and families,
Reduced investment in Massachusetts by between $21.28 million and $29.33 million

Additionally, an earlier study by Beacon Hill found that RomneyCare has cost taxpayers nationwide – not just in Massachusetts – nearly $4 billion in higher Medicaid and Medicare expenditures. Private insurance costs in the state have increased by another $4.3 billion. The Institute calculated the cumulative cost of RomneyCare to be $8.569 billion. (3)

  1. Mitt Romney town hall, Sun Lakes, AZ, broadcast by CNN, 9/14/11
  2. The Economic Effects of Massachusetts Health Care Reform,” Beacon Hill Institute, 9/15/11 PDF
  3. “The High Price of Massachusetts Health Care Reform,” Beacon Hill Institute, 7/13/11 PDF
TEXT CREDIT: Rick Perry for President 2012