Thursday, October 17, 2013

Marsha Blackburn on her vote in opposition to the McConnell-Reid debt ceiling proposal

Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) issued the following statement on her vote in opposition to the McConnell-Reid debt ceiling proposal.

“While I believe it important to make sure our nation does not default on our debt, I cannot support the Senate proposal in it’s current form. House Republicans have fought to provide the same relief to hard-working Americans that the Obama Administration has generously provided to unions and big business to negate the impact of Obamacare. Every American should be treated equally under the law. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case in our nation’s capitol.

Marsha Blackburn

“Not only have President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Reid refused to come to the table and negotiate with us on the issues that are the drivers of our nation’s debt but the President won't even agree to give up his own gold-plated health insurance plan and enter into the state exchanges like me, my staff and many of my constituents.

“As the Budget Committees convene a budget conference, I will continue to work to enact spending cuts that are equal to the lift in the debt ceiling. We simply cannot continue to spend more money than we take in. As we begin discussions on the budget we must turn our focus on the harmful impact that Obamacare is having on our nation’s long-term spending. In refusing to confront the core problems that created this debt crisis, we fail to do the work the American people expect. We can’t keep kicking the can down the road.”

Congressman Blackburn is a member of the U.S. House of Representatives serving Tennessee’s 7th Congressional District. She serves as Vice Chair of the Energy and Commerce Committee and also holds a seat on the Budget Committee. Blackburn is a founding member of the Republican Women’s Policy Committee.

Marsha Blackburn Washington, Oct 16 | Mike Reynard(202-225-1112) Washington, DC Office 217 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 T (202) 225-2811 F (202) 225-3004

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Cut Spending & Grow the Economy

Cut Spending & Grow the Economy. Republicans refuse to support Democrats' attempts to increase spending and raise the debt limit by a trillion dollars. We continue to fight for policies to grow the economy and strengthen the middle class.

RepublicanSenators. Category: News & Politics. License: Standard YouTube License