Saturday, October 29, 2011

Bobby Schilling Weekly Republican Address TEXT PODCAST VIDEO 10/29/11

Bobby Schilling Weekly Republican Address TEXT PODCAST VIDEO 10/29/11 Podcast of the address: Download MP3 for PODCAST || FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT BELOW. || Download Video MPEG Video || MP4 Video

Washington (Oct 28) Delivering the Weekly Republican Address, Rep. Bobby Schilling (R-IL) calls on President Obama to support the ‘forgotten 15’ jobs bills that passed the House with bipartisan support, but are stuck in the Democratic-controlled Senate. Part of Republicans’ Plan for America’s Job Creators, the ‘forgotten 15’ represent opportunities to build on recent common ground between the two parties. Rep. Schilling, a small business owner, is in his first term representing Illinois’ 17th Congressional District. The full text of the address follows.

Bobby Schilling Weekly Republican Address TEXT PODCAST VIDEO 10/29/11

“Hello, I’m Congressman Bobby Schilling. I’m a lifelong resident of Illinois, born and raised in Rock Island and now living in Colona, where my wife Christie and I have raised our 10 children. For the last 14 years, we’ve been the proud owners of Saint Giuseppe’s Heavenly Pizza in Moline.

“Actually, my son likes to say he’s still not used to seeing me dressed up after so many years of wearing flour and pizza dough. It was a look I wore with pride – because it was our dream: a small, family-run business. It wasn’t always easy, but it taught me a lot of what I needed to know about how our economy works. And with unemployment in my state – also the president’s home state – at 10 percent, there’s no higher priority than jobs.

“But when I look at things like the ‘stimulus’ policies coming from the White House, I think the folks there could use a few weeks of wearing flour and pizza dough. They need to understand the American small business owner.

“When you’re a small business owner, you’re a troubleshooter – you identify a problem and fix it, so it doesn’t come back. Temporary band-aids won’t do the trick.

“That’s why I’m proud to support Republicans’ Plan for America’s Job Creators.

“Our plan looks at the problem from the view of the small businesspeople, and works to clear out barriers to job creation by addressing excessive regulations, fixing our tax code and closing loopholes, and paying down our debt.

“This week, the House passed another bill from the Republican jobs plan. It stops an IRS withholding tax that would hurt companies doing business with the government. This bill isn’t just a good idea – it’s a bipartisan one: it was in our jobs plan, and the president’s jobs plan as well. I’m pleased it passed the House with bipartisan support.

“Because jobs isn’t a Democrat issue or a Republican issue – it’s a red, white, and blue issue. We owe it to the American people to find common ground. We did it with the free trade agreements the president recently signed and we’re doing it with the repeal of the withholding tax and we can do more.

“Unfortunately, many of the jobs bills the House has passed are stuck in the Democratic-led Senate. We call these bills the ‘forgotten 15.’

“Let me tell you a little about them. These bills are common-sense bills that address those excessive federal regulations that are hurting small business job creation. They were written after listening to the farmers, manufacturers and small businesspeople from around the country. A number of them have bipartisan support. Yet the Senate won’t give these bills a vote, and the president hasn’t called for action.

“Politics and pessimism won’t get America back on track. I was disappointed to hear the president say at a campaign fundraiser this week that Americans have lost ‘our ambition, our imagination.’ I respectfully disagree. The people in my district are working harder, making more sacrifices, doing whatever it takes. He’s more than welcome to come meet some of them down at Saint Giuseppe’s.

“All they’re asking – all you’re asking – is that we listen and get government out of the way so our economy can get back to creating jobs. My colleagues and I in the House are doing everything we can to make that happen.

“Republicans have a jobs plan, one with some bipartisan support, but it’s stuck in the Senate. We’re asking President Obama to work with us and call on the Senate to pass the ‘forgotten 15’ to help the private sector create jobs, American jobs desperately needed.

“Let’s seize this opportunity, let’s build on our common ground for jobs.

“You can learn more about the Republican jobs plan at Thanks for taking time and have a great weekend.”

VIDEO and IMAGE CREDIT: HouseConference

TEXT CREDIT: Speaker of the House John Boehner Contact H-232 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 P (202) 225-0600 F (202) 225-5117

AUDIO / VIDEO FILES CREDIT: The House Republican Conference - Digital Communications 202-225-5439

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Eric Cantor's Remarks On House Repeal of 3% Withholding Rule VIDEO

It is clear that many businesses across this country are feeling the ill effect of the regulatory and tax burdens placed upon them by continued policies coming out of Washington and this Administration. Small businesses in particular, the backbone of our economy, face a cloud of uncertainty. This uncertainty prevents these entrepreneurs from taking a risk, from starting a business, and creating jobs. But, House Republicans want to work with our colleagues across the aisle and we want to help empower these small business men and women to once again begin the engine that drives our economy. This is the focus of the House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators. This is about jobs.

There are some who repeatedly claim that they want to vote on a jobs bill. Well, we passed one yesterday on a bipartisan basis. And today they will have another chance and we will pass another. Currently, the House has passed 16 bills focused on job creation that are sitting idly in the U.S. Senate. The President has traveled the country telling Americans, “We Can’t Wait” to pass some jobs bills. Well, we aren’t waiting. We continue to pass jobs bills. Perhaps it’s time for the President to deliver the “We Can’t Wait” message to the other body in the Capitol.

Today, the House will take another step in solving our jobs crisis by repealing the 3% withholding rule. Under this rule, federal, state and many local governments will be required to withhold 3% of all government payments made to contractors and suppliers. The impact of this rule would be huge accounting burdens on governments and potentially harmful cash flow disruptions for suppliers, contractors and subcontractors. Those are dollars that could otherwise be used to grow a business or hire more workers.

The cost of this law would then be felt by state and local governments, universities, like Virginia Commonwealth University that told me it is an “unreasonable burden on an institution of higher education.” It is an unreasonable burden on heavy equipment dealers, and other businesses across the country. Compliance costs would move capital, that could otherwise be used to hire additional workers, to the government.

Many of my fellow Virginians in the county in which I live would be severely impacted by this law. For example, if this law had been in effect in 2009 and 2010 in the county of Henrico, Virginia an estimated $15 million would not have reached small businesses that are already operating within small margins of profit. This is not the time to be adding additional costs to our job creators. In May of this year, my County Manager stated that, “The effect of this law may also be harmful to the economy with a significant amount of money being directed to the federal government instead of to businesses that would potentially use those funds to create jobs and grow their business.”

By passing another bill, another jobs bill, House Republicans are helping companies cope with this era of uncertainty. This is another bipartisan and common sense solution to support the small business men and women of our economy so that they can begin to support and begin to regenerate our ailing economy.

In the past week we have passed the long-awaited Free Trade Agreements, the Veterans Opportunity to Work Act, and next week we will further help entrepreneurs access capital with the Access to Capital for Job Creators Act. The President says “We Can’t Wait.” We agree. It’s time to get America working again, and we call upon the Senate not only to act on this jobs bill, but the other 16 that currently sit idly in the Senate.

TEXT CREDIT: Eric Canto Washington, DC Office 303 Cannon HOB Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2815 Fax: (202) 225-0011