Monday, October 24, 2011

Allen West Proud to see Jewish Service Chaplains memorialized at Arlington Cemetery

Proud to see Jewish Service Chaplains memorialized at Arlington Cemetery. 2011 marks the 150th yr Rabbi's have served in our Armed Forces.

Port Everglades- talking Free Trade Agreements

Port Everglades- talking Free Trade Agreements. This photo was taken on October 18, 2011 using a RIM BlackBerry 9650.


IMAGE CREDIT: By AllenWestFL Congressman Allen West

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Richard Burr Republican Weekly Address TEXT VIDEO 10/22/11

Richard Burr Republican Weekly Address TEXT VIDEO 10/22/11

Good morning. I'm Senator Richard Burr from North Carolina, and I'm honored to speak with you today.

For 32 straight months now, unemployment in this country has been over 8%. Thirty-two months -- that's a national record. It's also a clear indictment of the way we've handled the 23 million Americans looking for full-time employment.

Some in Washington, including the President, are suggesting that we simply spend more money. We've already tried that - it did not spur job growth then, and it won't now.

The American people realize that this is not about how much money Washington can spend. It's about getting government out of the way and creating the climate for growth and jobs.

This means listening to the American people and passing common-sense legislation that makes the rules that govern job-creating investments more predictable. Businesses are not going to hire if they can't anticipate what new tax or federal regulation is going to hit them next.

Richard Burr

Congress should lead by example and get the nation's fiscal house in order. It starts with better stewardship of taxpayer dollars. The government of the future has to be smaller and less expensive if we want the prosperity of the American people to win out.

The President has even ignored the suggestions of his own commission. Rather than implement even a single one of the strategic reforms and investments suggested by Simpson-Bowles, we continue to ignore our fiscal problems and focus only on spending more money and expanding the size of the federal government.

This lack of fiscal discipline is unsustainable and cannot continue -- you know it, and I know it. The longer we kick the can down the road, the more difficult it will be to address our real problems and spur real job growth.

Fortunately, there is an alternative to the President's approach. While some in Washington are focused on creating more government jobs, Republicans want to drive job creation in the private sector. We have a jobs proposal that would:

Simplify and stabilize the tax code

Rein in government regulations

Cap spending and reduce budget deficits

Propose common sense healthcare solutions

Encourage domestic energy development

Create a competitive workforce, and Increase exports

The American people deserve a debate on these issues.

Our proposal is simple, and it makes it easier for businesses to thrive, grow, and hire. We will simplify the tax code so that businesses can more readily predict their expenses and increase their competitiveness in a global economy.

We'll stop over-regulation at the federal level to ensure stability that businesses will not have to worry about the next burdensome regulation lurking around the corner. We'll lower federal spending and work towards a balanced budget amendment to restore the confidence in our government and our economy. We'll replace Obamacare with common-sense reforms that actually lower the cost of health care for all Americans. We'll increase America's energy independence by promoting increased oil and gas exploration and innovation in the field of renewable energy sources, driving down our reliance on energy imported from around the world. We will provide the tools needed for workers to succeed in the 21st century, and it starts with making sure our education system provides the foundational knowledge needed by tomorrow's workforce. We know that better schools and better workforce training, mean better jobs.

And, we'll promote free and fair trade to provide American businesses with opportunities to expand into new markets and remain competitive in the global marketplace, and hire workers to meet the increased demands of their goods and services.

Despite ideological differences, many of these proposals -- such as tax reform, regulatory reform, and increased trade opportunities - have the support of Republicans and Democrats.

There is bipartisan agreement on the need to fundamentally reform our tax code to make it simpler, more fair, and more predictable for all Americans and job creators.

The American people are hurting, and our economy is in grave danger. It's time for Congress to focus on the American people and not how difficult change might be.

It's time to stop playing games and to get on with the serious business that the American people expect from us. It's time to fundamentally reform the obstacles to job creation and economic growth. It's time we pursue common-sense solutions that make America more competitive and put our nation back on the right track.

This place that some call America and that we call home is the greatest country in the world. We should never forget the principles that made us great and will keep us great.

Thanks for listening. God bless this great country.

VIDEO and IMAGE CREDIT: gopweeklyaddress