Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Crossroads GPS ad spotlights failure of President Obama’s policies Airs in ten states for three weeks starting Wednesday 05/22/12 VIDEO

Crossroads GPS ad spotlights failure of President Obama’s policies Airs in ten states for three weeks starting Wednesday 05/22/12 VIDEO

New ad spotlights failure of President Obama’s policies to turn economy around; focuses on young people moving in with parents for lack of work. Airs in ten states for three weeks starting Wednesday.

WASHINGTON – Today, Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (Crossroads GPS) announced a new $9.7 million issue ad that will run for three weeks on TV to frame the national debate on jobs, the economy, taxes and government debt.

The new ad, “Basketball,” details the Obama Administration’s poor results on fixing the troubled economy, cutting the debt, keeping taxes low and other key issues. The initial television buy includes network affiliates in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

The new spot will start airing Wednesday, May 23 and run for three weeks with a rotation of :60 and :30 second versions. The spot can be viewed here, and is available for high resolution download upon request.

“This ad drives home the impact President Obama’s policies are having on American families and why those policies need to be changed,” said Steven Law, president of Crossroads GPS. “We want there to be a serious debate on the real issues people are facing in this country, and this ad expresses the human element of that debate.”

The ad urges citizens to support the “New Majority Agenda.”  For more information about the six major policy initiatives detailed in the plan, visit www.newmajorityagenda.org

Since President Obama took office in January 2009, the national debt has increased by more than $5 trillion, 45% more people are on food stamps, gas prices have doubled, and job growth is anemic, leaving record numbers of Americans to simply give up looking for work and leave the workforce. Obama and his advisors promised that his economic “stimulus” legislation would prevent the unemployment rate from rising above 8%, but it has been above 8% for every month of Obama’s presidency since February 2009, and the real unemployment rate is considered much higher by economists, due to the large number of discouraged workers who have left the workforce since Obama took office.

Crossroads GPS is a policy and grassroots advocacy organization that is committed to educating, equipping and mobilizing millions of American citizens to take action on the critical economic and legislative issues that will shape our nation’s future in the years ahead.

For more information, contact Jonathan Collegio at jacollegio@crossroadsgps.org or (202) 559-6424.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Ron Johnson Weekly Republican GOP Address On Dems' Failure To Offer A Budget 05/20/12 TEXT VIDEO

Ron Johnson Weekly Republican GOP Address On Dems' Failure To Offer A Budget 05/20/12 TEXT VIDEO In the Weekly Republican Address, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson discusses Senate Democrats' refusal to pass a budget.

Senator Ron Johnson

Sen. Johnson says: "It has been over 3 years since the Senate passed a budget. Think about that. Even though families and most businesses produce budgets to help control their finances, the largest financial entity in the world is operating without one. Why? Because Democrats in the Senate refuse to be held accountable. They either don't have a plan, or they simply do not want their fingerprints on one."

He adds: "For his part, President Obama has done nothing to encourage the Senate to pass a budget. Just this week in the Senate, the President's budget lost by a vote of 0 - 99. Last month, it failed in the House by a vote of 0 -- 414. And last year, his budget lost 0 - 97 in the Senate. This is a stunning repudiation of his leadership."

He concludes: "We can do better than this. America should do better. It is time to return to the values and principles that made this country great. I grew up in an America that valued hard work and celebrated success. America became the economic engine of the world, not because of government, but because millions of Americans had the freedom to pursue their dreams. We can reclaim this heritage once again and build a society where hard work is rewarded and every American has the opportunity to succeed. Republicans are ready, willing, and able to lead this noble effort."

Category: News & Politics. License: Standard YouTube License

TEXT IMAGE and VIDEO CREDIT: Published on May 19, 2012 by gopweeklyaddress