Saturday, November 02, 2013

Weekly Republican Address Dan Coats 11/02/13 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT VIDEO

Weekly Republican Address Dan Coats 11/02/13 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT VIDEO

In the Weekly Republican Address, U.S. Sen. Dan Coats of Indiana says that fixing the faulty Obamacare website isn't going to solve the deep and systemic problems plaguing the ill-conceived health care law. "The failure of Obamacare launch is just the tip of the iceberg, and unless we act, Americans will be stuck on board this Titanic," says Coats, who has introduced legislation to delay the Obamacare mandates for one year. While the President granted a one-year delay for employers who don't provide health insurance coverage to workers, he refuses to grant similar relief to individuals and families who must purchase their own health plans. "This simply isn't fair," Coats says.


Hello. I'm Dan Coats and I have the honor of representing the people of Indiana in the United States Senate.

Two hundred and thirty-five years ago this July 4th, our Founding Fathers risked their lives and signed a document announcing the birth of America. Their brave declaration of freedom changed the course of history and revolutionized the world.

Our Founding Fathers severed the chains of tyranny to provide a land of opportunity for future generations. They left it to their children and grandchildren to protect this gift.

This generational responsibility is the story of America. Today, we must ask ourselves: Will we continue this tradition? Will we leave behind a more prosperous country for our children?

When I retired from the Senate 12 years ago, I felt confident that my children and grandchildren would have the opportunity to pursue the American Dream: a quality education, home ownership, and a good paying job to support a family. But over the past few years, I saw that dream become ever tougher for Americans to reach.

I returned to the Senate for one reason: I refused to stand on the sidelines. I refused to be part of the first generation to leave behind a country in worse shape than the one we inherited.

The American people understand the urgency of our fiscal crisis. They want their elected officials to stop spending money we don't have, and to enact policies that will grow our economy and get Americans back to work.

Unfortunately, the president's economic plan of spending and borrowing has failed. Over the past two years, debt has skyrocketed 35 percent to our nation's limit of $14.3 trillion. The annual deficit is now three times greater than the highest deficit of the previous administration. And today, nearly 14 million Americans are without work.

If these numbers aren't alarming enough, then the president should consider the numerous warnings from the financial markets both here and abroad. The eyes of the world are fixed on the U.S. to see if we have the political courage and moral sense to solve our debt crisis.

The president and Democrats in Congress must recognize that their game plan is not working. It's time to acknowledge that more government and higher taxes is not the answer to our problem. It's time for bold action and a new plan to address our current crisis.

For inspiration, they should look outside Washington, and there is no better playbook for getting us on the right track than the one used in Indiana.

The Hoosier way is quite simple -- we work hard and we live within our means. In Indiana, we understand that you cannot spend more money than you take in. When our state fell off course, a leader stepped up with solutions to steer it straight, and the people of Indiana responded.

Gov. Mitch Daniels, like the president, inherited a weak economy. In 2005, Indiana faced a $200 million deficit and had failed to balance the budget for seven years. And while other states increased spending and raised taxes, Indiana reduced spending, cut taxes and paid down its debts. Thanks to our governor's leadership and the resolve of Hoosiers, our state is now the most attractive place to do business in the Midwest.

The spend less, borrow less and tax less model in Indiana has resulted in balanced budgets, job creation, and a triple-A credit rating. In contrast, the spend more, borrow more and tax more approach of the president has resulted in fewer jobs, higher debt and a threatened downgrade from credit agencies.

The Hoosier model is a necessary first step to repairing our country's finances. And this week, every Senate Republican took that step by committing to a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The speaker of the House has committed to bringing the Balanced Budget Amendment to a vote later this month, and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has committed to fighting for a vote in the Senate as well. Broke or balanced, that's the choice before us.

Now some doubt our ability to overcome this fiscal crisis. But the problem we face is not insurmountable. We have overcome major challenges in the past. Times of trial have always produced moments of great leadership that rally the American people.

Now is the time for decisive leadership from this president.

It's time to cast aside the false safety of political denial and re-election hopes and put the future of our country above all else.

On July 4th 1776, our Founding Fathers put their honor and lives on the line to break from oppression and create a republic that valued individual rights, freedom, and liberty.

It is not only our duty, but our moral obligation to break from the oppression of debt and strengthen our country. We must all rise above the political considerations and do what is right for the future of our nation.

Thank you and may God continue to bless America as we celebrate our Independence.

Friday, November 01, 2013

Senator Mike Lee introduces The “Working Family Flexibility Act”

WASHINGTON – 10/31/13, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced a bill to help workers handle the constant challenge of work-life balance by allowing all individuals who work overtime to choose between monetary compensation or comp-time. The “Working Family Flexibility Act” would free workers to choose the best way to alleviate the difficulties of juggling work, home, kids, and community. Sen. Lee’s bill is a companion to legislation first introduced by Rep. Martha Roby (AL) in the House.

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT)

“For many families, especially with young children, their most precious commodity is time,” said Sen. Lee. “But today, federal labor laws restrict the way moms and dads and everyone else can use their time. For decades, Congress has given a special exemption from these laws to government employees. This is unacceptable. The same work-life options available to government employees should be available to private-sector workers, as well.”

“I am excited about the Working Families Flexibility Act gaining traction in the Senate, and I appreciate Sen. Mike Lee stepping forward to introduce a companion bill,” said Rep. Roby. “Talk to any working mom and dad and they’ll tell you they need more time – just one more hour in the day to make life work. We can’t legislate another hour in the day, but we can help working people better balance the demands of family and work by removing an unnecessary federal restriction on utilizing comp time in the private sector.”

Rep. Roby’s “Working Families Flexibility Act”, H.R. 1406, passed the House of Representatives in May. Sen. Lee’s bill is cosponsored by Sens. Coburn, Cruz, Hatch, Johnson, Paul, Risch, Roberts, and Rubio.

More Information:

How It Works

Gives employers the ability to offer their employees the option of comp time or overtime pay, both accrued at 1½ times the overtime hours worked.
Requires employers who decide to offer this option to their employees to establish a written agreement with the employee outlining the options and to allow each employee to voluntarily choose the option that best fits his needs.
Requires that comp time agreements be included in the collective bargaining agreement negotiated between the union and the employer for any employee represented by a union.
Allows employees who choose to accrue comp time to accrue up to 160 hours each year.
Allows employees to “cash out” their accrued comp time at the traditional overtime pay rate at any time throughout the year.
Maintains all existing employee protections, including the current 40-hour workweek and overtime accrual, and provides additional safeguards to ensure that the choice to use comp time is voluntary.
Requires employers to pay employees at the traditional overtime rate for any unused comp time at the end of each calendar year.

What It Does

Ends the unfair discrimination against private-sector employees
Enables parents to better balance work and family obligations
Frees all workers to choose which commodity – time or money – is the more important resource at a given time
Lessens the burden of unnecessary federal regulation.

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) Washington, D.C. 316 Hart Senate Office Building. Washington, D.C. 20510. Phone: 202-224-5444 Fax: 202-228-1168